Shennong Daojun

Chapter 70 Two New Methods

In ancient times, Si Nong made clouds and rain, so why did he have to send thunder first?

In the chaotic era of natural disasters in ancient times, demons were rampant, and it was very difficult to change the weather and set the weather.

Thunder magic is used to clear the demons and monsters between heaven and earth, so that the creatures can be subdued and follow the weather set by Si Nong.

This shows the importance of thunder magic in Si Nong's magic.

Zhao Xing was also good at thunder magic in his previous life, and the effect of thunder stone on his perception was very strong.

First, it is because it is the same as Chunyuan Zhuguo, which is a pure magic perception!

Second, Zhao Xing has been transformed by Dao Embryo Pill, and his understanding and qualifications have become very strong.

The perception is faster and the effect is better.

If you encounter someone else who has obtained this thunder magic, it may not have such an amazing effect.

"The power of thunder can be masculine and powerful, or feminine and dark, but no matter which one, it has a strong destructive power. Pure thunder also means pure destruction."

"Tens of thousands of thunders, some are as soft and floating as hair, some are as agile as fish, and some are as fierce as beasts..."

Zhao Xing watched the different thunders flashing in front of his eyes, and his understanding of thunder magic in his heart was also rapidly improving.

Unconsciously, the thunder stone became smaller and smaller, and a trace of lightning gradually spread out from the stone and climbed onto Zhao Xing's body.

The lightning became very soft and well-behaved at this moment. Even if it was subconsciously controlled, these thunders did not hurt Zhao Xing's body at all.

In the end, the purple stone turned into powder, and Zhao Xing became a purple lightning man.

There seemed to be thunder in his chest.

Every time his heart beat, there was a sound of thunder.

Although the sound was small, the officials who were resting and waiting near the Temple of Heaven Square could hear it vaguely.

The more skilled one is, the clearer one can hear.

"What's going on? The sky is clear, why can I hear thunder?" The middle-aged scholar waving a feather fan looked up at the sky.

"You heard thunder too?" A swordsman next to the middle-aged man with the feather fan also looked up at the sky in confusion.

"Strange, the weather here is extremely stable, and there is no trace of anyone casting thunder magic." Wen Zhao looked around.

"Maybe I heard it wrong? Maybe there are too many officials here, and we are too nervous." The warrior scratched his ears.

"Bo Ran, you are a martial artist of the eighth level of Ju Yuan, and you have achieved a unified state of control over yourself. Could it be that you still have auditory hallucinations?" Wen Zhao asked, "Do you believe it yourself?"

Zhang Boran supported the handle of the knife and chuckled, "I would rather it be an auditory hallucination, otherwise someone is casting a spell, but I can't detect where it comes from, isn't it dangerous? I plan to fight for the first incense tonight."

Wen Zhao thought for a moment, looked at the pile of straw men, and thought about it.

Zhang Boran raised his eyebrows: "Do you think that boy did it? Not really, I just saw him go up the mountain, at most he is at the sixth level of Ju Yuan, the straw man method is exquisite, but not particularly powerful."

"He looks young, and it is rare for him to be proficient in the straw man method, could it be that he is also proficient in thunder method?"

Wen Zhao shook his feather fan, with some worry in his brows: "It is true that he was at the sixth level of Ju Yuan before entering the temple, but don't forget that he has three spiritual talents, everything is possible."

The thunder and vision did not last long, and soon all the lightning on Zhao Xing's body disappeared.

When he opened his eyes, there was a flash of lightning in his eyes.

"The way of thunder method is mysterious and infinite." Zhao Xing couldn't help but sigh.

The more he improved, the farther he felt the road was.


Zhao Xing stretched out five fingers, and a thunder appeared on his fingertips.

After these five thunders extended, they intertwined with each other and formed a noose!

If the old Si Nong saw it here, he would probably praise it.

Because this is a new spell!

It is a spell that was naturally realized after [Thunder] reached the maximum level and made a further breakthrough.

Just like Xue Wenzhong immersed in the primary thunder method for a decade and realized the ‘three-foot sky thunder’ and ‘clouds in the palm’.

Zhao Xing named this new method ‘thunder noose’.

“There are more changes.” Zhao Xing’s mind moved. The thunder noose suddenly decomposed, like a pool of scattered cotton balls, and then reassembled, and the second level of change appeared.

I saw these thunder filaments slowly combined to form a shape exactly like Zhao Xing’s palm!

“Thunder big palm.”

Zhao Xing couldn’t help laughing, mainly because he thought of using the second new method to fight, which was equivalent to giving someone a big punching bag in mid-air, which was really high in damage and strong in insult.

“Yes, it’s the new spell I want.”

Looking at the panel records, Zhao Xing found that the thunder method was smart and brought him a lot of improvement.

First of all, the primary spell [Thunder] has reached the maximum level.

The intermediate spell [Lightning Attraction] has reached the seventh level in one go!

However, the most important thing is the two new methods that were realized based on thunder and lightning attraction!

When Zhao Xing named the new methods in his mind, the names and characteristics of the two new methods also appeared on the panel.

[Thunder Noose (self-created): intermediate spell]

[Proficiency: fifth level (5121)]

[Effect: Use the power of thunder to form up to five spell nooses, which can quickly trap the enemy and make it lose its mobility. ]

[Thunder Palm (self-created): intermediate spell]

[Proficiency: sixth level (6354)]

[Effect: Use the power of thunder to give the enemy a strong blow. ]

The two spells, [Thunder Noose] is feminine, and there is little noise when casting, which is completely opposite to the characteristics of ordinary thunder methods that make a lot of noise, and is very suitable for sneak attacks!

Wen Zhao and Zhang Boran, one at the ninth level of Ju Yuan and the other at the eighth level, could only vaguely hear the thunder, but could not tell where it came from.

You should know that these two people have practiced the [Piercing Ears] spell, which allows them to hear the buzzing of mosquitoes a hundred meters away.

[Thunder Palm] is fierce and has great lethality. Combined with [Thunder Rope], one yin and one yang, it can be said to complement each other.

Because it is a mid-level spell based on thunder and lightning, once it is realized, the spell level reaches the fifth and sixth levels respectively.

Since Zhao Xing is the founder of the spell, the power of these two spells can be continuously improved and surpassed without shackles.

Just like Lao Si Nong, he still casts the framework of moving clouds and thunder, but the power of the spell has long exceeded the ninth level.

Of course, if there are new insights or new opportunities in the future, more advanced spells can also be created.

You can also use this as a basis to learn high-level spells created by others. Learning from others, there is a way forward, and there are also various experience teachings, which will make the practice much smoother.

Self-created spells are more powerful, because you are the creator, and it is more satisfactory to perform, but no one can teach you this way, you have to rely on yourself.

How to choose depends on personal choice.

"After using Lei Fa Lingxiu and realizing these two new methods, I have a greater chance of competing for the first incense tonight." Zhao Xing said secretly, and he set his eyes on the other two Lingxiu.

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