The bet was too good to be true.

Meng Wei's eyes turned red.

He couldn't have made a mistake. He was sure that he had successfully turned over to three points.

But why did it happen?

Watching Lin Nan take back all the chips, he finally came to his senses: "It's you, you cheated!"

"You can eat whatever you want, but you can't say whatever you want!"

Lin Nan looked at this bastard with disdain. It was obviously him who cheated, but he turned the tables?

"I can hear that it was three points. If you didn't cheat, how could it become twelve points?"

Meng Wei slapped the table and said.

"If you say so, then I'll say you cheated! If you were so good, Las Vegas would be bankrupt!"

Lin Nan sneered.

"That's right, I've never seen anyone win every time. If you say you can tell, I believe it, but sorry, why didn't I tell it just now?"

Lu Wei stood up and sneered.

"That's because I didn't expect you to cheat."

Meng Wei shouted.

"What a ridiculous reason! Meng Wei, do you really think we are easy to bully? If you win, you are good, and if you lose, we are cheating?"

"Let me tell you, I, Lu Wei, have been running this place for a few years, and no one has ever said we are cheating! But you, you cheated and got kicked out two years ago, I think everyone remembers it, right?"

Lu Wei's face was cold and she scolded.

Meng Wei's face turned miserable.

His story was also spread here, and it was a bad record that he could never erase in his life.

"The past was the past, I didn't do that kind of thing a long time ago, and besides, everyone saw it just now, I can't cheat at all."

Meng Wei argued.

"Then we have a chance? You can check to see if there are any electronic devices or something like that here?"

Lu Wei said angrily.

Meng Wei stood up immediately: "I'll take a look!"

As a result, after looking around for a long time, he didn't see any problems.

"Meng Wei, you are so despicable! Now, do you dare not come?"

Lu Wei sneered.

Meng Wei's face flushed, and he wanted to explain, but found that all the reasons were so pale and powerless.

"Do you still dare to come? Aren't you going to win us until we go bankrupt?"

Lu Wei sneered.

"Come on, I don't believe it!"

Meng Wei was ashamed and angry, and shouted loudly.

"Then sit down, open your dog eyes and watch, don't say we are cheating again!"

Lu Wei sneered.

Meng Wei's face turned blue and red, but he didn't dare to say more. Although his backstage was strong, the backstage was the backstage. He was him, and he didn't dare to be too much to Lu Wei, otherwise the consequences would be serious.

Although he didn't dare to provoke Lu Wei, Meng Wei was not afraid of Lin Nan. He stared at him and said, "Come on, kid. Master Meng will make you doubt your life!"

Lin Nan looked at him indifferently, without saying anything, and directly picked up the dice cup and shook it.

This time, he shook it a little longer, but only a few times, and then put it down.

He could hear the points without looking.

Sure enough, Meng Wei made a move again.

Lin Nan ignored it, and didn't even touch the table with his hands. He said calmly, "Okay, place your bets quickly, and you have to leave your hands after you buy them!"

Meng Wei had a sneer on his face, took the one million chips that he had just exchanged, and sneered, "All bets!"

Seeing that he still bet on three points, Lin Nan wanted to laugh. This bastard is really persistent!

Those people also followed suit, but unlike before, some gamblers did not follow Meng Wei's bets and dispersed a lot.

Lin Nan didn't care. Meng Wei's was the big winner. He won more than all the others by winning him alone.

"Have you made your bet?"

Lin Nan asked calmly while looking at everyone.

No one changed the bet, so Lin Nan put his hand on the dice cup.

"Wait a minute!"

Meng Wei suddenly shouted.

Lin Nan looked at him and said calmly, "What's wrong?"

"I'll open it!"

Meng Wei stared at him and said coldly.

"What kind of strange request is this? Do you think the rules can be changed at will?"

Lin Nan looked at him like an idiot. Is this guy crazy?

The people around him were the same. They looked at Meng Wei with amusement. Could this guy be anxious about losing?

"However, if you want to open it, I'll bet against you next time. This way, it won't affect others, and there will be no problem."

Lin Nan changed his tone and said.

"That's right, if you just bet alone, we'll let you do whatever you want!"

"The rules can't be broken randomly,

Otherwise, how can we play in the future? "

The people around him also started talking.

Meng Wei gritted his teeth and said angrily: "Okay, then you open it!"

Lin Nan laughed in his heart. He didn't turn over the points at all, otherwise he would definitely cheat again.

However, the moment Lin Nan's words were put on the dice cup again, the points changed.

The action was too fast, and no one noticed it. Even if Meng Wei had been staring at his hands, he didn't expect that Lin Nan's strength would be so strong.

As expected, the opening was still twelve points!

Meng Wei was completely dumbfounded.

He couldn't figure out why this happened. He had obviously made some adjustments, and it worked well before. Why did he make mistakes these two times?

"It's you, you must have made some adjustments!"

He stared at Lin Nan, extremely angry.

"Where's the evidence?"

Lin Nan shrugged, his face cold: "If there is no evidence, don't jump here like a clown. "

Meng Wei was speechless.

If he could produce evidence, Lin Nan wouldn't have to say it.

"So, do you still dare to come? If you dare, you can choose to fight me one-on-one."

Lin Nan looked at him with disdain, with a strong sense of provocation.

Meng Wei looked at him angrily, and finally slapped the table: "I'm betting with you!"

Lin Nan nodded and gave a thumbs up: "Not bad, not bad, this is still like a man! Let's go, find another small table, let this one give it to others!"

"Come on, you can do it."

Lu Wei patted Lin Nan's shoulder excitedly. She really didn't expect that Lin Nan really made back his money for her and won another million. This was simply incredible.

She personally took the two of them into a private room, and with them, there were two companions of Meng Wei.

"Now, how do you want to play? By the way, I only know how to shake the dice, and I can't play anything else. "

Lin Nan sat down and said calmly.

"Just play dice with you, take turns, I shake and you guess, you shake and I guess!"

Meng Wei said with a sneer.

He has been in this business for many years. In terms of skills, he believes that Lin Nan cannot be his opponent.

"Okay, I'll do as you say."

Lin Nan agreed very straightforwardly.

Seeing that Lin Nan agreed, Meng Wei showed a cruel look on his face: "Very good, today I will make you lose until you cry without tears!"

Lin Nan did not speak. There is nothing to say to such a person who can only talk, so let's prove it with actions!

Lu Wei arranged for someone to bring in two sets of dice cups, and after Meng Wei checked them, they started.

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