Shennong Daojun

Chapter 85 Sixth-level Soul Armor and the Great Dream Spring and Autumn

As soon as Zhao Xing entered the maze of mechanisms, the two walls behind him closed, leaving him with no way out.

Pointing his finger towards the sky, the golden light disappeared into the sky and disappeared directly behind the four-meter-high wall.

"Sure enough, Xingyun can't support such a high height at all."

Zhao Xing tried to jump again and found that no matter how high he jumped, he could not exceed the height of the wall.

Of course, this does not mean that spells cannot be cast.

Instead, it can only be used inside the maze. It is impossible to use the trick to get an overview of the whole situation by relying on the moving clouds in the sky.

"See if there's anything we can use."

Zhao Xing randomly found a fork in the road and walked down.

The labyrinth of agencies tests strength, intelligence, will, and even social relations. It can be said to be very comprehensive.

The level that Dali uses to cultivate elites is all about being comprehensive.

Therefore, it is difficult to get through this maze of mechanisms even if you have the strength.

Unless you have reached the fourth level and have not yet broken through it, you can break through all the methods at once and directly break through this maze and get the reward.


Zhao Xing walked around a corner and saw a dead end ahead.

Under the wall, there was a goat-like machine beast with red hair staring at him.

The goat's eyes were also red. The moment their eyes met, Zhao Xing trembled, and then his whole body fell into a strange state.

"Hey~" Then the goat jumped slightly and disappeared at the end.

"You're so unlucky that you met an 'upside-down sheep' when you came up?" Zhao Xing couldn't help but smile bitterly.

The upside-down sheep is an illusion machine beast.

After falling under its illusion, the whole person will enter a state of 'retrograde behavior'.

Obviously he wanted to move forward, but because of what his mind was thinking, his hands and feet were really retreating.

If you want to cast the wind spell, what you actually cast is thunder.

He wanted to attack to the right, but ended up hitting the left.

"Bang!" Zhao Xing wanted to turn back, but accidentally changed the direction and hit the wall.

The intensity is just right, and it doesn't hurt your brain.

"It hurts." Zhao Xing obviously wanted to cover his forehead, but put his hand on his lower body.

This feeling of going against the grain is extremely uncomfortable.

But there is one thing that is gratifying. The familiar taste is back! He seemed to have found the feeling he had when he entered the dungeon in his previous life.

"There's an upside-down sheep, that's great. I'm bound to get the sixth-level treasure!"

Zhao Xing began to adjust his condition, quickly became familiar with the situation after the illusion, and continued walking.


Just after turning a few corners, a sudden sound of a machine turning was heard. Zhao Xing looked down and found that he had stepped into a trap.

There was a dent in the stone slab under his feet, and on the wall in front of him, there was a lightning needle inlaid with blue gems, which was already aimed at him.

"Huh, what a small skill."

Zhao Xing squatted down, knocked on several surrounding floors, and then lifted a uniquely shaped part from a loose floor.

Then he stuck it under his feet.

Lifting his feet, Lightning Needle still didn't respond.

Zhao Xing walked over slowly.

In the next quarter of an hour, Zhao Xing encountered various mechanisms, including fire-breathing ones and stone-dropping ones, hidden arrow-shooting ones, and even phantom mechanism beasts.

The maze is entirely composed of mechanisms.

All agencies follow the same principle, which is to interfere, prevent, and induce intruders. Delay the breaker's time.

"It is rumored that the maze of mechanisms was made by the geniuses of Da Li Tiangong Taoist Academy. They are constantly adding bricks and mortar and contributing fresh ideas to the maze."

"Anyone who can be adopted by the academy will be rewarded."

"This has led to countless geniuses racking their brains to add mechanisms here, and they would like to lay a hundred rolling mines on one brick."

"Why do you come here to embarrass others... What a crime."

Zhao Xing wiped his palms and sighed when he noticed a burst of redness and swelling on them.

Although he can be considered 'experienced', he still fell into a lot of tricks along the way.

The vision in front of him was blurred, and the surrounding area became dim.

Just now, in order to avoid six consecutive traps, he accidentally put his hand on the wall.

As a result, the seventh ring was also the most stupid one, which was covered in a layer of eye-catching powder.

"But the more mechanisms there are, it proves that what I want is getting closer. If I find the props on this floor, the next step will be much easier."

Zhao Xing went down the stairs, and the surrounding walls became shorter.

Although he is blind, this does not prevent him from moving.

Cast the Wind Spell and let everything around you appear clearly in your mind through the feedback of the wind blowing.

"Found it!"

A smile appeared on Zhao Xing's lips, then he took two steps back and hid in the blind corner of the steps.


The wind spell went towards a table in front, and the wind blew a piece of yellow paper on it.

"Oh ho ho ho!"

The table seemed to come alive, it kept making strange noises, as if it was burning feet on the ground, and its four legs were jumping around.

"Don't run away, desk monster!"

Zhao Xing shouted, and the machine beast that looked like a table rushed towards him.

On the way over, it actually changed its shape, with many spikes growing out of the table and legs.


The extremely fast table mechanism beast crashed into the wall.

Because Zhao Xing hid in the corner between the steps and the wall, the table mechanism beast was stuck.

The spikes on it were only half a finger away from Zhao Xing.

"Hmph, it's a little trick, it's ridiculous."

Zhao Xing reached out and tore off a piece of yellow paper taped to the table.


The table suddenly scattered into a pile of parts.

"A hybrid spell machine beast can make something like this. You are really a fucking talent." Zhao Xing complained in his heart while digging through the pile of broken pieces.

Soon, Zhao Xing found a silver-white bead among the parts.

[Transformation Bead: Special Item]

[You can transform into one of the ten people you have been in contact with recently. 】

[Transformation upper limit: Spiritual Bridge is perfect]

"It's you."

Zhao Xing smiled slightly.

Then crush the bead.

When the beads were crushed, streaks of light and shadow suddenly appeared in front of Zhao Xing's eyes.

Xue Wenzhong, Chen Shijie, Zhao Ruide, Zhao Zheng, Mrs. Cai...wait, don't come to Mrs. Cai!

Zhao Xing was startled when he saw the light and shadow stopping on Mrs. Cai for a moment.

Chen Shijie's appearance immediately came to mind.

Fortunately, the light and shadow jumped over again and settled on Chen Shijie.


The light and shadow condensed into shape, and Chen Shijie appeared in front of him.

"Huh~" Zhao Xing breathed a sigh of relief.

The characters formed by the special props transformed into beads will be completely based on the relationship between the characters in the mind.

In other words, the person's inner thoughts about his strength, personality, and relationship with the user will all be restored.

What if the ten people you have been in contact with recently are all enemies?

The transformed character is not a helper, but an obstacle, and will also attack the user.

Among the ten people Zhao Xing has been in contact with recently, Lao Chen is considered to be his choice.

Next, you need to have a certain amount of fighting power to get out of the maze with many traps.

If Mrs. Cai is really given to him, he can directly declare that he has failed to break through.

"What's wrong with you kid? Why are you staying in such a weird place? Huh? Why are you blind?" Chen Shijie asked curiously as soon as he appeared.

"Stop asking, Lao Chen, hurry up and help with the work."

Of course, this is not the real Chen Shijie, but an illusion of Chen Shijie in Zhao Xing's mind.

"What did you call me?" Chen Shijie frowned.

"Master Chen." Zhao Xing quickly changed his words, "Please help me, Master Chen."

"Hmph, that's pretty much it." Chen Shijie turned around and opened the way for Zhao Xing.

Chen Shijie showed his strength at the eighth level. With his help, the speed of the next level was immediately accelerated. He also knew a variety of intermediate perfection level spells.

Whether it is reaction, wisdom, or adaptability, they are all excellent.

As for whether the real Chen Shijie is so powerful?

Zhao Xing didn't know, but he guessed that Lao Chen was really that strong, even stronger than he imagined.

Deep down in his heart, he really believed that Chen Shijie must be at least in the eighth level.

In the chat between Zhao Xing and him alone, those insights were not something that a true ninth-grade person could have.

Although Chen Shijie claims to be a Si Nong from the Dili faction, he also has great insights into other magics. Jun Si Nong is more comprehensive, and Lao Chen is the best among them.

"Assuming that Old Chen is really that powerful in reality, then why did he come to Nanyang County to be such a small official?"

Zhao Xing looked at Lao Chen's back, and then squatted down.

Chen Shijie in front was bombarded in turn by seven mechanisms that were triggered.

"Cough cough, cough cough... What a broken place, why are there so many agencies." Chen Shijie came out of the smoke, his hair disheveled, and he kept coughing.

Zhao Xing looked up and looked ahead. When he passed him, he patted Chen Shijie on the shoulder: "Thank you, Old Chen."

"Are you itchy? You actually called me again..."

Chen Shijie was furious, but before he finished speaking, he turned into a ray of light and disappeared.

Zhao Xing walked into a circular room in front.

The surrounding light dimmed, and doors flashed in front of him.

"The five elements are in phase, the stem position is in, and the kan position is out."

Zhao Xing observed for a moment, then entered through the Qian door, and then came out from the Kun position and returned to the room.

One of the surrounding doors disappeared, but a new one soon appeared.

And produced different changes.

There was a door flashing with thunder, and lightning spread like tentacles into the room.

A golden sword slowly thrust out from the door, forcing Zhao Xing's position.

Zhao Xing glanced at the door that was spitting fire.

"Cleaning chestnuts from the fire can gain a glimmer of hope."

Then he rushed into the flame door.

The next moment, he returned to the room again.

At this time, the surrounding light door rotated again, and the roar of a beast came from behind the door.

Zhao Xing carefully identified it for a moment.

He looked at one of them with a smile: "The Qilin roars, and the auspicious beast comes to the door."

Then step into the light door.

The next moment, Zhao Xing appeared in the room again.

At this time, there are only four light gates left.

It's still spinning, but the breath coming from it has become much softer.

"Spring, summer, autumn and winter, the door of the four seasons."

"It's the last level."

"Enter through the spring gate, exit through the autumn gate."

"Thinking of Spring and Autumn is like a dream."

Zhao Xing stepped into a green light and then emerged from the golden light door.


The surrounding visions disappeared and thick fog rolled in. Zhao Xing looked up again and appeared in front of Haezhi.

"Student Zhao Xing passed the labyrinth in less than an hour and was rewarded with a sixth-level 'Soul Armor' weapon."

Then the magical beast Xie Zhi spit out a piece of dark armor from its mouth.

The armor was radiant. After it flew over, Zhao Xing reached out and took it. The armor immediately flowed along his skin, covering his entire body like flowing water.

"The sixth-level soul armor is the offspring of the peerless divine weapon 'Sunshine in the Sky'. Although it is only the sixth level, its soul protection effect is not weaker than the seventh level, and it can never be damaged. The attack power of the fourth level will also be weakened by 90%."

"Below the fourth level, it has a rebound effect on soul-related spells and attack secrets."

Xiezhi introduced.

"Thank you for your protection." Zhao Xing also noticed the specialness of the soul armor. At this moment, he felt that his body was warm. That was the comfort and security from the soul.

"The sixth-level soul armor comes with the first chapter of the national religion secret method. You must not disclose it."

"If someone notices the existence of the soul armor and then discloses it."

"Don't worry, unless you die, no one will know about the soul armor." Xiezhi said lightly, "If you die, the court will avenge you, take back the soul armor, and kill everyone who knows about it."

Zhao Xing nodded silently. Although this Xiezhi mechanical beast is spiritual and can communicate, it is limited to the Tiangong Hall. It does not know that Dali has perished.

"It's almost dawn. Your soul is too weak. Go out."

Then Xiezhi blew gently, and Zhao Xing immediately withdrew from the Tiangong Hall and retreated to the door of the Dameng Academy in one breath.

Opening his eyes, the familiar mosquito net came into view.

Zhao Xing touched his arms and found a pair of pendants and three pills.

Two of the fourth-level pills were the Five Internal Organs Elimination Pill and the Giant Whale Pill, and the third-level pill was the Earth Evil Pill.

As for the sixth-level treasure soul armor, it is integrated into the body and directly guarded in the sea of ​​consciousness.

The sixth-level treasure is still a treasure of the secular world. Although it is unique, it cannot be called a magic weapon and does not have this magical effect of integrating into the body.

But it is the sub-body of the peerless treasure 'Sunshine in the Sky', so it has the same effect as the seventh-level 'magic weapon' and is directly stored in the body.

"Sunshine in the Sky... I don't know if this magic weapon is in the Great Dream Academy." Zhao Xing thought silently. In the era of the Qiyun Dynasty, there were several peerless treasures that transcended the times.

They were handed down from ancient times. Due to the silence of spiritual energy, they also lost most of their power. They only shone again in the era of revival.

If there is a chance, Zhao Xing would certainly want to get the mother body of the soul armor.

"Xiezhi said that at the end of the level of the Tiangong Hall is a rare treasure, and it should not be the mother body of the soul armor. I don't know where it is."

This time, the biggest gain is undoubtedly the sixth-level soul armor.

And the Nightmare Sect's unique skill "Great Dream Spring and Autumn" attached to the soul armor.

Of course, the Giant Whale Pill, Earthly Evil Pill, and Five Organs Eliminating Evil Pill are also very good, and the effect can be seen immediately after taking them.

Every time he enters the academy, he has a huge harvest. Zhao Xing can't help but sigh:

"It's really a treasure mountain. If you make good use of this wealth, it may not be difficult to survive until the recovery era."

After the autumn split, the officials had two days off.

Zhao Xing didn't have to go to work, and stayed at home to digest the benefits.

He didn't need the Earthly Evil Pill for the time being, because it needs to be used with the method of refining evil to maximize its effectiveness, and the same is true for the Five Organs Eliminating Evil Pill.

As for the Giant Whale Pill, it took him a whole day to digest it.

"After taking this pill, I feel like I've eaten a whale." Zhao Xing moved back and forth in the courtyard, his face ruddy.

Zhao Zheng felt it was amazing to look at his elder brother. He ran and jumped all day without eating. His elder brother was really amazing!

Zhao Ruide was a little surprised, because he felt that Zhao Xing had changed a lot in that day.

It is mainly judged from the breath.

In the morning, Zhao Xing's breathing and the gathering of Yuan into the body were normal.

But at night, his breathing became extremely long, and the speed of gathering Yuan into the body also increased significantly.

"I have seen many martial artists with this physique, but this is the first time I have seen a Si Nong with this physique. I don't know what he experienced on the mountain." Zhao Ruide thought his son had an adventure on the mountain.

Now it is not accurate to say that Zhao Xing is as strong as a cow, but as strong as an elephant.

"He practiced martial arts, I am afraid he can also enter the grade." Zhao Ruide couldn't help but sigh. In comparison, Zhao Zheng was almost eight years old, and he didn't show any talent for martial arts, and he was very lazy, which was really a headache.

At night, Zhao Xing lay on the bed and began to practice "Da Meng Chun Qiu".

"Nightmare Sect is the national religion of Da Li, and Da Meng Chun Qiu is a classic unique skill." Zhao Xing has a deep memory of this unique skill because it makes great use of "dreams".

Although the unique skills of the sect era are not at their peak power in this era, "The Great Dream Spring and Autumn" is an exception.

What about "killing people in dreams" and "a dream of heaven and earth", even in this era, the power is not bad. It is a perfect version of transitional magic.

"People have three souls: heavenly soul, earthly soul, and life soul."

"The two souls of heaven and earth are often outside, only the life soul lives alone."

"After the life soul lives in the fetus, its potential is distributed in the flesh, forming the seven souls of a person."

"The heavenly soul is the soul of rebirth, and the earthly soul is the soul of cause and effect."

"The two souls of heaven and earth are free outside, and they have a certain intersection with the life soul, which is the 'dream'."

"Therefore, people will dream of places they have never been to in person, feel that a certain place seems very familiar, and dream of people who are closely related to their cause and effect, and even have magical induction."

"For example, relatives who are far away in the frontier have passed away, and they have dreamed before the news has been sent back."

"For example, in the dream, I actually recalled the content of the chat with my childhood playmate."

When Zhao Xing was studying the Dreaming Chapter of the Great Dream Spring and Autumn, he saw several interesting statements.

"The introductory chapter of the Great Dream Spring and Autumn has two stages, one is dream interpretation, and the other is dreaming."

"If you can dream at any time and anywhere, and control others to dream, then you have truly entered the door."

"After entering the door, it is the second chapter "Dream Walking."

"At that time, you can walk in other people's dreams and take advantage of the opportunity when the three souls meet to cut off the three souls of people."

"Once the three souls are destroyed, the seven spirits of the physical body will lose their control and become a walking corpse, not far from death."

Zhao Xing browsed the Dreaming Chapter of the Great Dream Spring and Autumn.

Suddenly, several spells in the Dreaming Chapter attracted his attention.

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