
As he swallowed more and more mana, Ye Xiaohu condensed the gluttonous meat, and actually moved from the virtual to the real.

"This is terrifying."

"We can't go on like this, otherwise what if he gets stronger?"

"We can't help you as a torture!"

"No, it has to be changed."

Seeing Ye Xiaohu's breath becoming stronger and stronger, the remaining eight city owners in Kunlun's ten cities changed their faces one after another, and they all felt strong pressure.

"Everyone need not worry."

Hearing their worries, Tianlong couldn't help but calmly smiled and said, "Every one of us must pay a heavy price for condensing the ten directions, and we may even die in the end. But he, Ye Xiaohu, eats our attack and incarnate Can gluttonous devour our mana, can the body withstand it? "

Hearing Tianlong's words, everyone thought for a moment, and really felt that Tianlong was right.

The mana of the thousands of immortal cultivators, they are very divided, and some can't bear it.

If the mana of thousands of immortal cultivators were all concentrated on Ye Xiaohu alone, then naturally there was no way to bear it, so they sneered and increased their mana output.

For a time, around Ye Xiaohu, there was terrifying mana everywhere.

"So comfortable!"

Feeling the increasing mana, Ye Xiaohu was very excited.

This is not because Ye Xiaohu is crazy, nor is he not self-controlling, but Ye Xiaohu's body can bear all this, because he is a fairy body.

However, Ye Xiaohu didn't bear it. When he devoured this huge power, he was also mobilizing this huge power to strengthen his body.

Under his mobilization, that huge force injected directly into his own Dao.

The Dao species, which had already been judged very well, instantly became a towering tree.

If it is replaced by ordinary people, it is estimated that it has been exploded long ago, but Ye Xiaohu has no pressure.

I felt my Dao kind became so powerful.

Ye Xiaohu's face was slightly happy, and then he mobilized a powerful force to expand his own consciousness sea, allowing his consciousness sea to expand continuously, and finally returned to the peak level of the past.

In this way, Ye Xiaohu's body is a little stronger as time goes by.

However, Tianlong and others, who are transit stations, turned pale, because their bodies could no longer be stretched. Under constant output, the meridians and Dao species within their bodies had already suffered an irreparable blow. .


I don't know how long the specific time has passed. The weakest Tianlong couldn't stretch it first.

After all, he was bombarded by Ye Xiaohu just now, causing his body to have problems.

So after continuously outputting such a huge amount of power, Tianlong directly sprayed a mouthful of blood, and then the whole person fell from the platform.

With the first one, then naturally there is the second one.

Yaowang City, Beiquan City, Fairy City ... One after another, the masters of the ten cities of Kunlun stepped into the footsteps of Tianlong.

Faced with such a situation, Ye Xiaohu could not help opening his eyes, looking at the immortal cultivators who walked below, and felt annoyed: "You are too weak, otherwise if you insist for a while, then I It can be restored to its peak state. "

Ye Xiaohu has a little regret, because he has reached the peak just now, as long as he crosses the door, he can leap the dragon gate and directly reach the realm of the fairy.

But unfortunately, at the most critical moment, Tianlong and others could not take the lead.

But for Ye Xiaohu, he was very satisfied with being able to restore his cultivation to the present state in such a short period of time.

So Ye Xiaohu descended from the sky, and walked towards the Dragon Dragon step by step: "You have lost, there is nothing to say now?"

"We are not convinced."

Seeing this scene, Tianlong couldn't help but look crazy: "That's a huge mana force, none of us can support it, why can you stand it alone."

"In this world, there are always systems that you don't know about."

Ye Xiaohu smiled faintly, and said very relaxedly: "And it happens to belong to this special system, so no matter how much energy, I can use magic power to swallow."


Tianlong wanted to keep Ye Xiaohu's words.

As a result, when he was talking, he felt an uncontrollable flick in Ye Xiaohu's body, which surprised Tianlong and said, "Are you enlightened?"

Cultivation of Immortal Nine Realms, once stepped into enlightenment, then it is equal to the real Chengxian hope.

But enlightenment is easier, but enlightenment is harder than heaven.

In the huge historical river of Kunlun world, no one has stepped into the Tao and entered the realm of enlightenment.

Therefore, Tianlong and others were stunned to realize the energy emitted from Ye Xiaohu.

"Not bad."

Ye Xiaohu confirmed Tianlong's speculation and said with a smile on his face: "But thank you for a while. If it is not for you to condense the ten directions, then I would not think of using your mana to step in The state of enlightenment. So in order to thank you for your efforts, I decided to give you a happy ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Boom.

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Tianlong collapsed directly.

He never thought of himself, his deliberate arrangement, actually let Ye Xiaohu successfully stepped into the realm of enlightenment, this is really stealing the chicken without losing the rice.

"No, don't kill me."

"I am willing to serve you."

Perceiving Ye Xiaohu ’s words, the Lord of the Medicine King City on the side could n’t help but say: “As long as you spare me, I ’m willing to offer the entire Medicine King City.

Ye Xiaohu shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, I don't have any interest in the Kunming Realm, but you should die."


Ye Xiaohu slightly separated, and the master of Yaowang City died.

Others saw Ye Xiaohu's movements, and how dare they continue to stay here, so they fled in all directions.


Seeing their fleeing movements, Ye Xiaohu gently waved his sleeves and said, "If you don't enter enlightenment, you will never know the horror of enlightenment."


When Ye Xiaohu waved his sleeves, the wind radiated away, strangling all those who fled into the void, like a firework.

In an instant, those who wanted to murder Ye Xiaohu were all slain here by Ye Xiaohu.

After finishing this, Ye Xiaohu turned to Er Lengzi and said, "Did you see the battle just now?"



"Some understand, some don't."

"That's fine."

Ye Xiaohu smiled faintly. He knew that such a high-end battle, with Er Lengzi's current consciousness, had not fully understood that.

So Ye Xiaohu walked over and touched the head of Er Leng Zi, and then opened the sky to directly penetrate the Kunlun ruin channel in the void: "Let's go back to the earth."


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