Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 952: : 2 The end of Lengzi comes

Tianwai floating island.

This is the Kunlun Immortal Palace, which is now the headquarters of the Demon Church.

At this moment in the base camp of the Demon Headquarters, Er Leng Zi is working hard to cultivate.

When Er Leng Zi was sweating and sweating, he finally broke through a big realm, from an ordinary person who could not do anything, to a little immortal cultivator who transformed the Yuan realm.

If you change it to another place, then the cultivation of Er Leng Zi is a talent, and it can definitely make most people desperate, because his talent is so good that he has reached the point where ordinary genius can be ignored.


I saw Er Leng Zi standing up, and took a towel from the guard on the side, and simply wiped the sweat on his cheek.

After finishing all this, Erzongzi asked inquisitively and stood aside, watching the elder elder Dao said for a long time: "Elder elder, what kind of wind is it that blows you to my son's palace?"

Although Erzongzi's actions were limited to the floating island of the Demon Church.

But he can move around at will, so he knows a lot of high-level demons, and even has a close relationship with some people. Among them, this demon elder has a strong relationship with Erzongzi.

Under such circumstances, after hearing Er Lengzi's inquiry, the demon elder could not help but sigh: "Holy Son, if you are a descendant of our demon, if you were born in Kunlun Mountain, if your cultivation behavior is not It ’s so good, so good. "

The elders are very pessimistic and have some helplessness.

Seeing this scene of Er Leng Zi, the brain simply turned a bit, and thought of a possibility, so Er Leng Zi clenched his fist tightly and said: "But the devil is back?"

"The devil can't come back."

When Naicheng Xiang Erzunzi just issued his own question, he saw the elder shaking his head and said: "When the devil is performing a mission outside, he encounters a powerful opponent. Now the lamp of the soul has been extinguished. I believe that he has no place to die. , There is absolutely no hope of returning. "


Hearing the words of the elder, Er Leng Zi could not help jumping up with joy. This is undoubtedly a great good news for Er Leng Zi.

"not good."

But the elder directly interrupted Er Lengzi's joy and said seriously to Er Lengzi: "It is precisely because the devil can't come back, so it's a big deal for you, your son."


Erzongzi looked at the elders puzzled, and then seriously asked: "Isn't the devil's furnace? If the devil is dead, then I am not someone else's furnace?"

"No, if the devil is not dead, then he can wait for you to continue growing, and when he grows satisfied, he will take away your body."

The old elder sighed quietly, then carried his hands on his back and walked to the window to look at the sky and said: "But the devil's death is undoubtedly a very important blow for my demon. And there is one of the most critical factors, Our magic church is now out of touch, there is no successor. So to protect my magic church, then we must pick out a new generation of demon to come up with the position of the previous generation of demon. "

Er Leng Zi puzzled: "Did I choose me?"

"Yes, Lord Master chose you."

The elder nodded seriously and said: "Because your talent is so good, if you grow up, it will definitely be the mainstay of my demon, even more than the past demon masters, and become the strongest second only to Kunlun Immortal. "


Hearing the words of the elder, Erzong couldn't help but be confused: "Shouldn't this be a good thing for me?"

"No, because the leader will not allow your soul to exist."

The elder sighed leisurely and then said to Erzongzi: "So after our negotiation, we finally decided that the master, the master, will take away your body and be elected the devil twice."


The elder's words undoubtedly shocked Ye Xiaohu. He saw a surprised expression on his face: "If I remember correctly, the master should be at the peak of spring and autumn, why should I take my body to be reborn?"

"Yes, the leader is indeed at the peak of his spring and autumn. But when he was growing up, he met many terrible opponents and was injured in the battle. So far, there is no way to heal the injury. This leads to the leader's cultivation. Extreme, has been suppressed by the Kunlun Ten Cities, so the leader has been very reluctant to such a result. "

The elder sighed and walked to Erzunzi's hair, stroking Erzongzi's hair and said: "So after the devil's death, the leader decided to take your body to rebirth, so that he can return to it in the shortest time. Reaching the peak, recreating the future of our demons. "

"I understand."

Escaped the devil, but did not escape the demon leader.

Er Leng Zi could only helplessly sigh ~ ~ and then said to the elder elder: "Thank you elder elder, you told me this result in advance, so I have some psychological preparation."

"Nothing, this is what I should be."

The elder nodded and added: "Not to mention that I am here today, just to take you to the mysterious realm of the demon to make final preparations, so even if I don't say it, then you will soon know about it."

"Despite this, I still appreciate your reminder, Elder."

Er Lengzi smiled bitterly, then arched his hand at the elder elder: "Elder elder, before the juniors go with you to the secret realm, can you beg you to do me a favor."

"What's busy?"

The elder elder slightly stunned: "If it is something I can do, then I will definitely do it for you."

"Great Elder, you can do it."

Er Leng Zi quickly said: "I believe the elders, you know, I come from a place called the earth. In that place, I have relatives, friends ... So I think if one day the demon rushed back to the ground and went to the earth, you can Help me tell my parents, I can't go back, I can't give them any filial piety. "

"no problem."

The elder nodded and said, "I will bring you these words."

"And my little tiger brother."

Er Leng Zi added another sentence: "I originally wanted to make Yejia Farm with him, but now I am afraid there is no way to go back and continue to assist him."

Erzongzi knew that he might be dying, so he explained a series of last words.

After so half an hour, the stunned son who had finished the explanation, only satisfactorily said to the elder demon: "And I am afraid of pain, afraid of blood ... So the elder trouble trouble said to the leader, when I was defeated, the most Okay, do n’t make me feel anything, so as not to fear me. "


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