The downstairs was very quiet, and no one dared to speak.

Until the old man's laughter came from upstairs, finally waking them up.


Ye Huixian shouted in surprise, and then ran upstairs.

He laughed so happily, needless to say he had improved.

As soon as she ran upstairs, Ye Weiguang and others looked at each other, a little bit unbelievable.

"That bastard, did he really save the old man?"

Second Aunt gnashed her teeth, wishing she could eat Lin Nan alive.

Their plan, because of Lin Nan's appearance, everything changed.

"Let's go up and take a look!"

Ye Weiguang sighed, and then walked upstairs.

The rest of the people, all pale, followed behind and walked up slowly.

Every step was as difficult as climbing a mountain of knives.

Ye Huixian knocked on the door and saw Ye Chongshan sitting there. She was immediately surprised and called him grandpa, then burst into tears and sobbed.

She had carried too much, especially the grievances she had suffered before, which made her cry no longer.

"Huixian, what grievances have you suffered? Tell me, grandpa will help you vent your anger!"

Ye Chongshan was extremely heartbroken, slapped the table and shouted.

Ye Weiguang just walked in and saw this scene, and his heart skipped a beat!


He glanced at Lin Nan and found that his eyes were cold, and he felt even more uneasy.

This devil supported Ye Huixian, it seemed that he was really unlucky.

Ye Huixian cried for a while, and then stopped.

Lin Nan took the tissue and handed it to her, saying gently: "Okay, stop crying, it's not beautiful if you cry anymore!"

"Hate it!"

Ye Huixian snorted, took the tissue and wiped away her tears.

Then, she looked at Ye Chongshan and asked: "Grandpa, how do you feel now?"

"Why, you just remembered to ask Grandpa? You are so heartless!"

Ye Chongshan snorted.

"Hate it, Grandpa, I'm relieved only because you are fine!"

Ye Huixian said coquettishly.

Ye Chongshan laughed and patted her shoulder and said: "Okay, Grandpa knows your filial piety! It's okay, Lin Nan's medical skills are really great, although I can't get better all at once, but this stubborn disease is cured, and the rest are some minor problems, which will be fine after a period of recuperation."

"Lin Nan, is that right?"

Ye Huixian turned around and asked.

Lin Nan nodded: "Yes, after ten days of recuperation, Grandpa will be in great shape!"

"Great! Grandpa, you have worked hard all your life and have many problems. Now you are fine and can finally enjoy your old age."

Ye Huixian said happily.

Ye Chongshan nodded and said with emotion: "Yes, I am relieved to see that you have really grown up! Huixian, you will really shoulder the responsibility of this family in the future! Can you bear this burden?"

Ye Huixian's face was firm, and she clenched her fist and said: "I can!"

"Okay, I believe you can do it!"

Ye Chongshan said with a smile on his face.

Then, his face darkened and he shouted: "You guys come here!"

Ye Weiguang's heart sank, it's over!

Ye Chongshan has accumulated power for a long time, and they usually dare not disobey him. Otherwise, how could Ye Huixian take power?

Ye Weiguang didn't dare to disobey, let alone his wife and the other people. They stood in front of Ye Chongshan without uttering a word.

"You are really amazing. Do you think I am dying of illness, so you dare to plot against me? Yes, after I die, you can bully Huixian as much as you want, let her hand over the power, and let you ruin the family!"

Ye Chongshan said coldly.

"Dad, we are also doing this for the good of the family."

The second aunt saw that Ye Weiguang didn't dare to speak, gritted her teeth, and raised her head and said.

"For the good of the Ye family? His second aunt, how come I don't know that you have this ability? In all these years, what else do you have to recommend you besides ruining the family?"

Ye Chongshan said sarcastically.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of several people were red.

They didn't have any ability. If they had to say that they had, then ruining the family was definitely the most powerful.

"Fortunately I didn't die, otherwise, the Ye family would really be ruined by you ruining the family!"

Ye Chongshan slammed the table and shouted angrily.

"Grandpa, you can't be so angry. Your body hasn't recovered yet!"

Lin Nan reached out and patted his shoulder.

Ye Chongshan felt a comfortable breath coming from Lin Nan's palm, and his irritable mood suddenly calmed down.

After calming down, he was suddenly very surprised. This future grandson-in-law is really capable!

"Okay, I'm not angry anymore! However, from today on, all of you will be suspended from your duties. I will assign all the positions to people again."

Ye Chongshan said coldly while looking at Ye Weiguang and others.

Ye Weiguang's face turned pale.

If the power in his hands is taken back, it means that his life will be extremely difficult in the future. All high-end banquets and luxury goods will be gone forever!

"Master, you are biased!"

Second Aunt could no longer control her anger and shouted.

"I am biased?"

Ye Chongshan looked at her with amusement.

"That's right, you are biased! Huixian is a girl, she will get married sooner or later. Does that mean that when she gets married, she will also marry into the Ye family? Will the Ye family still be the Ye family at that time?"

"Yes, our ability is not very good, but in addition to us, the Ye family has so many grandchildren. Aren't they qualified?"

Ye Chongshan listened to her quietly, and when she finished speaking, he said lightly: "Did you finish? Okay, I will explain the reason to you."

He pointed at the people present: "Let's talk about you first. I think you all know that you don't have the ability to manage. If you are in power, the Ye family will be destroyed in no time. Others have taken over, this is beyond doubt!"

"You mean the other grandsons, right? Very good, then tell me, which one is capable? If they had some ability, Huixian wouldn't have to work so hard, as a girl, to go to Tianguang Market alone!"

"They all like to rest on their laurels and enjoy life, rather than go out to venture!"

"Of course, if they can reform and get back on their feet in the future, I will still let them work in the family business! If they are still the same as before, then even if the Ye family says the same thing as I said, they will not let them lose everything if they marry Huixian!"

After Ye Chongshan finished speaking, he slammed the table heavily.

No one dared to speak.

Ye Chongshan was telling the truth, and they all knew it very well.

"Okay, if there is nothing to do, get out, today, the handover will be completed! Another point, the handover must be clean, if there are any problems that are not solved, you are still responsible!"

Ye Chongshan said coldly.

Ye Weiguang and the others turned even paler. They knew their own business. How could they calculate all the money they had made in the departments they were in charge of over the years?

This time, they were really finished!

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