The price of the house is much cheaper.

"Buy it? This is a very big investment. I admire it!"

Lu Wei said in surprise.

Although she also bought it, her family has been operating here for a long time and has a lot of advantages. Moreover, the location is not as good as here, and the price is much cheaper.

What makes her most incredible is that this is the first time that Ye's family has invested here. The risk is absolutely great. If it is not good, it may capsize and lose all the money.

"Our family pays attention to one-step completion. Since we have investigated and think it is feasible, we will not hesitate."

Ye Huixian smiled.

These words are light, but they reflect the strength of Ye's family and their strong assets.

Without these, they would not dare to develop in Tianguang Market.

Lu Wei gave a thumbs up: "I admire you, sincerely! By the way, when are you going to open? When the time comes, don't forget to notify me so that I can also share in the joy."

"It will probably take some time to decorate, but not too long. After the opening date is confirmed, I will definitely invite Miss Lu!"

Ye Huixian smiled.

"Okay, then I will remember it."

Lu Wei smiled.

Seeing that the two of them were chatting happily, Lin Nan was also a little strange, it seemed that something was wrong!

Normally, shouldn't these two be rivals?

Women, especially unfamiliar women, and there is also a competitive relationship, it is impossible for them to chat so well?

It seems that I don't know women well enough to see their thoughts.

Sure enough, women's hearts are like needles in the sea!

"By the way, Huixian, how much do you know about Tianguang Market?"

Lu Wei suddenly asked.

"How should I put it? I don't know much about this place. I just know that it's a bit chaotic here. It's not easy to gain a foothold here."

Ye Huixian thought for a while and said.

Lu Wei nodded: "It's indeed chaotic here, but there is order in the chaos. This order is actually maintained by major forces. Everyone knows that if you want to make it work, you can't make it too chaotic, otherwise it will collapse."

"And this tacit understanding was actually formulated by the original major forces, but it's different now."

She glanced at the two of them and continued: "Now, with the arrival of you two, I feel that there will be a short-term fluctuation here, and the transfer of power will also happen."

"No way? Why don't I have this feeling?"

Lin Nan was stunned.

Although he never looked down on himself, he would not look up on him either. He has only been here for a few days. No matter what, it is impossible for him to affect the operation here in such a short time?

If so, it would be too exaggerated.

Lu Wei smiled, then her expression became serious: "Lin Nan, you may not understand that Tianguangxu has always spoken with fists. If your fists are strong, then you can get respect here! If your fists are not strong enough, you will be eliminated sooner or later!"

"Especially, people like me who are unwilling to lag behind others need this kind of strength. Once the strength is improved, you can survive in this place, and live a comfortable life."

Lin Nan nodded. Of course he understood this truth. In the no-man's land, there is a lack of real laws to restrict everyone's behavior. If anyone wants to survive better here, they naturally need to strengthen their own strength.

And if I want to make more money, there is only one way to go, that is to establish my authority here.

"I won't take that road, I only take my own road."

Lin Nan thought about it and said something that shocked Lu Wei a little.

"You guys do your own thing, I won't interfere, but whoever wants to interfere with me, I'll make it hard for them."

"Lin Nan, your idea is great, but it may be difficult to do it."

After a while, Lu Wei shook her head and said.


"Because everyone won't let you do it so freely. This place is originally a place where the weak are the prey of the strong. If you want to stay out of it and make money, it's like slapping everyone in the face."

Lu Wei said seriously.

"Slapping someone in the face also depends on strength, right? I have this strength, and I don't steal their business. Why can't they accept it and have to fight with me? Moreover, I dare to guarantee that if they fight with me, they will regret it for the rest of their lives!"

Lin Nan sneered.


Looking at Lin Nan's appearance, Lu Wei didn't know what to say.

She admitted that Lin Nan was very good, so good that no one here could compare to him.

Can be better than him.

But this is not enough!

After all, in addition to hard power, there are also some dark means. If Lin Nan can't deal with it, it will be a dead end.

She didn't want to see Lin Nan's unfortunate news, so she wanted to change his mind.

However, she also knew that it was very difficult to convince him.

After all, she also understood Lin Nan's character. He could listen to you in small matters, but when it came to big things, especially when it came to issues of principle, he would never give in.

This person has a very stubborn temper.

"Our Ye family is actually the same. We just want to be an ordinary businessman."

Ye Huixian said.

Lu Wei shook her head: "Hui Xian, your idea is even more naive! You have to know that you are different from Lin Nan. He just wants to do some fruit business, but he has attracted the attention of so many people! But you are different. You come to open a pharmacy, which itself has robbed a lot of people's business, and those people are the power here. Once they are pissed off, it may be difficult to deal with."

"We are also prepared for this. Since we have decided to invest here, we have naturally made all preparations."

Ye Huixian smiled, not panicking at all.

"So, you two are actually not afraid, right?"

"Of course, since the decision has been made, there is no need to shrink back, just do it!"

Lin Nan clenched his fist and said the most powerful words in the calmest tone.

"Okay, in this case, I won't advise you, but I still say that, be careful, Tianguangxu is not only peaceful, but also has endless waves."

Lu Wei looked at him steadily for a while, then smiled and said softly.

A strange color flashed in Ye Huixian's eyes. If she still couldn't see the difference between Lu Wei and Lin Nan at this time, she would have lived in vain for so many years.

When joking before, Lu Wei denied it, but was it really like that?

From a woman's perspective, Ye Huixian could naturally see that Lu Wei was just being stubborn.

She glanced at Lin Nan. This person was also a passionate seed, flirting with everyone!

She even realized that at some point, she was also attracted to Lin Nan, but it was not very deep.

Now, after seeing the woman next to him, it is natural that she can't intervene, otherwise she will be stuck in the mud.

At this moment, Lu Wei's cell phone rang. She took it out and answered it for a while, and her face changed.

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