Shennong Daojun

Chapter 54 A cold wind enters the dream

Military Si Nong is more comprehensive than general Si Nong because their selection is more stringent.

Those who can farm may not necessarily fight, but military Si Nong who can fight can definitely farm!

In the entire Si Nong Bureau, the only one who can teach Yin Feng and Bing Yu magic is Chen Shijie.

Because he used to be a military Si Nong, he was considered a "military officer", but later for some reasons, he was transferred back to the rear and became a "civilian officer".

"You are indeed a seedling for being a military Si Nong. You haven't even entered the rank yet, but you have received the law in the temple, and you have comprehended Yin Feng and Bing Yu."

The next day, Chen Shijie heard the news and was quite happy, thinking that he was not wrong.

"When the primary spell reaches the seventh turn, there is a chance to comprehend the intermediate spell."

"If the primary spell reaches the ninth turn, the corresponding intermediate spell will also increase its power."

"So if you want to master Yin Feng, Ice Rain, and Lightning, the primary spells cannot be left behind, and they can verify each other."

"The stronger the foundation, the easier it is for you to comprehend."

Chen Shijie explained briefly and began to demonstrate on the spot: "Normal wind-raising spells usually raise 'yang wind', which comes from the sky. Even if it is performed in the cold winter, it is considered 'yang wind'."

Chen Shijie waved his hand, and a warm wind surrounded Zhao Xing.

"The sky is yang and the earth is yin, and the yin wind comes from the ground."

Before Chen Shijie finished speaking, a cold wind came from the bottom to the top, sweeping Zhao Xing's whole body, as if to blow his soul away.

No matter how the blood and qi circulate, or how the vital energy churns, it is useless.

"The body, armor, and robes can block the Yang wind, but the Yin wind can make most defensive treasures ineffective. It all depends on the soul to resist."

"Of course, if the body is stronger, the Yang soul is also stronger, and the resistance is stronger, but even if the warriors of the entry level are affected by this Yin wind, they will not be able to help shaking, and the control over the body will be greatly reduced."

"In more serious cases, it can even directly blow the soul out of the body, turning people into wandering souls. This spell is too insidious. Except for the military minister, other ministers generally cannot learn it. Even if they can learn it, the court will not pass it on."

"If you want to learn the Yin wind spell, you must first know how to capture the Yin wind from the ground veins."

Chen Shijie removed the trace of Yin wind, and then a warm feeling flowed in Zhao Xing's body to help him recover.

"You have learned the spells of the Dili School, so it should be very simple to get started. Now you try to explore it with the method of the ground veins and then raise the wind from the ground."

Zhao Xing nodded, and then a stream of energy from his fingertips sank into the ground.

According to the theory of the Five Elements, wind overcomes earth, earth produces wood, and wood produces wind, but the power of the earth veins can also reverse the five elements, that is, earth produces wind, wood produces earth, and wind produces wood.

If he wants to raise wind from the earth veins, he has two choices. One is to use his vitality to reverse the power of the earth veins, and he can raise wind at will, but he has not yet entered the door, and he can't do it as easily as Chen Shijie.

The second choice is to capture the Yin attribute power that naturally exists in the earth veins. It will be much easier to mobilize it instead of going against the principle of the five elements.

The first vitality entered the earth, and it was exhausted before it explored the Yin attribute power.

Seeing this, Chen Shijie teased: "Don't worry, men are always so unsatisfactory the first time."

"..." Zhao Xing was speechless, what are you talking about?

But he was also used to Chen Shijie's character, so he pretended not to hear it and continued to play the second vitality.

The second vitality was exhausted again, and the wind still failed.

It's not Zhao Xing's fault. It's just that the ground veins inside Gucheng are relatively stable and difficult to capture.

In addition, it's still extremely hot after Bailu, and the yang is strong and the yin is weak. It's even more difficult to raise Yin wind from the ground.

The best solar terms for practicing the [Yinfeng] spell are 'Dahan' and 'Xiaohan', followed by 'Qingming'.

If you really miss these solar terms, it's best to practice at night.

"Forget it, you can't do it now, you can try again at night." Chen Shijie smiled, "You just need to understand the principle of this spell."

Zhao Xing turned a deaf ear to it. If Lao Chen didn't laugh at him, he wouldn't have argued with him, but Chen Shijie actually said he couldn't do it.

Can a man admit that he can't do it?

Seeing this, Chen Shijie stopped persuading him and went into the study room to take a nap leisurely.

Zhao Xing continued to squat on the ground and tried again and again.

The sun was scorching at noon, but Zhao Xing didn't feel tired. He ate a piece of Tianyuan pear when he was thirsty, and ate another piece when his vitality was exhausted.

He is now at the fourth level of Ju Yuan, and can quickly digest Tian Yuan Pear.

"The fluctuation of the earth veins is often more yang than yin. I must be more focused and patient to capture the yin power in the earth veins." Zhao Xing simply lay on the ground with his five fingers inserted into the ground.

Before going to bed, Chen Shijie glanced out the window and found that Zhao Xing was so careless about his image, and couldn't help but smile.

As the saying goes, when there is light in your eyes, everything looks good. He didn't think Zhao Xing was stubborn, but felt that Zhao Xing had a firm heart.

"The general will definitely be very happy to see him." Chen Shijie muttered to himself, closed the window, and lay on the mat with his eyes closed for a nap.

Dim lights, frozen atmosphere.

"You damn bastard! You killed your father and mother, and you still want to harm us?" A distorted woman's face appeared in front of Chen Shijie.

"If you still have a conscience, run away at night and never show up in front of us again."

"We will never support you! Do you understand? I'm talking to you, bastard!"

"Aunt, it hurts..."

The broken bowl and the cold steamed buns.

"Hey, where are you from? Do you know the rules? How dare you beg for food in our territory?!"

"My name is Chen Shijie, from Chenjia Village, Xishan County..."

"I don't care where you come from, brothers, fight!"


The broken bowl fell to the ground, and the steamed bun gradually turned red.

"Master Chen, Master Chen? Old Chen, what's wrong with you!"

Chen Shijie felt someone shaking him.


He sat up suddenly, awakened from his dream.

A strong murderous aura spread out, and he bent his fingers into swords and hit Zhao Xing.

Thump, thump, thump~

Zhao Xing stepped back a few steps and rubbed his shoulders in doubt.

Damn, Old Chen, you are not going to play the game of killing people in dreams, are you?

"Huh? It's you." Chen Shijie reacted, and at the last moment, he withdrew his strength, and the energy on his fingertips turned and returned to his body. "What are you doing in my room?"

"I raised a gloomy wind from the ground and blew it towards you." Zhao Xing explained, "You said you could practice with me. I thought you were awake, but I didn't expect you to have a nightmare..."

Chen Shijie finally realized that it was you who did it!

Zhao Xing's gloomy wind couldn't move his soul, but it gave him a nightmare.

"Nightmare? Who said I had a nightmare?" Chen Shijie snorted, "With your little ability, you can't affect me. Don't get close to a sleeping military minister in the future. Fortunately, I controlled it this time, otherwise you would have more than just a shoulder pain. I won't teach you today. Go back and practice on your own."

"Yes, I remember." Zhao Xing bowed and said goodbye.

Looking at Zhao Xing's back as he left, Chen Shijie couldn't help but curl his lips. This guy's progress is really fast. He successfully raised a gloomy wind before noon?

Humph, I have to praise him less in the future. This kid is a little arrogant. He actually called me Lao Chen?

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