After a while, seeing that she was still walking in front and had no intention of stopping, Lin Nan caught up with her and walked side by side with her, asking, "Where are we going to eat? It feels like we are not walking close enough."

"There is still a long way to go, about five minutes to get there."

Yuan Ting said.

"That's not too far, I thought you were going to walk back after eating to keep in shape?"

Lin Nan said with a smile.

"I'm not fat, I don't need it."

Yuan Ting rolled her eyes at him and snorted.

"Yes, yes, your figure is the most standard."

Lin Nan said with a smile.

Yuan Ting glanced at him and blushed again: "You are not serious anymore!"

"No, I am a serious person, saying the most serious words."

Lin Nan said seriously.

"Hmph, I think you are not honest, were you pretending before?"

Yuan Ting said coquettishly.

Lin Nan laughed: "How could it be, I have always been a very honest person, never pretending. I am who I am, different fireworks!"

"Go, you are even making up lyrics!"

Yuan Ting was amused by him and couldn't help but reach out and hit him.

Lin Nan was startled, this action is very familiar, his women seem to do this often.

Could it be that Yuan Ting is really interested in him?

He doesn't mind, Yuan Ting is quite to his taste, whether it is personality or figure and appearance, can impress every man.

Of course, he just thought about it, but he didn't really mean to pick her up.

There are too many women, and there will always be problems. In addition, he is not developing here, so he can't keep a lover here, right?

Yuan Ting seemed to realize that her actions were a bit inappropriate, and her face suddenly became even redder. She simply kept silent and walked with her head down.

After a while, they finally arrived at the place.

It was not a very big store, but there were quite a few people sitting inside. It seemed that the business was really good.

"This is the most famous snack bar in our area. The taste is authentic and clean."

Yuan Ting found a place to sit down and said to Lin Nan.

"It can be seen that the more delicious the food, the more people there are."

Lin Nan smiled.

"Yes, you usually can't choose a store with few people when eating, otherwise you will basically be fooled."

Yuan Ting nodded and said.

While they were chatting, the waiter came over. Yuan Ting didn't let Lin Nan order the dishes, and she quickly reported the names of the dishes.

Then, she looked at Lin Nan and asked, "Can you drink?"

"It's okay!"

Lin Nan said modestly.

"Then let's have some beer here, first... a dozen!"

Yuan Ting pondered for a while and said to the waiter.

Lin Nan was a little surprised. She could drink so much?

"I can't drink much either. You can't get me drunk later."

Yuan Ting said a little embarrassedly.

"I thought you wanted to get me drunk!"

Lin Nan smiled and shook his head.

"I didn't think about it. It's just that men here usually drink in dozens. I'm afraid others will say you, so..."

Yuan Ting explained.

Lin Nan laughed: "Thank you for thinking about me. At that time, I had to drink more anyway to not embarrass you.'

"I didn't mean that. If you can't drink, don't force yourself. At most, I'll drink more.'

Yuan Ting said shyly.

Lin Nan smiled and whispered, "It seems that you can drink a lot, but you still say that you can't drink! I understand. When you say that you can't drink, do you mean that you can't drink a dozen bottles by yourself?"

"Not really, but if you can drink a dozen bottles, you are really amazing, and you won't be told that you can't drink."

Yuan Ting explained.

"Okay, I'll try it later."

As she was talking, the wine came up, all frozen.

Yuan Ting was about to open the bottle with a bottle opener, Lin Nan waved his hand, took a bottle of wine, and lightly picked it up with his fingers. The bottle cap flew up and flew into the air.

"So handsome!"

Yuan Ting couldn't help but exclaimed.

This action is so handsome!

Even if Yuan Ting is not a star chaser, she was also impressed by Lin Nan's handsome move.

Lin Nan smiled and continued to take a bottle and open it.

"Here, this bottle is yours. Do you want to drink it or take your time?"

"Drink it slowly. I'll toast you, handsome guy!"

Yuan Ting poured out the wine and said in an admiring tone.

"Okay, let's drink to celebrate our acquaintance!"

Lin Nan said with a smile.


Yuan Ting was really generous and drank a glass of wine in one breath.



Nan raised his thumb and said.

"It's just so-so, it can't be ranked third in the world!"

Yuan Ting said with a smile.


Lin Nan poured out the wine and smiled.


Yuan Ting really didn't back down at all, and drank three cups with him in a row without changing her expression.

They both put down their glasses at the same time, and then smiled on their faces.

"It seems that you can drink too."

Yuan Ting said with a smile.

"It's just so-so, it can't be ranked third either."

Lin Nan said with a smile.

"You, you imitate others' speech, annoying!"

Yuan Ting rolled her eyes at him and said angrily.

"People in our place say that it's best to eat women's saliva, and you can learn everything quickly."

Lin Nan laughed.

"Go away, you're starting to be dishonest!"

Yuan Ting blushed and said angrily.

"No, this saliva doesn't mean that, it just means to imitate others' speech."

Lin Nan explained.

"Anyway, you are bad, I regret it."

Yuan Ting snorted.

"Okay, okay, I will drink a glass of wine as punishment if I said something wrong!"

Lin Nan shook his head and said.

"One glass is not enough, at least three glasses are needed to make me calm down!"

Yuan Ting snorted.

"Is this... a bit too harsh?"

"You decide!"

Yuan Ting said angrily.

Lin Nan had no choice but to drink three glasses in a row with a bitter face.

"Hmph, I will let you go for now, don't take advantage of me again."

Yuan Ting smiled and said proudly.

"Okay, I don't want to get myself drunk."

Lin Nan said with a bitter face.

"Pretend, keep pretending!"

Yuan Ting couldn't help but hit him and said angrily.

This man is pretending at first glance, his alcohol tolerance is not that bad at all.

Lin Nan grinned: "Okay, I admit that I can still drink, but if you keep pinching me like this, I think my skin will turn black."

"Who asked you to bully me?"

Yuan Ting pouted.

"Yes, yes, women are the most important, women are the most unworthy to be offended, I won't dare to do it again in the future."

Lin Nan laughed.

"You don't mean what you say!"

Yuan Ting said coquettishly.

Lin Nan took the wine with a smile, and just as he poured it out, the dishes came up.

"Let's eat something first, we are here to eat, not to drink."

Yuan Ting picked up the chopsticks and shook her head.

Lin Nan nodded, picked up the chopsticks and started eating.

The taste is really good, Yuan Ting's introduction was indeed correct, the food in this place is authentic and delicious.

While eating, a few people walked in from the door, looked around, and when they saw Lin Nan and the others, their faces were happy, and then they walked over.

Lin Nan looked up and saw trouble coming!

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