Shennong Daojun

Chapter 91 The earth soul is touched, and there is a feeling that something is wrong!

The agricultural officer has the responsibility to persuade farmers to ensure a good harvest. During the Harvest Festival, not only the weather in Gucheng but also in Nanyang County will be adjusted accordingly.

County-level agricultural supervisors control a wide range of weather conditions. Occasionally, if some details are not in place, it is up to the agricultural supervisors below to perform their duties.

In the past two days, Zhao Xing and Shen Zhui had to inspect and patrol in Anping Town.

After walking around Anping Town, we finally arrived at the village chief's house.

Statistics of harvests and payment of taxes do not require Zhao Xing and Shen Zhui to take care of it. They mainly just ask about the situation casually.

The elder is already over fifty. When he saw the two of them, he didn't feel any restraint, just like his descendants, he went about his daily routine:

"This year, Gucheng is like previous years, with good weather and a bumper harvest."

“As long as they work hard to farm, anyone can feed their family and have enough to eat.”

"But there are always those who are too lazy to cook. Let's talk about the 'Huang Shilang' from Group 6. On weekdays, he is just a good eater and a lazy cook. He stays at home and gnaws at his old age. It's the Harvest Festival and he doesn't know how to help the family."

"Last year, his mother and father were both seventy and eighty years old. They couldn't do it anymore. They were about to watch the rice rot in the field, but the villagers helped to collect it. This guy didn't know how to thank him. Instead, he said that everyone was worrying... Hey, no one is willing to help this year, and he is lying at home like this again, refusing to go to work, saying that the government will distribute relief grains to them..."

"That relief is old-age money given to his father and mother! He is a man in his thirties who has both hands and feet, and he actually said such a thing. It is simply shameless! Hey, Old Man Huang is really guilty of having such a son. ah!"

What Li Chang said made Shen Zhui furious, and he immediately asked: "Where is Huang Silang's home?"

"He's not home."

"Where is that?"

"Well, we're playing dice in the Niu Family Courtyard in front."

Shen Zhui stood up immediately: "There are still people who dare to gather for gambling. It's really unreasonable! Brother Zhao, let's go!"

"Here we come." Before leaving, Zhao Xing looked at Li Chang with Five Elements Observation. Although he kept staring at the other person's eyes with his bright eyes when the other person was talking, he still took another look.

He lowered his head and flipped through the almanac and found nothing unusual. Then he touched the little lynx and followed it with the straw guardian.

"Are you Huang Shiro?"

As soon as Shen Zhui and Zhao Xing walked to the place, they saw a man with unkempt hair and unfocused eyes coming out of Niu's house.

They had seen the roster and portrait from the chief, and recognized this man as Huang Silang at a glance.

"No, you have found the wrong person." Huang Silang bowed his head and started to move forward.

"Stop!" Shen Zhui shouted, "Why are you running?!"

Huang Silang stopped and could tell that these two officers were recalling the sneaky things he had done before, wondering which one had been discovered.

"Follow us." Zhao Xing confirmed that he was the real owner and got into the car again.

Huang Silang also wanted to climb onto the chariot, but was kicked down.

"Ouch~" Huang Silang fell to the ground.

It was not Zhao Xing and Shen Zhui who kicked it, but Shanmao.

It huffed outside with a very dissatisfied expression.

This man stinks so much that he doesn't want Huang Silang to come into the carriage.

"Just walk," Shen Zhui said.

Huang Silang was not happy anymore: "Sir, if we go to the county seat for at least an hour, I won't die from exhaustion?"

"Not to the county seat, but to your home!"

Huang Silang rolled his eyes: "Didn't you arrest me, sir? I didn't commit any crime?"

Shen Zhui laughed angrily at him: "You don't know whether you have committed a crime or not?"

Huang Silang chuckled and said: "No offense, no offense... The little one is gone."

"Stop! Let you go?!"

"Your father and mother are in the fields. As the son of man, you should take on these heavy tasks..." Shen Zhui said the truth sincerely.

Huang Silang had a look of impatience on his face, and he obviously didn't listen at all.

These things sounded like cocoons to his ears.

Shen Zhui talked for a quarter of an hour, but Huang Silang just remained silent.

Zhao Xing pulled Shen Zhui: "Brother Shen, you go first in the carriage, and I will tell him that I am a farmer, and it is my duty to persuade farmers."

Shen Zhui nodded and got into the carriage.

Zhao Xing stared at Huang Silang and said, "Why don't you help your mother and father harvest Yuandao?"

"I'm lazy."


You are quite confident.

Seeing that the two people were not arresting him, Huang Silang became more confident: "If you have pity on my parents, why don't you give some money? Or help my family harvest rice..."

A person who is shameless is invincible. There is nothing to say to such a person.

Zhao Xing whipped him: "Let me go to your farm!"

"Hey, why are you hitting people? Hey, don't hit, don't hit, I'll go..." Seeing that Zhao Xing was not joking, Huang Silang immediately shrank his head and led the way.

Arrived in the field.

Sure enough, there were two old men working in the fields.

Huang Silang stood on the ridge of the field indifferently.

Zhao Xing didn't talk nonsense to him, and casually tied a Fuxing straw man next to him, then asked for a whip from Shen Zhui's hand and handed it to the straw man: "Watch him harvest Yuandao, and whip him if he doesn't do it."

"What?" Huang Silang quit and said anxiously: "You are too lenient. What does it have to do with you whether I can farm or not... Oops, I'm beating people. Officials are beating people!!"

Huang Silang lay on the ground, crying heartbreakingly.

A neighbor nearby heard the movement and came to see it, and immediately became happy.

"Well done!"

"Bah, shameless!"

"It's Huang Silang. The official must have a reason to beat him."

Huang Silang's parents rushed over when they saw their son being beaten, but they were stopped by the neighbors before they could plead for mercy.

The neighbors couldn't stand it anymore, so you can imagine how bad Huang Silang's character was.

"Are you going to do it?" Zhao Xing squatted down and asked, "If you do it, you only need to be tired for a day or two. If you don't do it, I have plenty of ways to torture you."

"We are the two biggest officials in this area. It's useless for you to sue us. Do you understand?"

"I'll do it." Huang Silang got up. He couldn't stand the pain. Seeing that no one spoke for him, he immediately recognized the reality.

Huang Silang quickly rolled up his trousers and went down to the field.

He was forced to "reform through labor" by Zhao Xing.

After a while, Huang Silang groaned and complained about being tired.

Zhao Xing didn't indulge him.

Tired and sleepy? The sleepyhead was arranged to let Huang Silang recover his energy directly.

Want to be lazy? If there were any straw men, they would whip them.

Zhao Xing also made seven or eight straw men to guard the fields.

If Huang Silang tried to run away, he would be caught immediately.

Zhao Xing's move was a perfect example of physical persuasion.

However, no one in the surrounding neighborhood objected, and they all applauded.

Many people even put down their work to watch Huang Silang harvesting the rice.

"Silang, your posture is wrong. You will get tired easily if you don't bend your waist."

"Silang, are you tired? Your parents have been doing this for more than ten years."

"Huang Silang, there are blood-sucking worms crawling on your legs..."

Huang Silang's feet trembled, and he hurriedly touched them with his hands, but found that there was nothing wrong. He immediately realized that he had been deceived, so he glared at the child angrily.

"Pa~" The whip hit Huang Silang's back.

"Fuck!" Huang Silang cursed in his heart and had to continue working.

He wanted to escape, but found that there were straw men all around him.

Moreover, he became more and more energetic the more he worked, and he couldn't stop even if he wanted to. In order to avoid this torture, he had to work honestly.

When it was dusk, Huang Silang was much more honest, and he knew to pretend in front of the two adults and help his parents go home.

"Brother Zhao, your method is still effective." Shen Zhui couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene.

"It's useless. We will leave in two days, and he will be the same as before." Zhao Xing was lying in the car and petting the cat, "Unless we can keep urging him, let him work for a year or two, and then help him with a patient person like Brother Shen, who can reason with him from time to time, maybe he can change."

"Is that so?" Shen Zhui thought, "If I have the opportunity to govern a place in the future, I will definitely try the method you said, Brother Zhao."

After dark, the two did not return, but stayed at the home of the head of the village in Anping Town.

The next morning, the two continued to patrol Anping Town.

At lunch, I asked the old head of the village about Huang Silang.

"Huang Silang? He took advantage of the lunch break to go to the Niu family compound."

"He went to the Niu family again?" Shen Zhui's eyebrows were raised.

"Yes." The old headman said angrily, "You kindly let him take a break at noon, but he even used this little break time to have fun. He doesn't have much money, but he still wants to gamble... What a sin."

"Where did he get the money?" Zhao Xing asked.

"I gave his mother one or two coins to buy herbal medicine." Shen Zhui's eyes were full of anger, "This Huang Silang is really hateful! Niu Gui is also hateful. Yesterday I warned them not to play again, but he didn't listen?!"

Niu Family Compound.

"Big! Big! Big!"

"Open! Two, three, four, small!"

"Oh, I lost again! It's so damn unlucky!"

Huang Silang was disheveled, took off his shoes, rubbed his feet, and sniffed them.

Then he took out a silver coin from his boot and slapped it on the table: "Niu Gui, continue! I'm going to beat you to death today!"

Niu Gui said: "Silang, you only have this last one left, I think you should keep it for use. Besides, don't you have to work in the fields in the afternoon?"

"You pity me? Go on, go on, hurry up!"

Niu Gui smiled slightly: "Okay, then!"

The dice shook inside, and a heart-shaking sound was heard.

Huang Silang's eyes followed the dice cup up and down.

"Ding!" As the dice cup fell to the ground, Niu Gui pressed his hand on it: "Big or small?"


"Open, one, one, two, small, Silang, you lost again!"

Niu Gui smiled and took his silver coin.

"Bad luck!" Huang Silang slapped his thigh, got up and left the gambling table. The other gamblers continued.

He lost everything, but did not leave, but found a place outside the courtyard to sit down and rest.

According to the rules, as long as you come in to play, you can have a meal at Niu's house.

Huang Silang closed his eyes and fell asleep soon.

The door of Niu's house was knocked open.

Someone hurriedly reported that officials had come.

"Officials? What officials? They are just a few minor officials. I'll go and take a look, you continue."

Niu Gui ran to the door without panic.

There was a young man wearing two iron rulers on his waist, a brown hat on his head, and cloud boots on his feet at the door.

A young man in hemp clothes followed him, and another person followed him. It was not raining but he was wearing a straw raincoat and a hat.

"Shen Wusi, Zhao Sinong, what can I do for you?" Niu Gui immediately recognized the two after opening the door.

"Didn't I tell you yesterday not to gamble together?" Shen asked. "Do you think my words are just wind in your ears?"

Niu Gui's expression remained unchanged, but he didn't deny it: "It's all a small fight, just a few tricks played by fellow villagers... You can't be so lenient."

"Okay then, please invite me in to play a few games."

"You are joking. They are all idiots. How dare I play with you."

"Niu Gui, will you please invite us in?" Zhao Xing asked, "We are coming in now just for a casual look. If we come in after asking for an order, it will not be so easy."

Zhao Xing and Shen Zhui both have cultivation skills and have never entered Niu's house before. Now they also need Niu Gui, the master, to invite them in before they can enter.

Of course, if Shen Zhui carries a beheading order issued by the county government and a arrest order but are different, he does not need permission.

"Okay, you two adults, please come in." Seeing the tough attitude of the two men, Niu Gui could only say, please come in.

The invisible shackles disappeared, Zhao Xing and Shen Zhui crossed the threshold and entered the Niu family compound.

The Niu family is a large family with many fields. At this time, there are many rice guests taking a rest outside the hall. There are also some rice farmers who get paid to go in and play a few games.

When they saw the official coming in, no one was afraid, and some even muttered and complained, which affected their luck.

"Sir, it's really just a little fun... there isn't much money on the table."

But before Niu Gui finished speaking, Shen Zhui suddenly pulled out his shaku knife, a flash of light flashed, and the gaming table was split into two.

"Wow~" The copper coins inside suddenly fell to the floor.

Niu Gui's expression changed, and he was too frightened to say anything.

His table was a mechanism made of hardwood, but he didn't expect it to be split open in the air.

Niu Gui thought that Zhao Xing and Shen Zhui were just ordinary petty officials, and he ignored yesterday's notice.

Looking at it now, these two people are not easy to mess with.

"Take the stolen money and go to the military officials in the town to collect the punishment yourself." Shen Zhui said coldly.

"Yes, I will accept my punishment." Niu Gui's attitude suddenly changed.

Shen Zhui didn't embarrass him. Indeed, he didn't have much money. It was just enough to divide Niu Gui's fine, and he didn't have to go to jail.

As for the remaining gamblers, it is enough to ask them to disperse after routine questioning.

"Where's Huang Shiro?"

"There it is."

Hearing the familiar voice, Huang Silang trembled in his sleep. When he opened his eyes, he immediately saw the evil star.

He immediately wanted to escape from behind, but it was already too late.

"Humph! You really deserve to be a son of a man!" Shen Zhui became angry when he looked at this man. My father and mother were in poor health and had been working in the fields since they were old, but he was gambling here?

Even if I use my money for soup and medicine to gamble, am I still a human being?

"Shen Wusi lost this." Niu Gui carefully returned the money.

Zhao Xing was asking the strangers outside the hall.

"Who are they? They don't look like people from this village."

Anping Town is not big, and there are even fewer accounts in Group 6. Zhao Xing also has a rough impression of who is in the group. After all, he often came to Anping Town before, but he came less after Xiaoshu.

"Zhao Sinong, this is the rice guest I invited from Sanwan Town. Isn't it the autumn harvest?" Niu Gui accompanied him with a smile. He also recognized Zhao Xing, a small agricultural official who was more diligent than military officials when he went to the countryside.

Rice customers are farmers who travel to various places to help large families with large land harvest rice.

"Oh, what's your name?" Zhao Xing pointed at the two people casually.

"Little man Chen Deshun." The middle-aged man bowed his hand. He had a plain appearance, protruding cheekbones, thick hands and feet, and there was still dirt on his legs. He pointed to the woman next to him with a yellow leather barrel waist and a turban on her head: "This is the lowly wife Wu Chen."

"I've met you, sir." The woman also bowed her hands.

Both of them fit the symbol of Daoke. Zhao Xing nodded and turned to Niu Gui:

"Niu Gui, don't do such deceptive things in the future."

"Yes, yes, I won't dare to do it again." Niu Gui nodded and bowed, "I will go and receive the punishment."

After Zhao Xing, Shen Zhui, and Niu Gui all left, the middle-aged men and women inside the courtyard wall stared outside with twinkling eyes.

"Is he Zhao Xing?"

"Yes." Chen Deshun nodded, his simple eyes becoming cold.

"Quite handsome." The woman licked her lips. "He is indeed handsome and handsome, with an extraordinary temperament."

"You have forty-two points of wisdom, and so do you." Chen Deshun snorted.

"I really hope I can catch him and bring him back soon." A hint of evil flashed in the woman's eyes, "It's best to catch a few more handsome ones like this. I've been holding it in for more than ten years. I must have a good time on the road."

"Go back..." Chen Deshun also showed a trace of desire in his eyes, "If I can go back smoothly, I will make up for the past ten years."

Shen chased Niu Gui to the village head and handed him over to the military officials who were on routine inspections during the Harvest Festival to pay the fine, and then returned quickly.

Huang Silang was taken to the fields by the first-order straw men, while Zhao Xing sat on the carriage, feeling a little uneasy.

"Brother Zhao, what's wrong with you?" Shen Zhui couldn't help but ask when he saw Zhao Xing frowning.

"A little uneasy." Zhao Xing said.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know." Zhao Xing shook his head.

There is no basis for it, and there is no movement in the evil calendar.

"Is there something wrong with this Niu Gui?" Shen Zhui asked in a deep voice. "Is there a demon nearby?"

Zhao Xing shook his head again. After entering the gate of Niu's family, he used the Five Elements Observation to see that Niu Gui was normal, including everyone in the Niu family's compound.

Bright Eyes didn't find anything special. Since leaving the city, his observation method has been activated whenever he sees people.

There was nothing unusual, it was just a vague feeling.

"Have I been deducing too much with Lao Chen and become a little crazy? Everyone looks like a member of Xuantian Sect?" Zhao Xing also had some self-doubt in his heart.

Even if he really encountered a demon from Xuantian Sect, he would not be able to see it, because Xuantian Sect's hiding method is very sophisticated. That is the hiding method passed down from the ancient sect Xuantian Sect, and there is a method that can block the evil almanac, otherwise it would not have been lurking for more than ten years and it would be so difficult to find it.

In theory, even if he stood in front of the real demon from Xuantian Sect, he should not find anything.

But where does this feeling come from?

"The 'earth soul' among the three souls is the cause and effect soul. This feeling is likely to come from the touch of the earth soul."

Since the almanac and magic can't find out where this feeling comes from, Zhao Xing decided to look for the reason from another angle.

"Brother Shen, you drive, I'll take a nap first."

After thinking for a moment, Zhao Xing closed his eyes and began to dream.

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