After hearing Su Ling's words, Lin Nan had to take it seriously. If the Zhong family really wanted to take action against him, it might be with the consent of the Zhong family's ancestor. If the Zhong family's ancestor took action, could he really handle it? It's really hard to say. After thinking for a while, Lin Nan raised his head and said proudly: "I have never been a person who would take the initiative to cause trouble, but I am not a person who is afraid of trouble! The Zhong family was unreasonable in the first place, and they provoked first. If they want to continue to make trouble, then I will not sit and wait for death!"

He paused, looked at everyone and said: "I am not disrespecting the seniors, but if the Zhong family's ancestor ignores the younger generation's nonsense and insists on attacking me, then all the consequences will be borne by the Zhong family!"


Su Ling was still a little worried.

"There is no but. The Zhong family certainly has an ancestor, but I, Lin Nan, am not a person without a backer. When the time comes, whether the Zhong family can withstand my anger, we will see."

Lin Nan said firmly.

"Well said! If we practitioners are really timid, then we should just not practice!"

Yi Qingzi said with a high five.

He had not expressed his opinion before, just to see what Lin Nan's attitude was. Now he finally saw the side that made him appreciate.

"Thank you for the compliment, senior! Actually, I didn't want to offend anyone casually, but the younger generations of the Zhong family are really more vicious than each other!"

Lin Nan sneered and told the story of Zhong Lingran giving the Taipan snake as a gift.


Everyone's face changed drastically.

They naturally knew about the toxicity of Taipan, but they didn't expect Zhong Lingran to be so vicious.

"And, according to the information I got, Zhong Lingran not only has this one method, he even has contact with the so-called Korean doctor, and has now invited him to come and suppress me."

Lin Nan said disdainfully.

The series of revelations made everyone's impression of the Zhong family reach the lowest point at once.

"This time, I will face the so-called Korean doctor head-on! Speaking of it, only they call themselves Korean, we should call them Koreans!"

Lin Nan said disdainfully.

"It's Koreans! Speaking of the people in this place, they are really shameless."

Su Ling said angrily.

"That's right, their shamelessness has no limit, no matter what field they are in."

Lin Nan nodded.

"So, this time, Brother Lin, you must defeat them and fight for us!"

Su Ling said with a fist.

"No problem, I solemnly promise to go all out and let them come with excitement and leave with disappointment!"

Lin Nan looked at everyone and said sternly.

"Well said! I wanted to go back earlier, but since this happened, I want to stay and watch the excitement! What about you, do you have any ideas?"

Yi Qingzi said with a smile.

"This is a good thing, how can I miss it?"

Tang Wu immediately expressed his opinion.

Then Lingxuzi and Xuchenzi also expressed their intention to stay.

"Thank you, seniors!"

Lin Nan bowed his hands in thanks.

"This is what we should do. You are defending the dignity of our China, and we old people should naturally support you!"

Yi Qingzi said seriously.

Everyone also expressed that they must support you to the end.

Lin Nan was naturally very moved, and took everyone to visit the rest of the scenery.

At this time, it was noon, and Lin Nan received a call from Lu Wei, saying that the meal was ready, and asked him to take everyone back to eat.

"Great, today I can finally taste Brother Lin's cooking skills."

Su Ling said excitedly.

"You girl only know how to eat, one day, you will be cheated by this."

Lingxuzi laughed and scolded.

Su Ling blushed, glanced at Lin Nan inadvertently, and then said shyly: "Master is the most annoying, I just like food!"

"Yes, yes, you'd better marry someone who can cook food in the future, otherwise, I guess you won't be satisfied."

Lingxuzi shook his head and said.

Everyone laughed, and Su Ling became more shy, stamping her feet and said: "You are all bad people, I... I won't play with you!"

After that, she ran back to the villa.

Lingxuzi glanced at Lin Nan meaningfully, but didn't say anything.

Lin Nan was slightly startled, a little puzzled.

What was going on between the master and the apprentice?

Could it be that Su Ling had some feelings for him?

Of course he wouldn't ask, nor did he take it too seriously.

After all, Su Ling was from Shushan, and also from the Taoist sect. They should mind someone like him who was just a playboy, right?

When he returned to the villa, he saw Su Ling chatting with Lu Wei. The shyness just now had disappeared.

"It smells so good! Sister Wei, your dishes must be delicious."

Su Ling shouted happily.

This girl is actually quite active when you really get along with her.

But it is also true that to become an excellent auctioneer, eloquence and liveliness are necessary, otherwise it will not arouse everyone's desire to bid.

"It's delicious. Come and eat often in the future. I personally welcome it very much."

Lu Wei smiled.

"Really? Then I won't be polite."

Su Ling said, and her face turned slightly red when she saw Lin Nan coming in.

Lu Wei saw it clearly, and couldn't help but laugh in her heart. This girl seems to have a lot of ideas about her man!

If it's true, it's pretty good.

After all, Shushan has a lot of power. If the marriage is successful, there will definitely be a lot of benefits in the future.

As Lin Nan's good wife, she has more things to consider, not whether the other person is beautiful or not.

Character, plus the power behind, are what she will consider first.

It's not that she is snobbish, but because she is in a different position now, so the issues she considers are also different.

If she doesn't consider Lin Nan's future development, she certainly won't think about these.

However, Lin Nan obviously must develop in a higher direction, especially in the Daowu world. If there are no allies, it will really be difficult to move forward.

"Please take a seat, seniors!"

Lin Nan smiled and asked several people to sit down.

After everyone sat down, he took another jar of wine and said, "This wine is processed by me. Seniors, try it. If you think it tastes good, I will give some to everyone when you go back."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes lit up.

"How embarrassed, eating and taking."

Lingxuzi laughed.

"Come on, you drunkard, are you still embarrassed?"

Yiqingzi scolded with a smile.

"Of course, I am a very polite person. Do you really think everyone is as thick-skinned as you?"

Lingxuzi snorted.

"My true nature, yours is hypocrisy!"

Yiqingzi said unconvinced.

Seeing the two quarreling again, Lin Nan couldn't help but laugh. If he didn't know their relationship, he would really misunderstand that there was a conflict.

In fact, the relationship between the two was very good, and it was common for them to play with each other.

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