After this relationship, Su Yuting's mood also improved a lot.

Before, although she also acted very happy, that was only on the surface after all. Deep down, she was still a little lonely.

And now, with Lin Nan's nourishment, she looks energetic.

"Yuting, you didn't eat secretly while we were out, did you?"

Zhao Yingying came back and saw her like this, and joked.

"What do you think? Don't you want me to eat secretly so that I can help you?"

Su Yuting snorted.

"Damn Yuting, how do you know I want help?"

Zhao Yingying was stunned and blurted out.

"He's so strong, how can you be his opponent?"

Su Yuting rolled her eyes and snorted.

Now, Zhao Yingying understood.

"You are so good, Yuting, you really did it?"

Zhao Yingying was shy and happy, and said angrily.

"Isn't it your wish? Yingying, our relationship will be closer in the future, real comrades!"

Su Yuting said with a smile.


Zhao Yingying rolled her eyes at her, but a smile appeared on her face.

She really needs a helper, otherwise, it will be too hard.

"However, Xiaowan is at home, we can't be too presumptuous, it will affect her."

Zhao Yingying said shyly.

Su Yuting nodded: "I understand, so I still have to endure it. When Xiaowan starts school, we can do whatever we want."

The two reached a consensus and walked out of the orchard hand in hand.

"By the way, Lin Nan asked me to be responsible for the development of the area opposite. I feel a little pressured!"

Walking on the road, Su Yuting was a little discouraged.

"What are you afraid of? You are only responsible for management, and he will naturally be responsible for how to plant."

Zhao Yingying comforted her.

"That's what I said, but it's the first time I do this kind of work in my life, I'm unsure!"

Su Yuting said a little helplessly.

"People have to learn to grow up slowly! This growth is not just about age, but also about doing various things."

Zhao Yingying said slowly.

She pointed at herself: "For example, I didn't know how to do these things before, but when I embarked on this road, I would learn and try to adapt."

"Until I really learned and matured."

"Okay, I hope I can learn it in the shortest time. Yingying, you have to help me."

Su Yuting said with a fist.

"What is our relationship? If I don't help you, who can I help? Okay, don't be afraid of so much. Do it according to your ideas. Don't be afraid of failure. Without failure, how can there be success?" Zhao Yingying smiled. On the other side, Lin Nan was looking at the insects flying around in the vegetable garden, and his head was getting bigger. This morning, these insects appeared. Although they only gnawed the leaves and did not cause much damage, the vegetables would not look good if they continued like this. The workers are now busy catching insects, but no matter how fast they catch them, they will not appear as fast as the insects! "Lin Nan, this won't work. We have to find a way!" Xiaomei ran over breathlessly and said. Lin Nan waved his hand: "Don't worry, I'm thinking of a way. You can pick vegetables with some people. The car will be here soon!" "Okay!" Xiaomei had no choice but to do it. Lin Nan thought hard, how can he do it? Suddenly, I saw a hyena from the corner of my eye. Then, an idea came to me! Beast Taming Technique! Since even hyenas can listen to him, there is no way these insects will not listen!

He didn't think much and immediately began to recite the Beast Taming Art.

The insects were a little dazed at first, but soon gathered together.

"Where is your king?"

Lin Nan communicated with them with his mind.

"Our king is in the nest! Human, how can you speak our language?"

A slightly larger insect flew in front of Lin Nan and asked curiously.

"Because I am the king of all beasts!"

Lin Nan said, and the final form of the Beast Taming Art appeared.

The insects panicked and wanted to escape, but it was useless.

After a while, all the insects quieted down.

"Okay, now take me to your nest."

Lin Nan breathed a sigh of relief and finally got it done.

Seeing the insects being led away by Lin Nan, everyone's eyes almost fell to the ground.

"What's going on?"

Xiao Mei said stupidly.

"I feel that Lin Nan is so amazing that even insects listen to him."

A Xiang said incredulously.

"Yes, Lin Nan is amazing.


"We are so lucky to follow Lin Nan!"

The girls said one after another, almost forgetting to work.

On the other side, Lin Nan followed the insects for a long way before finding the insects' nest in the mountains.

When the insect king appeared in front of him, Lin Nan's eyes widened.

Is this a mutant insect?

The body size is at least five times larger than other insects!

"Human, you dare to enslave my descendants, damn it!"

Soon, the insect king figured out the situation and was furious.

"So, you want to fight me?"

Lin Nan laughed, a mere insect, even if you are the king, it's useless.

"You deserve to die!"

The insect king screamed.

Lin Nan was alert, this cry was wrong!

Sure enough, after a while, he saw countless insects flying from all directions, and even some poisonous bees!

Lin Nan was shocked. What kind of ghost insect king is this?

However, he was not afraid. Pulinshu was born to resist all kinds of poisons. These insects, be it poisonous bees, were not a threat to him at all.

"Since you don't know whether to live or die, don't blame me!"

Looking at these tens of millions of insects, Lin Nan sneered, used his magic skills, and hit them with one palm.

His current strength is already very impressive. How can those insects stop him?

Tiny screams sounded, and countless insects turned into corpses and fell from the air.

The screams of the insect king became louder, and those insects dared not retreat and rushed up one after another.

Lin Nan smiled bitterly. He couldn't use the beast control technique at all now. There were too many!

So, he could only kill!

He had no mercy. If he didn't kill, he would be killed.

He was not afraid of poison, but some of these insects had teeth and could bite him to death.

Large numbers of insect corpses fell, and among them, the poisonous bees died the most unjustly.

They thought they could poison Lin Nan to death, so they rushed the fastest and bit Lin Nan.

However, not only did they fail to threaten Lin Nan, but they shocked Lin Nan to death.

Finally, after a fierce battle lasting twenty minutes, the insects were almost wiped out.

Lin Nan breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the insect king.

This vicious insect king must not be let go!

Silver needles appeared in his hand.

"What do you want to do?"

The insect king was terrified. He never thought that Lin Nan would be so powerful that he almost wiped out all his subordinates.

"Submit, or die!"

Lin Nan said grimly.

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