Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 965: : The strongest battle

Tianlong sneered.

Since Ye Xiaohu chose a path, he will naturally not take Ye Xiaohu's life politely.

So Tianlong greeted many city owners and came outside Lanyue Inn personally, asking Bai Shibo, who had surrounded Lanyue Inn, almost airtight: "Master Bai, Ye Xiaohu entered the inn, what else to say?" "

"No words have been spoken so far."

Since Uncle Bai received the order and knew that Ye Xiaohu was in Lanyue Inn, he immediately took someone to block the place, but he didn't break into it without permission.

Because he knew very well that this matter was out of his control.

"There wasn't any movement in it. Has it been so quiet?"


"It seems that this kid, this is arrogant, and some are boundless."

Tianlong stomped his feet, then stared at the direction of Lanyue Inn: "Send a person to persuade the surrender, let him quickly surrender."

The other city masters did not rob the team to seize power, preventing Tianlong's arrangement.

Because he knew very well that Tianlong was ready in this place.

There are even some things that are more secure than they are prepared, so they also have fun.


Under their attention, Uncle Bai immediately arranged to call someone, and after a simple command, the person rushed into the Lanyue Inn directly.

But within five minutes, the person who obeyed Master Bai's instructions was thrown out of the Lanyue Inn.

After landing on the ground, there is no breath in and out.

"Ye Xiaohu, you are so abominable."

This is provocation.

Tianlong glanced at it and knew the specific situation, so Tianlong turned around and told Master Bai to say, "Sir, please go and run for yourself. If he still doesn't surrender, then blame us for not being polite."

"it is good."

Master Bai nodded, he knew Ye Xiaohu's terrible.

Under such circumstances, he also knew that ordinary people would not be Ye Xiaohu's opponents, so after following Tianlong's instructions, he agreed with Tianlong's arrangement without much hesitation, and walked into Lanyue Inn cautiously.

But still only five minutes, Uncle Bai was also thrown out of it.

But the only difference is that the last person was dead on the spot.

However, Uncle Bai's breath was very stable. Obviously Ye Xiaohu did not mean to kill him.

Tianlong came to see this scene and asked with concern: "Uncle Bai, what the **** is going on, even if Ye Xiaohu wants to kill you, you won't be so easily discarded by him?"

"He has become stronger again."

Hearing Tianlong's inquiry, Master Bai smiled bitterly: "And it is several times more powerful than the last time I saw him."

"Become stronger again?"

Hearing Uncle Bai's words, Tianlong's brows were tight and he obviously felt something was wrong.

So every time I see Ye Xiaohu, Ye Xiaohu will become stronger. If this continues, wouldn't Ye Xiaohu want to be invincible and become a real fairy?

So Tianlong said cautiously: "Did the persuasion say something?"


Master Bai shook his head and then said to everyone: "But he refused and asked me to pass a word to the Shaodong family."

"What's the matter?"

"He said that if he had the courage, let the Shaodong family go in and negotiate instead of arranging some dried shrimps to die."

"Extremely rampant."

Tianlong snorted, and then turned around and asked many city masters: "Don't know your predecessors, which one is willing to personally shoot, capture Ye Xiaohu in front of us and accept my Kunlun sanctions?"

"My Yaowangcheng is not good at fighting."

"My Beiquan City is similar to the Nanpai City, and it is estimated that I can't take him Ye Xiaohu."

"Our fairy city is not good at fighting."

Although everyone is an alliance, after hearing the information, they shook their heads one by one and let them go to the challenge alone. This is not what they want to see.

Seeing this scene Tianlong's brow furrowed tightly.

Just when he hesitated how to solve this problem, Kunlun Xueyuzi, who had been silent, suddenly stepped forward: "From all the signs, Ye Xiaohu seems to be very strong. In order to avoid accidents, the old man himself Take a trip and capture Ye Xiaohu's life. "

"So there is Senior Lao Xueyuzi."

Tianlong nodded towards Kunlun Xueyuzi, followed by a solemn expression: "This matter only needs to succeed, not to fail, otherwise we can only fumble a little."

"I know."

Kunlun Xueyuzi nodded, then walked past Tianlong, went directly to Lanyue Inn, and saw Ye Xiaohu sitting in the lobby of Lanyue Inn: "Who is Ye Xiaohu?"


Ye Xiaohu's tea ceremony: "Who are you?"

"I am Kunlun Xueyuzi."

Kunlun Xueyuzi had a chest, and then said: "Since you are Ye Xiaohu, then it would be better. Now I give you the last chance to choose. Either immediately surrender to my Kunlun City and become my Kunlun City's efforts, Accept our arrangements and assignments, or you and your friends will die for me. "

"It's you alone?"

Ye Xiaohu glanced at Kunlun Xueyuzi and couldn't help but sneer: "It's not that I look down upon you, just like your skill, and want to make me surrender, it's really delusional."

"It seems that you are toasting and not drinking fines?"

From the beginning, Kunlun Xueyuzi ~ ~ did not expect Ye Xiaohu to obey, so after hearing Ye Xiaohu's rejection, Kunlun Xueyuzi sneered: "Since the old man has fought in the world, there are no opponents anymore. The gun has been sealed for at least thirty years. So you should be honored to see the old man ’s sharp gun again after thirty years. "


I saw that Kunlun Xueyuzi stomped suddenly, the ground immediately cracked, and a huge hole appeared.

As soon as the hole appeared, there was a mysterious power shuttle.

Then a dark spear sprang up a little bit from the ground.

I saw Kunlun Xueyuzi grabbing the position of the gunman with the dark lance, and then pointed the tip of the lance at Ye Xiaohu Road: "Now you are going to die!"

Swish swish.

In the face of Kunlun Xueyuzi, and there were violent winds everywhere, Ye Xiaohu was not afraid, but instead a calm sneer said: "The thunder is heavy and the rain is small. How dare you take out the spear that came out?

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Kunlun Xueyuzi was shocked.

This is because his spear was an amazing weapon that he accidentally obtained when he was training outside. The raw material in it was made from the spine of earth monsters as Ye Xiaohu said.

Only Kunlun Xueyuzi knew this mystery, and no outsiders knew it.

"I don't care how you learn about the mystery of my sharp gun, but today you will definitely die."

Kunlun Xueyuzi always felt that Ye Xiaohu had some weirdness, so he planned to fight quickly and kill Ye Xiaohu directly, and then extract Ye Xiaohu's soul to investigate the passage of the earth.

But when he started, Ye Xiaohu also reached out and summoned the big sword.


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