Shennong Daojun

Chapter 45 Submit the paper early

Through the five elements, heavenly stems, earthly branches, and four seasons, it has always been the ultimate goal of the peasant school to establish a unified theory that can explain the mysteries of heaven and earth and the reincarnation of all things.

This proposition is too grand and too profound. It's impossible to really answer it, even a first-class big farmer can't do it.

But because of this, everyone can get points from the last question.

Officials only need to answer according to the current theory and write down the things they memorized by rote, and they can get two or three points out of twenty points.

If you can slightly relate the five elements, heavenly stems, earthly branches, and four seasons, you can get half the points.

If you want to go higher, you have to come up with something new.

But it should not be too outrageous, and it should be based on existing theories, otherwise it would be "making things up", and even experienced agricultural officials may not be able to do it.

So since it is difficult to come up with new ideas, why do we have to ask this question?

Because the Five Elements and Four Seasons theory is very important, all Sinongs will refer to the Five Elements and Four Seasons theory when making spells.

If the four seasons are not apparent, how can we determine the four seasons? It must be determined by matching the five elements.

If the four seasons are confused, then change the four seasons. How to change them? We still have to use the power of the five elements.

So this question is basically timeless.

"Officials are free to answer questions and write down their own opinions and guesses, but the answers must also be based on the examiner's preference."

"If the examiner is from the Tianshi School, then he must use the theory of the book 'The Great Five Elements of Tianshi' to get to the topic. If the examiner is from the 'Tianli School', then the theory of 'Tuwang Jixia' is most appropriate."

"If it's the Self School? That's the 'Yin Yang Five Elements Self Sutra'. However, the Self School is weak. The ideas of this school are not popular and are not close to the mainstream theory. Using it to get to the point is a strong answer." Zhao Xing Secret passage.

The ego school believes that living beings have their own set of natural clocks in their bodies, which is simply a "biological clock". The five internal organs are matched with the five elements, and other organs of the body are matched with the heavenly branches and the earthly stems.

This set of statements is called the "Small Five Elements and Four Seasons Theory", also known as the "Inner Five Elements and Four Seasons Theory". Judging from the name, it is obvious that it is not accepted by the mainstream and is relatively unpopular among the niche.

But after the revival version and the rise of the ego sect, this theory became popular and crushed other schools of thought.

Because ‘pure soil can be opened up in the body’, ‘native species can be cultivated in the Dantian’, and one can even look inside the heaven and earth and form a world of its own.

But if you write it now, even people from the ego sect will think you are a lunatic, because at present, the most you can do is 'open up pure Yuan soil' and create a world of its own within your body? Are you crazy?

So Zhao Xing ruled it out directly.

"The earliest Five Elements Chapter uses A to match wood, B to fire, Wu to earth, Geng to metal, and Ren to water. But the correlation is too weak, and the coordination of the four seasons is not considered at all."

"The four seasons were later divided into three months: Meng, Zhong and Ji."

"The three months of spring, Mengchun, Zhongchun, and Jichun, are located in the east. The five elements belong to wood, and they are matched with A and B."

"The two months of summer, Mengxia and Zhongxia, are located in the south. The five elements belong to fire, and are paired with Bing and Ding."

"The third month of summer, "Ji Xia", is located in the center. The five elements belong to earth and are paired with Wu and Ji."

"The three months of autumn, Mengqiu, Zhongqiu and Jiqiu, are located in the west. The five elements belong to gold, and are paired with Geng and Xin."

"The three months of winter, Mengdong, Zhongdong, and Jidong, are located in the north. The five elements belong to water, and they match Rengui."

This is the mainstream ‘Tuwang Jixia theory’.

Zhao Xing didn't intend to give a good answer, because he basically wouldn't lose points in the past, which was enough to stand out from this assessment, so he copied the mainstream theory and copied it.

In this way, you can get a score of 30%.

"If this question is passed in the official temple exam, I can add some improvements. The current five elements are not balanced with the moon. Fire and earth are too weak, and the total is only matched for two months."

"Would you like to put in a little perspective first?"

Zhao Xing thought about it for half an hour, but never moved his pen.

In the end he decided to write two more sentences.

"The five elements are not more valuable than earth. Earth is in charge of the four seasons. Those who are destined to everything will not share the fame with fire."

"Wood, fire, metal, and water are used to control one season each. Earth is in the center, and the rope is used to control the four directions."

After writing these two sentences, Zhao Xing stopped answering. This is just a slight improvement on the imbalance of the five elements and the moon, and it is not a big change.

In fact, it excludes "earth" from "unifying the four seasons" and gives it the false name of "controlling the four directions".

But it is enough. For a small official to write this can already show that you are very thoughtful.

In fact, this is the embryonic form of later generations' "Earth King Four Seasons Theory", but Zhao Xing does not intend to release the improved "Tu King Four Seasons Theory" now. Virtue is not matched, and talking too much will bring disaster.

After answering the last question, Zhao Xing found that it was already dawn and it was already the next day.

"The exam started in the afternoon, and now it's the next morning, and it took me so long to answer it? It seems like I've been thinking about the last question for too long."

A true academic master must consider controlling his scores. In the last assessment, Zhao Xing not only controlled his own scores, but also controlled the scores of others.

This time I had to consider the actual impact, so I thought about it longer.

"I'm starving to death. I haven't even eaten. The food delivered here is cold."

After Laohe became rich, Zhao Xing no longer looked down upon the cold 'staff meal'.

Anyway, I planned to hand in my papers in advance and leave the examination room to go to a restaurant.

Zhao Xing sorted out the answer sheets without missing a single one, and walked towards the invigilation hall holding them.

It was not bright in the morning, but the patrols and invigilation were not relaxed. If it was a formal temple exam, even the Yin God would come to invigilate to prevent ghosts from helping people cheat!

"Huh? Why did you hand in the paper so early?" Xue Wenzhong was sitting in the hall, looking at Zhao Xing who came in with the guards, and couldn't help frowning.

He thought Zhao Xing was too arrogant. He had finished answering the questions before half of the exam time had passed?

He naturally knew the difficulty of the questions Xue Wenzhong asked. In order to select talents and report to the county, the subsequent exams were more difficult than one.

Zhao Xing's magic comprehension was good, but theory was another matter. A muscular man might not necessarily write a brilliant article.

"Has he become arrogant after getting the A-grade twice?"

Zhao Xing handed in the answer sheet and then saluted: "My lords, I'll hand in the paper."

Gao Linong, Tang Wanchun, and Pang Yuan were quite surprised to see this. Their thoughts were similar to Xue Wenzhong's. You finished it in such a short time?

But then he restrained his expression, neither sad nor happy, and had one thought in his mind:

Okay, okay, I'm not afraid of you being arrogant, I'm just afraid that you're not arrogant enough. You're the first one to hand in your paper, so we must review it carefully and we must not let you off!

Chen Shijie had a different view from them. He was more confident in Zhao Xing than others, which came from his natural trust in his 'confidant'.

"Okay, the first one to hand in your paper, I was right about you. You wait here for a while, and we will be able to review the results soon."

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