Shennong Daojun

Chapter 43 September 7th, Bailu Assessment

After landing, Zhao Xing and Xu Lao Ba returned to the stall of the river fisherman.

He handed over the receipt, took back the deposit of one tael, and gave it to Xu Lao Ba again. One is one, two is two, and that's it.

It's late now, otherwise Xu Lao Ba would have to brag about it.

Zhao Xing looked at the time and returned to Gucheng.

"The wind is blowing~"

The wind was blowing under his feet, and his walking speed became faster, with one step covering two or three meters.

He returned home at the end of the Hai hour.

"Today's harvest is good. I just wanted to make a small fortune, but I didn't expect to get so much in the end."

"It seems that my second-level luck is really extraordinary."

If it was the first-level luck, I'm afraid I would miss this fourth-level bead.

"With this harvest, I won't have to worry about food and drink in the short term, and the speed of gathering Yuan will not be slow." Zhao Xing packed the beads and locked them in a box.

He still has some money left, so he's not in a hurry to sell them. He has to sell them at a high price.

If it were an ordinary person, they would not be able to sleep well after getting a windfall, but Zhao Xing should eat and sleep.

The next day, he went to the Sinong Supervisor to work and study as usual.

After the beginning of summer, the old Sinong began to focus on theory and less on practical operations.

He told everyone directly that the next solar term would test theory.

Reading books became the top priority for the Sinong Supervisor.

"Old Sinong, can you reveal which classics will be tested? Circle some key points for us?" an official asked.

Xue Wenzhong smiled slightly: "Of course, you can listen carefully. Daguanmu, Bencao Jing, Tianshi Baijie, Four Agricultural Chapters, Yueling Wufeng, Dimai Sanguang, Liwu Wanpian..."

Well, this question is equivalent to asking in vain, all of them are the key points!

Being well-informed and having a strong memory is a necessary quality for the Sinong official. The 19 states are vast and rich in resources, and there are many kinds of weather and geographical advantages, not to mention all kinds of plants.

If the court sends you to a place to take up a post, and you don't even know what to plant and when to plant it in that place, what use are you?

The above are still basic requirements, which is like kneeling down to beg God for food.

Many special environments require the Minister of Agriculture to cast a spell, change the weather, find the ground veins, create a good environment, and then decide what to plant.

"In the southern part of Guangling Prefecture, there is a Yuanling County. In spring, you can plant five Jiahe. Spring planting and spring harvest, one ear can feed five people."

"In summer, you can plant Baixue Teng. Summer planting and summer harvest, vine fruit can replenish hundreds of blood types."

"In autumn... Qian Dong, what is autumn?" Chen Ziyu tilted his head and looked at Qian Dong.

The latter spread his hands: "Why do you recite such an unpopular book "Dongtian Liwu"? Do you have a chance to be an official in Dongtian Fudi?"

"That's true." Chen Ziyu was about to put it down, but he only heard Zhao Xing beside him slowly saying: "In autumn, you can grow golden beans, plant in autumn and harvest in autumn, gather essence in three days, and make it into fine products in one month, and its price is higher than gold."

"In winter, you can dig bone-repairing ginseng, you can fix bones in ten days, and regenerate broken limbs in a hundred days."

Chen Ziyu opened the book and looked at it, and praised sincerely: "You are worthy of being my brother, you have a solid foundation."

Zhao Xing said with a little nostalgia: "Not entirely, if you can live there for a few years, you can also know it well."

"Brother, you talk as if you have been there in person. Guangling Prefecture is more than a million miles away from our Pinghai Prefecture?"

"Is it okay if I have been there in my dream?" Zhao Xing laughed.

"Okay, of course, who told you that you are the eldest brother."


Time passed, and the White Dew solar term was approaching in a blink of an eye.

Zhao Xing is also studying day and night to prepare for the exam. Once he is promoted to a regular position, he will not only be able to enter the Qiyun Dynasty system, increase his fortune and life, but he can also try to do many things.

For example, after becoming a regular member, the treasure mountain of the Great Dream Academy can probably try to get benefits again.

Becoming a regular Si Nong can also expand Zhao Xing's ability to act and learn more spells. Lay a more solid foundation for the future revival version.

Zhao Xing is not working hard to become a regular member, but to live forever. If he was thrown into the Taizu version a little further away, he would have just given up.

But if he was thrown into the Jingdi period, he felt that he could still fight to survive until the revival version.

This motivation is very simple and powerful. Think about it, if someone told you that if you start exercising from now on and maintain a healthy lifestyle, you can live another 20 years to wait for technological breakthroughs and become immortal, would you do it?

"If you don't marry or have children, the luck and fortune of being promoted and given a long life will not be dispersed, but will belong to the official himself."

"In addition, if there is a treasure that can prolong life, the sooner you use it, the better, otherwise the shackles will become stronger and stronger, and the difficulty will become greater and greater."

"When you receive a grade, other aspects will be improved, but if I have reached the corresponding grade when I receive a grade, all of it will be used to increase my life. So in the spring of next year, I'd better reach the ninth level of Ju Yuan, so that all the benefits of receiving a grade can be attributed to my longevity." Zhao Xing thought in his heart.

There is another advantage to doing this, that is, the impact of losing an official position and being demoted will become very small, or even completely unaffected.

It means that I have the ability to jump on your Great Zhou's luck express train, and you don't need to pull me too much, just open the door, and when you drive me off the car, I have the ability to jump off the car without getting hurt.

"Heaven's destiny is my destiny, Heaven's luck is my luck, Heaven's life is my life, can I return my luck to the court? I can't return a bit." After thinking about the future, Zhao Xing returned to the present.

September 7th, Bailu.

The Sinong Supervisor ushered in the first theoretical examination of the year.

The entire examination lasted two days. You must not be late for entry, but you can hand in your paper in advance.

The main question setter is still Xue Wenzhong, but the other officials of the Ministry of Agriculture need to review the questions together, and they must conform to the question-setting ideas of Nanyang County, and cannot be too erratic or too rigid.

After the test papers are graded, they need to be archived and submitted to Nanyang County for review. The results of other solar terms exams must also be archived and submitted, but Nanyang County generally does not look at them carefully, and will only conduct random checks unless someone reports it.

However, the theoretical exam must be reviewed in full.

Because it is no big deal if the clerk's magic is crooked, but it will be very dangerous if the theoretical ideas are crooked.

During the Taizu period, there was a clerk of the Ministry of Agriculture in Nanyang County. No one knew where he read the crooked book. During the exam, in order to show off himself, he wrote a theoretical idea of ​​"breaking the connection between heaven and earth". As a result, he offended both the Tianshi faction and the Dili faction at the same time, and was directly arrested and imprisoned.

Even the I School did not deny the Tianshi School and the Dili School, but there was a master and a servant. However, the "Jue Tiandi Tong" denied the current calendar and even denied Taoism itself. It was a complete heresy. This was not heresy, but a betrayal and insult to the country.

The Great Zhou Dynasty was relatively free in speech. Later, this person was investigated and released after being imprisoned for half a year. He was fine, but those booksellers who sold evil books suffered. After a severe crackdown and confiscation, all of them were exterminated.

"I have to be careful when writing in the exam. Don't come up with any ideas that are too advanced. Even if I go beyond that by half a step, I will get an A." Zhao Xing repeatedly reminded himself in his heart and then walked into the examination room.

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