In fact, when Lin Nan asked for help, Lu Wei thought about refusing. After all, once Lin Nan took action, it would mean that he would be exposed to Tong Lao Da. However, if Lin Nan did not take action at that time, she would have to submit, which would be worse than death. Moreover, she did not think that Lin Nan could win at that time, so she was just worried about gains and losses. Now, she can conclude that Tong Lao Da will definitely target Lin Nan, which makes her feel extremely guilty. Hearing Lu Wei's words, Lin Nan didn't care: "Lu Wei, if I was worried about this, I wouldn't have taken action. It's okay, we can stop the enemy with our own strength! Isn't he just Tong Lao Da, can he be so powerful?"

"Lin Nan, don't underestimate him, he is not an ordinary man in the world."

Lu Wei frowned, thinking that he was a little arrogant, and he was a little inflated after winning a few battles.

Lin Nan smiled, patted her shoulder gently and said: "Lu Wei, in fact, you worry too much, maybe people don't take me seriously at all, just think that I am a person with some skills and courage, and I am not in their eyes at all."

"Come on, as long as he investigates, your every move here will not escape his sight. At that time, you will definitely be listed as a threat."

Lu Wei said angrily.

"So what? Before I came here, I was ready to face the challenge. Tong Lao Da's appearance was just a little ahead of time, and it didn't exceed my expectations."

Lin Nan said with narrowed eyes.

"Well, now that things have come to this, it's useless to regret! Lin Nan, I promise here that if Boss Tong dares to touch you, I will definitely stand by your side and fight to the end!"

Lu Wei took a deep breath and said resolutely.

"So, are you confessing to me?"

Lin Nan suddenly laughed evilly and even leaned his head over.

Lu Wei blushed and slapped his face away: "You wish, scumbag!"

Lin Nan was not angry, and laughed: "Okay, I'm just joking with you, I don't care, after all, I don't lack girlfriends at all."


Lu Wei was so angry that she kicked him.

This time, Lin Nan didn't let her kick, and took the opportunity to pick up her legs: "It's pretty, to use a saying on the Internet, it's called legs playing for years!"


Even though Lu Wei has a cheerful personality and is usually very generous among men, she still blushed when teased.

After a long quarrel, the two finally stopped.

"Let's get back to the topic. I have an idea to discuss with you."

Lu Wei suddenly said seriously.

Lin Nan was startled and looked at her strangely. What insight did this woman have?

"After what happened just now, I think we are a little inseparable... Don't get me wrong, I mean in business."

As Lu Wei was speaking, she saw the shock on Lin Nan's face and blushed, explaining.

Lin Nan smiled: "Go on, I didn't misunderstand."

Lu Wei rolled her eyes at him and continued: "If there is a first time, there may be a second time. I think at least in the gambling business, I need your help!"

"But I can't let you help for nothing, so I thought about it and decided to give you 10% of the dry shares. You don't need to intervene at ordinary times. You only need to take action when your survival is threatened."

Lin Nan was stunned.

Although I don't know how much money Lu Wei's 10% dry share has, judging from the income from the gambling house, it is definitely a very large number for me.

Is she willing to give so much?

"If you think it's not enough, you can ask for it. I can consider it within my tolerance."

Seeing that he didn't say anything, Lu Wei said immediately.

Lin Nan came back to his senses and shook his head and said, "No, what I mean is that I don't need these. I help you just out of loyalty between friends."

"It may be loyalty to you, but for me, it's a matter of life and death! Lin Nan, I'm not testing your character, I'm serious."

Lu Wei said seriously.

Lin Nan still shook his head, but Lu Wei didn't give in and directly drafted the document.


After a while, she put the document in front of Lin Nan: "This is a share transfer contract for which you have no responsibility. In other words, you can get dividends if you make money, and you don't need to pay a penny if you lose money."

Lin Nan smiled bitterly: "With our relationship, is it that serious?"

"What is our relationship? You are not my man, I am not your woman, we are just friends, so we naturally have to talk about interests!"

Lu Wei rolled her eyes at him and snorted.

"Besides, even if we are relatives or husband and wife, we must be clear about some things, otherwise it will be easy to cause problems."

Lin Nan was helpless. It seemed that he couldn't refuse this!

Well, since she wanted to give him money to spend, then sign it!

With the mentality that if you don't take advantage of it, you are a bastard, Lin Nan finally signed it.

After he pressed the fingerprint and got the transfer contract, Lu Wei showed joy on her face: "Lin Nan, now we are real partners."

"So, you didn't think of me as a real partner before? Could it be that you didn't want to cooperate with me, but wanted my body?"

Lin Nan laughed.

"Go to hell!"

Lu Wei paused, then kicked.

Lin Nan screamed, and his body flipped in the air and landed on the sofa.

Lu Wei was startled. She was just pretending, but she didn't expect to really kick.

Seeing Lin Nan lying there motionless, her face turned pale, and she rushed over, turning Lin Nan over, and asked nervously: "How are you? Did you kick me in the vitals?"

"I'm dead! I'm going to take your life, you evil woman!"

Lin Nan suddenly opened his eyes and screamed.

Lu Wei screamed and fell back subconsciously.

However, she was pulled back before she fell down.

"You are so timid!"

Looking at Lu Wei's panicked expression, Lin Nan laughed.

"You... you dare to play tricks on me!"

Lu Wei finally reacted, and immediately became angry and rode on him directly, stretched out her little fist, and punched him in the heart.

Lin Nan did not resist. After she vented her anger, she smiled and said: "Are you done, evil woman!"

"Go to hell, you are the most indecent person!"

Lu Wei snorted.

Then, her face turned red.

Lin Nan also noticed something was wrong, and his face suddenly became strange.

This woman, the place she sat was so coincidental!

"You... you hooligan!"

Lu Wei jumped up from him as if she had been electrocuted, turned around with a red face, and her heart began to beat wildly.

Shame on you!

She was just venting her feelings just now, and she really didn't notice that she was sitting higher and higher, which led to such an embarrassing scene.

"What a loss! Poor Lin Nan, I am so upright, but today I was molested by a female hooligan!"

Behind him, Lin Nan's voice came, saying to himself in pain.


Lu Wei was almost mad with anger, this scumbag took advantage of her and still acted cute!

The next moment, she turned around: "Lin Nan, if you dare to talk nonsense again, do you believe that I will rape you?"

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