Seeing the expressions of the two women, Lin Nan muttered in his heart, are they going to fight?

But the next moment, the situation suddenly changed.

"Lu Wei!"

"Xiao Xi!"

The two girls suddenly cheered, then opened their arms, ran over, and hugged each other tightly.

Lin Nan was stunned!

What is this?

These two people actually know each other?

And they look like they have a deep relationship.

After a long while, the two women let go, and then held hands and turned around, looking happy.

"I say, what's going on with you?"

Lin Nan finally had the chance to ask.

"Xiaoxi is my college classmate!"

Lu Wei took Zhao Xiaoxi's hand and said happily.

"No way, why haven't I heard you mention it?"

Lin Nan said in astonishment.

"Xiaoxi went abroad to study before, and I didn't think about it before I came here, thinking she hadn't come back yet!"

Lu Wei said embarrassedly.

"I just came back not long ago, and I'm officially graduated."

Zhao Xiaoxi said.

Then, she looked at Lin Nan with a resentful look: "I didn't expect that I was forced to sell myself not long after I came back."

"Xiaoxi, you are not the housekeeper he mentioned, are you?"

Lu Wei seemed to have just reacted and said in surprise.

"Who said it's not? Lu Wei, you are not his girlfriend, are you?"

Zhao Xiaoxi asked.

Lu Wei nodded, and then said awkwardly: "Xiaoxi, don't wrong yourself, he was just joking."

"That won't work, our family motto is very strict, since there is a bet, it must be completed."

Zhao Xiaoxi shook her head and said.

Lu Wei frowned: "Lin Nan, you might as well fire Xiao Xi, otherwise it will be so embarrassing!"

Lin Nan was about to speak, but Zhao Xiaoxi was anxious: "Lu Wei, that's not possible, it will make me even more miserable. Being fired by the employer is the worst outcome, I will be scolded to death!"

"...Xiao Xi, do you really want to do this job?"

Lu Wei was speechless.

"Anyway, there is nothing to do, just try it! It's just right, I can get together with you more!"

Zhao Xiaoxi shrugged and said.

Lu Wei looked at her with a smile and thought that you have been here for a long time, and you probably can't leave.

She knew Lin Nan's charm very well. No woman who has been with him for a long time can escape his five fingers mountain.

However, if Zhao Xiaoxi really becomes her sister, it would not be bad, at least this companion is her own.

"Okay, since you said so, let's do it first! By the way, you didn't bring anything, so let's go shopping later and buy some clothes to change." Lu Wei took her hand and said. "Okay, we haven't been shopping together for a long time." Zhao Xiaoxi said happily. "Ahem... As a housekeeper, do you need to arrange some housework?" Lin Nan coughed twice and reminded her. "I know, I won't let the boss go hungry." Zhao Xiaoxi rolled her eyes at him and snorted. Lin Nan laughed and said to Lu Wei: "In this case, you and her should go to apply for access cards first, so as not to be stopped at that time." "Aren't you going with us?" Lu Wei was stunned. "You know my business, I have to get busy." Lin Nan shook his head and said. He didn't come here for vacation. The college entrance examination was coming soon, and he had to make arrangements to protect those key children. Those people wanted to attack those children, but they didn't necessarily do it directly. It is very likely that after knowing that they were under special protection, they would take some roundabout means.

In short, all aspects must be prepared, otherwise they will be in a hurry at that time. If something really goes wrong, it will not only be embarrassing, but also cause great losses.

Lu Wei also understood his current situation, so she didn't really ask him to accompany her.

The two of them went out, and Lin Nan started to study at home.

Intelligence from all aspects also came to him in an endless stream.

Some of this intelligence came from the Security Bureau, and more came from his own intelligence team.

To be honest, Lin Nan was not so optimistic about the intelligence capabilities of the Security Bureau.

Among the several children who needed to be protected by himself, one of them attracted Lin Nan's special attention.

The girl's name was Ling Xiaoyi. Her father was from the United States, and her mother was from Tianhai. From the looks of it, the genes on her mother's side were stronger, and the whole appearance was more like a yellow person, very beautiful.

Ling Xiaoyi had good character and super athletic ability,

Is a very promising future star.

That's why the United States is also trying to win her over, hoping that she will renounce her Chinese nationality and become a US citizen.

"It seems that she is still wavering!"

Lin Nan thought to himself, and then stood up.

For the sake of China's fine breed, Ling Xiaoyi still has to stay.

It seems that I can only do it myself.

Tianhai No. 9 Middle School is the most shining school in the entire Tianhai High School. The outstanding talents who come out of this school are all over the world.

Ling Xiaoyi is the star among the stars of this school.

At this moment, Ling Xiaoyi was squatting alone on the roof of the experimental building, looking at the two people in front of him in horror.

"Have you thought it through? If you don't sign this thing, then your mother will disappear from your life, and you will never see her again."

The tall white man said with a wicked smile.

"Why? Why are you doing this?"

Ling Xiaoyi said trembling all over.

"Because, we won't allow China to get a top student like you!"

The white man sneered.

"That's right, China is not qualified to have talents like you, but you actually want to work for them. You are not worthy of your dead father and your father's country."

Another person followed suit.

"If my father's country is full of people like you, I feel really sad for it!"

Ling Xiaoyi suddenly sneered and slowly stood up.

The two felt something was wrong, but they didn't know what was wrong.

"No matter what you think, if you don't sign it today, your mother will disappear forever... Of course, I don't mind being your stepfather, after all, she is really beautiful!"

The white man smiled evilly.

"You... go to hell!"

Ling Xiaoyi's face was filled with anger and she screamed.

The next moment, her fingernails grew a lot longer.

"What, you are from the blood clan?"

The white man's face changed drastically and he shouted in disbelief.

"You... all deserve to die!"

Ling Xiaoyi screamed and rushed towards the two men in an instant.

The two men had never expected such a change to happen. They were horrified and immediately fought back.

The three of them instantly fought in a group. Although Ling Xiaoyi was extremely fast, he was very clumsy in the use of moves and seemed to be very unfamiliar with this fighting form. Therefore, even though he had the advantage in strength, he could not turn the advantage into victory.

The battle gradually became fierce.

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