Shennong Daojun

Chapter 61 Red Fruit Falls from the Sky

After the three golden bamboos matured, they were quickly cut down.

Zhao Xing began to patiently stab the straw man.

Since defeating Zong Shichang in the Beginning of Autumn Examination, his magic skills have not fallen behind, and practice is very important. He has to stick a straw man in Xue Wenzhong's backyard for two to three hours every day.

Among them, Dali's man made the fastest progress, because Zhao Xing felt that Dali's man was very easy to use. Not only for fighting, but also for moving bricks and plowing the ground, Dali's man was also his first choice.

Nowadays, Zhao Xing's five kinds of grass-man skills are the sixth level.

The Tangled Grass Man is Level 5

The Scarecrow is Level 3

Thorn Grass Man only has two turns.

But the powerful straw man has reached the seventh rank level!

"Three Vajra bamboos can probably make 15 Vajras, but now that it's been more than two hours, I might as well plant it again."

"The green vines are enough. Three green vines are enough to make forty or fifty entangled straw men."

Zhao Xing took out three diamond bamboo seedlings from the asparagus box and planted them. Then the clouds and rain spread and they grew vigorously.

The soil in Donghu Mountain is quite fertile. Even if they were planted once, Zhao Xing estimated that the three diamond bamboo seedlings would be mature in four or five hours at most.

The moving clouds shrouded the bottom of the cliff, and Zhao Xing began to focus on planting grass.

[You made a straw puppet (strong), proficiency +5]

【Straw Puppet (Defense)】

[Proficiency: 7201/9999]

[Utility: Indestructible, infinitely powerful. 】

[You made a straw man puppet (strong), proficiency +8]

[Straw Puppet (Defense)]

[Proficiency: 7209/9999]

[Utility: Indestructible, infinitely powerful. 】

The straw man method is easy to learn but difficult to master. After the powerful straw man reaches the seventh level, it no longer provides proficiency to [Every Tree and Plant Weapons].

Even with the diamond bamboo material used, the proficiency level given by Dali Cao Man itself is only in single digits.

Zhao Xing's understanding of magic has entered a gentle transition period.

If he wants to reach perfection in a short period of time, he must use more and better materials.

"Go and hide outside."

After the four powerful King Kongs came out, Zhao Xing let the four powerful King Kongs lie in the soil not far away and act as Voldemort.

Then he pulled two more ivy plants and made two five-turn grass figures, hiding in the trees and blending in with the environment.

With protection, Zhao Xing devoted himself more to making the straw puppet.

I was so focused that I didn't know how much time was passing.

Zhao Xing touched behind him, but found nothing.

He found that he had run out of material.


Zhao Xing took a long breath, straightened up, and rubbed his eyes.

"It took an hour, and the fifteen powerful Vajras were finally completed."

Slow work leads to careful work. These fifteen powerful Vajras are all extraordinary and full of charm.


Zhao Xing picked a handful of ivy fruits to satisfy his hunger, lay on the ivy and looked at the sky.

Tianyuan pears have to be eaten at a critical moment, but it would be too wasteful to eat them now.

"I don't know if Ziyu and Qian Dong went into the mountain. I didn't seem to see them in the morning. Wu Si's Shen Zhui is at the seventh level of Juyuan. He is very popular in Wu Si and has invited people to accompany him. It shouldn't be a big problem."

When he was free, he unknowingly thought of his friends, and Zhao Xing actually worried about Zong Shichang.

"I wonder if this young master has come down the mountain, huh? What do I want him to do? Is it true that he is soft-spoken and short-handed?"

Turning over, Zhao Xing looked towards the mountain stream in the distance.

Suddenly a black spot appeared on the horizon, attracting Zhao Xing's attention.

The bright eye spell was activated, and Zhao Xing looked from a distance.

I saw someone flying over the mountain stream on horseback. The figure was holding a spear and wearing armor, looking quite heroic.

"Huh? The bamboo horse leaps over the stream and gallops through the air. Is this the master?"

"What is he jumping around for?"

Zhao Xing looked at it doubtfully.

He saw the bamboo horse rider jumping repeatedly in the mountain stream. He made three or four trips back and forth just by looking at it.

In mid-air, the knight stood up on his horse and looked around, seeming to be looking for something.

"Is he performing a spiritual show?"

"I wonder what he found."

The beauty in the mountains may be a tree, an object, or even a handful of loess or a cloud.

Zhao Xing's eyes flickered and he stared at the sky, but found nothing unusual.

"It's too far away to be detected."

After a moment, he withdrew his gaze and stopped paying attention.

There are three levels of spiritual beauty: upper, middle and lower. The higher the quality, the more blurry the induction will be, and even difficult to identify.

The warrior who can defeat the eighth-level Juyuan warrior invited by Zong Shichang may be at the ninth level.

It’s better to watch less.

In the blink of an eye, dusk came, and the three diamond bamboos planted by Zhao Xingxin were already approaching maturity.

"The destructive power of barbaric growth is still too great. Even if Donghu Mountain is full of vitality, if it is replanted in the same place, the second growth will be much slower." Zhao Xing secretly said.

"Fortunately, it's almost mature. When it's mature, I'll finish making the straw man and move to another place later. Let's have a good rest tonight and regain our strength before climbing again tomorrow morning."

Waiting patiently for the Diamond Bamboo to mature.



The branches above the Diamond Bamboo swayed, and the sound of bamboo leaves rubbing reached my ears, as if something had fallen.

"No way, something dropped again?" Zhao Xing became alert, but the next moment he heard that the thing that fell should not be big.

At least not personally.

"Maybe rocks fell off the cliff?"

Zhao Xing approached the Diamond Bamboo and followed the sound.

I saw a fist-sized, red fruit stuck on the branch of Diamond Bamboo.


When he saw this fruit, Zhao Xing's heart beat involuntarily.

On a whim!

It’s the feeling after meeting Lingxiu!

"Damn, a beauty fell from the sky? This fruit is actually the condensed beauty in the mountains?"

However, Zhao Xing didn't wait for Zhao Xing to get close.



There were two more sounds.

Two red fruits fell at Zhao Xing's feet.

One of them is only the size of a fist, but the other is as big as a baby's head!


Looking at the three red fruits in front of him, Zhao Xing couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Judging from the induction, these three red fruits are at least low-grade and beautiful, and even the largest one may have reached the mid-grade level.

"Is Yan's second-level luck so strong? I didn't even go up the mountain, but I can still pick up Lingxiu at the foot of the mountain?"

Zhao Xing's heart was beating uncontrollably, and just smelling the aroma of the fruit made him feel refreshed, and half of the energy he had consumed when cutting grass was restored.

"Thank you for the gift of nature." Zhao Xing smiled from ear to ear, and he bent down to pick up the red fruits.

However, at this moment, the page of the evil calendar in his arms suddenly turned.

At the same time, a soft female voice came from the other end of the stream.

"Brother, it turns out you are here, but it's so hard to find a slave~"

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