The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.

Standing in front of Lin Nan, Lu Wei looked like she was smiling, as if she was examining him.

Lin Nan secretly complained, but he forced a smile on his face: "Lu Wei, you are looking at me like this, are you trying to confess to me?"

"You are so beautiful!"

Lu Wei rolled her eyes at him, then put her hand on his shoulder: "I say, why did you get up so late today? Don't you have something hidden in your room?"

Lin Nan's heart skipped a beat. Was she testing him, or did she really know?

"What a joke, I came down late, but that doesn't mean I got up late! You know, I was helping Huixian yesterday, and she had some problems, and I've been busy until now, and I've only just finished it."

"Really? Take me to see, have you really solved the problem with that batch of medicinal materials?"

Lu Wei looked at him, smiling and saying.

"Of course, I can still lie to you! But I'm starving now, eat something first, and then take you to see it later."

Lin Nan said calmly.

Lu Wei stared at him for a while, but Lin Nan didn't reveal any flaws.

"Okay, I'm hungry too, let's go together!"

After a while, Lu Wei suddenly said.


Lin Nan naturally took her hand, and then hugged her waist.

"You scumbag, do you want to die?"

Even if Lu Wei was bold, she didn't dare to do this to him in front of others, so she pushed his hand away and said angrily.

"Hey, aren't we buddies?"

Lin Nan said shamelessly.

"Get lost!"

Lu Wei really wanted to kick him to death. Is it true that you hug your buddies?

Lin Nan laughed and stopped hugging her. He was very proud in his heart. He thought that he was really smart. This way, he had dispelled her suspicion.

When he arrived at the restaurant, he deliberately found an excuse to go to the bathroom and called Ye Huixian to wake her up: "Huixian, Lu Wei is going to the room to check the herbs later. Do you want to..."

"Scumbag, you are really good. You want to be with Lu Wei so soon?"

Ye Huixian said angrily.

"No, you think too much. She actually suspected that there was someone in my room."

Lin Nan said helplessly.

This time, Ye Huixian was not so calm and immediately got up: "Why didn't you stop her? You killed me, and I'm still sleepy!"

"If you are not afraid, I don't care."

Lin Nan said shamelessly.

"...Get lost!"

Ye Huixian was speechless. Damn it, can such a thing be made public?

After the call, Lin Nan breathed a sigh of relief. He could keep it a secret for a while!

Back at the restaurant, Lu Wei had already ordered the food. She was the boss, so the food was served quickly and almost full.

Lin Nan was really hungry, so he didn't bother to be polite with her and started to eat voraciously.

Lu Wei stared at him in amazement. Could this scumbag be a reincarnation of a starving ghost?

Lin Nan didn't care. He consumed so much, how could he not be hungry?

After eating for more than ten minutes, he felt a little full, burped, and then looked at Lu Wei.

"Hey, why don't you eat?"

Seeing that her bowl was empty and her chopsticks hadn't been moved, only the bowl of soup was still there, Lin Nan immediately became strange.

Lu Wei glared at him unhappily: "I see you look like you haven't eaten for three years, how can I have the nerve to snatch it from you?"

Lin Nan smiled, hiding his embarrassment: "I'm really hungry, continuous work, too much consumption."

Lu Wei didn't know that the work he said was piling, and thought he was processing medicinal materials for Ye Huixian, and couldn't help but be jealous: "Yes, for the beauty, it's worth it."

"Oh, I didn't expect you to be jealous?"

Lin Nan laughed.

"Eat your head!"

Lu Wei was annoyed and stepped on him with her foot.


Lin Nan didn't expect her to be so vicious. Although he was sitting, he was very painful when he was stepped on by high heels.

"I say Lu Wei, it's a fact that you are jealous, I can see it."

Lin Nan was also unconvinced and said angrily.

"You dare to say that, do you want me to kick you again?"

Lu Wei was embarrassed and angry and scolded.

Lin Nan looked at her warily: "If you come again, I can't guarantee that I won't fight back! Who knows, when there's no one around, I'll eat you!"

"Tsk, you're good at talking nonsense, do you dare?"

Lu Wei straightened her chest and said disdainfully.

"So you mean, you want to try it?"

Lin Nan looked at her sideways and snorted.

Lu Wei was suddenly a little flustered when he looked at her like this. This scumbag, he wouldn't really do that, right?

"I don't want to bother with you! Okay, do you still want to

Want to eat more?"

Lu Wei picked up the menu and said unhappily.

"Have more, I'm only half full now, I can still accompany you for a while."

Lin Nan said shamelessly.

"Go to hell, just say you want to eat, and you want to accompany me? I'm not your girlfriend, I don't need you to accompany me!"

Lu Wei snorted.

"Well, speaking of girlfriend, she showed up."

Lin Nan glanced at the door and said.

Lu Wei was startled, then heard a cheer, and then Ren Tingting rushed over: "I was just wondering where you were going, I was just about to call!"


Lu Wei was speechless, this big light bulb came!

However, she was also helpless, she couldn't chase him away, right?

"I'm hungry too, let's eat together!"

Ren Tingting was not polite, she sat directly next to Lin Nan and said with a smile.

"Order yourself. "

Lu Wei said expressionlessly.

Ren Tingting laughed and ignored her attitude completely, took the menu and ordered.

Lin Nan was about to speak when she felt pain in her foot. She looked up and saw Lu Wei's murderous eyes.

"I didn't call you!"

Lin Nan was helpless and mouthed.


Lu Wei also responded with her mouth, but her feet were even stronger.

Lin Nan was angry.

You have feet, don't I?

So, he took off his shoes and stretched his feet on Lu Wei's thighs.

Lu Wei's whole body was shocked, and her face quickly turned red.

This scumbag, he was so bold!

"I'm going to the bathroom!"

She didn't dare to play anymore and quickly found an excuse to leave.

Lin Nan looked at her with a smile and mouthed: "Dare you mess with me? "

Lu Wei glared at him fiercely, and when she passed by him, she leaned over and whispered in his ear: "You scumbag, you will regret it!"

Lin Nan didn't care at all. Such threats were not powerful at all, so he was not afraid.

When Lu Wei came back, she saw that the two had already eaten and did not wait for her at all. She couldn't help but roll her eyes: "You two have had enough, and you don't know to wait for me."

"We are one family, what are you waiting for?"

Ren Tingting said vaguely while stuffing food into her mouth.

"That's right... By the way, I'm full and have to go back to the room first. You guys eat slowly."

Lin Nan stood up, said something, and left quickly without waiting for them to react.

"Hey, why are you walking so fast? Wait for me, I want to go too!"

Ren Tingting shouted.

"Hey, are you in a hurry to deliver the goods to the door?"

Lu Wei pulled her and said with a smile.

"What do you mean by delivery to the door? Damn Weiwei, you are so lewd, I hate you!"

Ren Tingting reacted and blushed immediately.

"That's right, you went to his room, a man and a woman, there's no guarantee that something would happen, hehe!"

Lu Wei pouted.

Ren Tingting was embarrassed. Although she looked generous, she was actually quite conservative in some things.

However, another voice sounded in her mind: "What are you afraid of? Anyway, we will be together in the future. Leave it to him, maybe I can tie his heart!"

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