After a long time, she was still a young woman.

She had been innocent for more than 20 years, and turned into a young woman overnight.

When Su Ling woke up, she was stunned by the surrounding environment.

"Where is this?"

The mountains and rivers are beautiful, and the aura is full.

If I remember correctly, shouldn't I still be in Tianhai at this time?

But, such a good environment can't be in a big city?

Not to mention a modern city like Tianhai, even Suzhou and Hangzhou don't have such a good aura.

Su Ling was stunned.

"What are you thinking about, baby?"

A gentle voice came from behind.

Su Ling turned around suddenly, looked at Lin Nan with a smile on his face, and immediately rushed over: "Big bad guy, where did you take me to?"

"Of course it's my territory."

Lin Nan smiled.

"Your territory?"

Su Ling was stunned and even more puzzled.

"It is indeed my territory, the only territory without dispute."

Lin Nan nodded.

After a while, Su Ling finally understood what was going on.

"You big bad guy, you only told me this secret now, you are biased!"

Su Ling rode on him excitedly and slapped him constantly.

Lin Nan was helpless: "How much do you want to be a knight! It's a pity that you were not like this last night, otherwise I would be even happier."

Su Ling didn't understand: "What knight?"

Lin Nan laughed evilly and whispered a few words to her.

Su Ling's face turned red all of a sudden, and she bit his shoulder in anger.

Lin Nan felt pain, but didn't dare to struggle, afraid of hurting her teeth, so she could only bear it.

After a long while, Su Ling finally let go of her mouth and said angrily: "I say, why are you so bad?"

"Baby, you don't know, that's the best enjoyment! Think about it, you can control yourself..."

Lin Nan explained, but Su Ling became more and more embarrassed the more she listened, and directly covered his mouth: "You bad guy, I don't want to listen to your words, you are so lustful!"

The two of them quarreled for a while, and then Lin Nan took Su Ling to turn around in the space.

The space now has more than a thousand children, plus some of his subordinates who are undergoing intensive training inside, which is full of the breath of life.

When Su Ling saw those children, she was stunned for a while.

"Lin Nan, how ambitious are you?"

After a long while, she murmured.

"I shoulder the heavy responsibility of revitalizing traditional Chinese medicine and Chinese martial arts, and these children will be the ones who help me realize my dream in the future."

Lin Nan said seriously.

"They are really good. They are so skilled at such a young age."

Looking at the skills of those children, Su Ling said with great envy.

"Yes, they have very good talents and work hard at the same time."

Lin Nan smiled.

"I also want to be here with them."

Su Ling said suddenly.

Lin Nan was stunned, then looked at her and said, "Do you mean that you want to teach them something?"

"Is it okay? It's always fun to be with children."

Su Ling looked at him expectantly and asked.

"Of course there is no problem. I have always wanted to find more people to teach, but to be honest, there are not many suitable candidates. If you can take the initiative to propose, I will certainly welcome it."

Lin Nan nodded and said.

He was telling the truth. Although there are enough teachers in the space, these teachers usually teach cultural courses, and there are not many candidates for teaching martial arts. Usually, Lin Nan comes in to teach more.

Although Lu Yong and others can also do it, their own strength is not very strong, and their understanding of things is not deep enough. If they teach, there will be many problems.

Su Ling is different. She is a Shushan disciple and has received an excellent education since childhood. She has a unique understanding of Daowu. If she is willing to teach, she is the most suitable.

"Great, then I will be with the children in the future."

Su Ling said happily.

Lin Nan took her hand and walked to the middle of the playground, shouting: "Everyone stop!"

When the children stopped, Lin Nan smiled and said: "Children, today I brought you a new teacher, Teacher Su Lingsu! In the future, she will teach you martial arts and be your Daowu teacher!"

"Hello Teacher Su!"

The children shouted happily.

"Hello, children! In the future, I will study with you and make progress together, okay?"

Su Ling waved her hand happily and asked loudly.


"Teacher Su, you are so beautiful!"

"Teacher Su, you must be a good teacher!"

The children cheered.

Indeed, Su Ling is beautiful, and coupled with the unique temperament of an auctioneer, she is easily accepted by others, especially these children, who lack love. A girl with Su Ling's temperament makes the children feel very kind.

Seeing this situation, Lin Nan was also very happy, knowing that he had made the right choice.

Seeing Su Ling and the children playing together, Lin Nan was extremely happy. He walked to the side and said to the young teacher standing there: "How are you guys doing recently?"

"Boss, we feel very good. Here, our ideals have also been realized."

A young male teacher said excitedly.

"Yes, this is our most ideal place. There are a group of smart and obedient students. We can really impart our knowledge to them, and at the same time we can learn more."

The female teacher next to him followed.

Listening to them tell their voices one by one, they were all very satisfied with the opinions, and Lin Nan's face smiled even more happily.

"As long as everyone is satisfied, I will be relieved! Also, if you are dissatisfied with anything, you should also point it out so that I can improve it! No one is perfect, I am also an ordinary person, it is impossible to be perfect in everything."

Lin Nan looked at everyone and smiled.

"No problem, I know the boss is a reasonable person. If there is a problem, I will definitely point it out."

"Yes, boss, don't worry, we treat you as a boss and a family member at the same time. If there is any problem, we will respond positively."

Listening to everyone's words, Lin Nan nodded continuously. This kind of atmosphere is the best.

He stayed in the space until the next morning of the outside world time, and then came out.

Of course, Su Ling did not follow him. She is now enjoying life with the children.

"Hey, brother, you are so fierce!"

Seeing him go downstairs to eat alone, He Shaolong smiled and said.

"What are you talking about?"

Lin Nan glared at him and snorted.

"Nothing, just jealous." He Shaolong laughed, his wretched expression made Lin Nan a little uncomfortable. "I say, are you like this usually? You are glorious in front of people, but you turn into a wretched uncle behind people?" Lin Nan's face was full of black lines, staring at him and said. "No, no, I will be like this only with the people I know best... Ke Xiaosan, do you think that big brother is really fierce?" He Shaolong laughed. "Of course big brother is fierce, otherwise how can he have so many women? He Xiaosi, you can't envy him, just get used to it in the future!" Ke Qinglong yawned. "Xiaosan, what did you do last night?" Lin Nan asked curiously.

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