Seeing this, the three stall owners were happy.

"Did you see that? It's the woman from before. She probably saw through his trick and came back to settle the score!"

Lin Nan also saw that the one who rushed over with the group of women was the only middle-aged woman who had bought his fairy pear before.

However, he was not panicked at all and stood there confidently.

"Boy, just wait to be torn apart by women!"

The stall owner next to him said gloatingly.

In a blink of an eye, the group of women rushed to Lin Nan and made a move together.

Pay money!

"Handsome guy, give me ten!"

"I want twenty!"

"I want thirty!"

Lin Nan was stunned.

The three stall owners next to him were also dumbfounded.

What's going on?

He's not here to settle accounts, but to bring people to buy fairy pears?

This agent is really good. He can actually trick so many people to come and buy. He's really amazing!

The three stall owners' eyes turned darkly, thinking about how to poach this agent, so that they can become rich in the future.

Lin Nan quickly reacted, collected the money with a smile on his face, and packed the fairy pears.

He moved quickly. In less than five minutes, most of the baskets of fairy pears were sold.

"Handsome guy, give me another twenty. I've eaten all the ones I bought before."

At this time, the middle-aged woman came up and said with a smile.

"Sister, thank you!"

Lin Nan smiled from ear to ear. This business is booming.

It can be said that this elder sister has made a great contribution to the popularity!

So, he put five more in.

"Handsome guy, did you make a mistake? I asked for 20, but you gave me too much."

The middle-aged woman was sharp-eyed and reminded him immediately.

"This is a thank-you gift. If it weren't for me promoting it, I guess I wouldn't be able to sell it for a while!"

Lin Nan said seriously.

"You're really interesting! But to be honest, your price is a bit scary. Most people won't buy it."

The middle-aged woman nodded and said.

"Sister Xian, you're wrong. From now on, I think this fairy pear will sell very quickly."

"That's right. This is the first time I've eaten such delicious pears. Let alone 30, even if it's 50 yuan, I'll buy it."

"Yes, it's delicious and has a beauty effect, much better than those cosmetics!"

Several women said excitedly.

"Have you ever thought about a question, whether this kind of pear contains any bad ingredients?"

Just then, a weird voice came from the side.

The voices of several women suddenly stopped and turned to look at the man.

"What do you want to do?"

The person who spoke was the stall owner next to him. Seeing the anger in the eyes of those women, he panicked a little.

"I think you have a problem with your brain. Your own pears are not good, so you start to suspect that others have problems!"

The woman called Sister Xian said angrily.

"That's right, this kind of person has red eye disease, he is really not a man!"

"No wonder your fruit can't be sold, it turns out that there is a problem with your character!"

A group of women talked at once, making the stall owner blush and dare not say anything back.

Lin Nan wanted to laugh. He had seen this kind of scene many times. The women in the countryside were much more powerful than these. He never dared to argue with women.

The noise here was getting louder and louder, and it also attracted many people to come and watch.

Then, when they knew the reason, those people became interested in Lin Nan's fairy pears.

"It looks good, but it's a little expensive!"

A man looked at the fairy pears and frowned.

"Brother, don't say it's expensive. My fairy pear is different from others. It has many nutritional effects. For example, if you smoke and drink a lot, you will have some problems with your respiratory system. If you eat my fairy pear, it will definitely be greatly improved."

Lin Nan said with a smile.

"Really? Why do I feel like you are a bit like a quack, saying that your pear is really a magic pill."

The middle-aged man was a little unconvinced.

"That's right, I don't believe that a pear can have such a big effect."

"This is obviously exaggerating the effect."

A group of people began to question.

Lin Nan was not panicked, and said to the middle-aged man: "Brother, I know that it's useless to just talk. You buy a few and eat them. If there is no effect, I will double the money back to you!"


The middle-aged man's eyes lit up. Anyway, it's okay to eat it. If there is no effect, you can get double compensation. This is a good thing!

"Of course, a real man, a mouthful of

Spit a nail!" Lin Nan said, patting his chest. "Okay, then give me five!" The middle-aged man immediately took out the money, looking like he had taken advantage of the situation. Lin Nan gave him the fairy pear bag and looked at other people: "Are you interested in buying some?" "I have pharyngitis, will this pear work?" A short man asked. "Of course, but I think you have had pharyngitis for a long time, and the problem is quite serious. You must eat it for a week to see the effect." Lin Nan took a look and didn't know what these things came up in his mind, so he said it casually. "You are so amazing, you can actually see it, have you studied medicine?" The short man said in surprise. "Of course, otherwise how can I see it? "

Lin Nan said with a smile, but he was also wondering in his heart, how could he see it, could it be that after receiving the inheritance, he had extraordinary medical skills in his mind?

The short man believed it, paid for twenty, and then left happily.

"Can you really treat illnesses? That's fine, you can see what my problem is, and if you can see it, I will buy it too!"

Someone came over immediately and said hopefully.

Lin Nan was now full of confidence in himself, so he pretended to take the other person's pulse, and then the other person's symptoms appeared in his mind.

"Staying up late, excessive smoking and drinking, moderate chronic pharyngitis, accompanied by cough..."

Lin Nan slowly said the other person's symptoms.

"Awesome, I said the same thing when I went to the hospital, but their medicine didn't work much, can your pear really cure it?"

The man asked in an expectant tone.

"First of all, let me make it clear that my fairy pear is not a medicine, not for treating illness! "

Lin Nan said seriously that this cannot be said carelessly, otherwise, once reported, the consequences will be serious.

Then, he resumed his smile: "Of course, although it is not a medicine, it has a high nutritional value and has a good effect on reducing chronic pharyngitis. And one thing is that it can be eaten directly without processing."

"Similarly, in your case, if you eat it for a week in a row, then control your diet, don't smoke or drink excessively, and there will be basically no problem."

The man did not hesitate and immediately took out a few hundred yuan to buy the fairy pear.

Seeing that the two large baskets of fairy pears were about to be sold out, Lin Nan saw several shirtless strong men coming over, pointing at him with a bad face and said: "Boy, who asked you to set up a stall here?"

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