The Shushan Sect has similarities with other sects, but also differences.

For example, very few sects need to go through the Red Dust Tribulation.

But Shushan is different. They have many branches, such as Lingxuzi.

If you want to truly cultivate the Way of Heaven, you must travel the world.

That is why they set up an auction house to achieve the goal of going through the Red Dust Tribulation through auctions.

The Red Dust Tribulation does not only refer to the Red Dust in a broad sense, but the entire world.

No matter how you go through the tribulation, it is an experience. After going through it, there is hope.

And there is no fixed formula for how to go through it. Anyway, only the person who goes through it knows it.

For example, Lingxuzi has not yet passed his earthly tribulation.

That is why he has always insisted on walking in the rivers and lakes and getting along with ordinary people in order to achieve his goal of eliminating the tribulation.

Lin Nan now knows this.

"So Shushan has such a rule!"

After listening to Qiao Yuefeng's words, Lin Nan said in surprise.

"Yes, so once the people of Shushan Sect pass the earthly tribulation, they can achieve great success."

Qiao Yuefeng said enviously.

"But the earthly tribulation is not so easy to pass, right? If it was so easy, Shushan Sect would not be unable to really stand out and be suppressed by those big sects."

Lin Nan whispered.

In fact, although Shushan Sect is also a big sect, there are three big sects above them, namely Daode Sect, Kunlun Sect and Tianxing Sect.

"Yes, even some hidden families are no worse than Shushan Sect! That's why Shushan Sect has never been so high-profile, because they understand that now is not the time for them to be high-profile."

Qiao Yuefeng said.

When Lin Nan returned to the hall again, he found that Su Ling, who had chatted with him before, had become the host.

"Hello everyone, the second half of the auction will be hosted by Su Ling, I hope everyone will support me!"

Su Ling stood on the stage and said with a smile.

Applause rang out. Compared with Lingxuzi just now, Su Ling was obviously more popular.

This is also normal. After all, Lingxuzi is an old man, and Su Ling looks so beautiful!

Girls, especially beautiful girls, are always more popular.

Lin Nan heard Zhong Fei behind him breathing faster, and whispered: "Such a beautiful woman, I must support her. However, if I can get her, it will be even more exciting!"

"Master Fei, you are annoying, aren't I better than her? She looks like she is obviously inexperienced, how boring!"

The woman in his arms said coquettishly.

Zhong Fei laughed: "Then you don't understand, I just want to try different women, this Su Ling is obviously someone I haven't touched, it's exciting to think about it!"

"I hate it... But Master Fei is so powerful, then I will..."

The woman's voice gradually became lower, but Lin Nan heard it clearly, and he couldn't help but get angry!

A toad also wants to eat swan meat?

At this moment, Su Ling on the stage looked over and raised his hand!



Two screams sounded, and then Zhong Fei and the woman fell on the chair.

"You insulted me, damn it! Since it's your first offense, I'll spare you the death penalty, but I'll punish you with a life sentence. Get out!" Su Ling said coldly. Lin Nan was stunned. She didn't expect that her hearing was so good that she actually heard what the two said. Obviously, not only Su Ling heard it, but many people heard Zhong Fei's words, so they all applauded Su Ling's methods. "Well done, you should get rid of these ignorant and immoral people!" "In my opinion, it's not too much to beat them to death!" "Miss Su did a good job. I've been displeased with them for a long time!" Many people shouted, and Zhong Fei, who wanted to get angry, was scared to death. So many people wanted to beat him, so if he didn't know what to do, wouldn't he be looking for death? Moreover, he didn't expect that his words would be heard by Su Ling. This was really unlucky. So, without waiting for others to make a move, he immediately got up and walked out in disgrace, not even caring about his female companion. "Thank you for speaking out! I want to emphasize here that we welcome everyone to participate in the auction, but if your quality is too low, like the guy just now, then we in Shushan will not eat it.

"Su Ling said calmly.

"Support Miss Su!"

Many voices rang out.

"Thank you! Well, that was just a small episode, and now the second half officially begins! Two beautiful girls, please introduce the first auction item of the second half!"

Su Ling smiled and clapped his hands.

As the two girls pushed the cart out, everyone held their breath.

Generally speaking, the first item at the beginning, the first item after the break, and the last item are all a little special, and they are not bad.

So, what is this one?

"Everyone, please look! This is a heart armor. The difference between it and ordinary heart armor is that it can not only withstand physical attacks, but also withstand the full force of the realm below the Nascent Soul Stage!"

Su Ling smiled.

"Is it true? "

Everyone's eyes widened, a little bit unbelievable.

If it is really that awesome, then this heart armor is awesome.

"This is recorded, because its original owner was a very powerful man in ancient times, Xiaoyaozi."

Su Ling smiled.

"Xiaoyaozi? The founder of Xiaoyao Sect?"

Someone stood up and asked in shock.

"Yes, it's Senior Xiaoyaozi!"

Su Ling nodded, his face solemn.

"If it is really Xiaoyaozi's heart armor, it must be a good thing! "

The man nodded, his eyes were burning.

Lin Nan was also tempted. He was destined to go out and fight in the future. If he could get this heart armor, it would be an extra layer of insurance.

There were many people who thought the same as him, so when the auction started, the reserve price quickly soared from 10 million to 30 million, and many people followed.

Of course, the currency here is naturally calculated in Chinese currency, so for Lin Nan, this amount of money is really not a big deal.

However, there is a problem. Once you get the heart armor, will someone secretly snatch it away?

Lin Nan should be vigilant about this.

However, he immediately thought, if you are afraid of everything, then what's the point of repairing!

Thinking of this, Lin Nan suddenly became heroic.

"Thirty-five million! "

Lin Nan raised his placard and directly raised the price by five million.

As soon as he made the bid, everyone in the audience looked over at him.

Because, whenever he made a bid before, he never failed. Will it be the same this time?

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