The door was opened, and the door was opened.

Lin Nan felt a little frightened. When he heard the knock on the door, he couldn't help wondering if there was any trouble again.

Fortunately, it was Lin Wan who knocked on the door this time.

"You are here."

After coming in, Lin Wan's eyes rolled around and she laughed.

"What's the matter?"

Lin Nan said a little unhappily. The atmosphere he had just created was gone again.

"Brother, I found that you have changed."

Lin Wan pouted and said unhappily.

"Why have I changed? What has changed?"

Lin Nan rolled his eyes.

"Since you have a beloved girlfriend, my position in your heart has plummeted."

Lin Wan said aggrievedly.

"What are you talking about? Impossible, you will always be my most beloved sister."

Lin Nan laughed, this girl, she also knows how to be jealous.

"You still say no, but you two hide here and ignore me. This attitude is proof."

Lin Wan said angrily.

"I say, are you making a fuss? Weiwei and I are here to study new dishes. We just came up with it. You don't congratulate us, but blame us? Okay, I've decided, you won't enjoy this new dish!"

Lin Nan raised his head and snorted.

"New dishes?"

Lin Wan's eyes lit up, she didn't even remember what she had just said, she immediately pulled Lin Nan's hand and started to act coquettishly: "Brother, my dearest brother, I know you treat me the best."

"Didn't I treat you badly?"

Lin Nan squinted at her and snorted.

"How could that be? Your dearest sister was just joking with you just now."

Lin Wan immediately raised her hand and spoke like she was swearing.

"Are you sure?"

"Definitely and absolutely sure!"

Lin Wan held his hand and nodded vigorously.


Lu Wei finally couldn't help laughing and hugged Lin Wan: "Okay, you are really interesting, a little greedy cat!"

"Hehe... Sister Weiwei, let me tell you, I am really a little greedy cat! By the way, do you also want to be my sister-in-law? You are so discerning, my brother is a rare species."

Lin Wan smiled softly in her ear.

Lu Wei blushed and pinched her: "Your family's narcissism is really speechless!"

"Hehe... tell the truth! Sister Weiwei, to be honest, you have too many competitors, I don't think so optimistic!"

Lin Wan whispered.

"So, if I give you good things to eat, will your hope increase greatly?"

Lu Wei asked with a smile.

"This... I think the hope will be much greater. After all, you have seen that my brother still cares about me very much. If someone treats me badly, he will definitely be embarrassed to marry him."

Lin Wan held her chin and pretended to be deep.

"Puff! You dead girl, then I will satisfy you!"

Lu Wei was amused by her and hugged her and laughed wildly.

Lin Nan didn't hear the whispers of the two people. Seeing them whispering, he was too lazy to pay attention and walked aside.

Although he looked fine on the surface, he was under a lot of pressure in his heart.

It has only been a few days since his debut, and he has attracted many enemies, and they are all big names.

If you are not careful, you will be doomed!

Although I have obtained a magical inheritance, it does not mean that I can rest assured. If I really think I am invincible, the consequences will be serious.

"Brother, what are you thinking about? Are you thinking about which sister-in-law to marry home?"

Lin Wan rushed over from behind and laughed.

Lin Nan rolled his eyes: "You are so beautiful! Which sister-in-law? It's grammatically wrong. You said you are a top student!"

"There are problems with grammar, but there are no problems in reality! Brother, I have a bold idea. Since they all like you and you don't hate them, why can't you marry them together?"

Lin Wan whispered.

"... You are so bold! Of course, I have thought about it, but it's too unrealistic."

Lin Nan said with a smile.

"As long as you agree, I don't think they have any reason to disagree. Especially Sister Yingying, I don't think she will have any objections."

Lin Wan said confidently.

Lin Nan was surprised: "How do you know she won't mind?"

"Because I heard what she said to Sister Tingting, she said... she didn't mind if you found a few more."

Lin Wan blushed a little, but still told him shyly.

Lin Nan was stunned, and felt a little bit of blame for Zhao Yingying

Come on, how could you be so careless and let Lin Wan hear these inappropriate words?

"Little girl, you don't have to worry about these things now. Study hard and practice well. These are the most important things for you at the moment."

He snorted and then knocked her head.

"Stinky brother knocked my head again... Sister-in-law Weiwei, please help me, your man is bullying your sister!"

Lin Wan screamed.

As soon as these words came out, even though Lu Wei was generous and cheerful, her face turned red and she said angrily: "Dead girl, what are you yelling about?"

"I didn't yell, I yelled out your heart, you should thank me!"

Lin Wan giggled.

"Go away, I don't want to bother with you."

Lu Wei blushed and covered her ears.

"Why is it so lively?"

At this moment, Ren Tingting came from outside and asked a little strangely.

Lin Nan secretly complained. If Lin Wan said something wrong again, it would be embarrassing.

"We are talking about my brother's life event."

Lin Wan said with a smile.

"Oh, what life event?"

Ren Tingting immediately became interested and asked.

"Of course it's a lifelong event. I think that my brother, who is so capable, handsome, and has an unparalleled temperament, should have three wives and four concubines. Sister Tingting, don't you think so?"

Lin Wan fully demonstrated the Lin family's ancestral shamelessness and narcissism, and said while holding Ren Tingting's shoulders.

Ren Tingting was stunned, looking like she had seen a ghost.

After a long while, she hugged Lin Nan's hand and said vigilantly: "Xiao Wan, you can't match people up randomly. I am your brother's only man and the only candidate for your sister-in-law!"

"Tsk, it's boring if you do this. I was thinking about marrying three wives and four concubines for my brother!"

Lin Wan rolled her eyes and snorted.

"That won't work... Xiaowan, you can't do that. I love your brother the most."

Ren Tingting glared at her and said angrily.

Lin Wan didn't avoid it, with a smile on her face: "Sister Tingting, have you ever heard a saying that love is not possession, but giving! I think my brother can give you true love, and you can't selfishly own him, but make him feel that life is full of motivation."

"...What the hell? Is this your understanding of that sentence?"

Ren Tingting laughed angrily. This little girl, misinterpreting the meaning of the text!

"Am I very smart? Don't praise me, I'm a top student!"

Lin Wan said proudly.


It fell down.

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