Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 974: : Be your running dog?

"Xiaohu, you are back."

Others may not hear Ye Xiaohu's voice, but Wang Fangfang is no longer familiar with Ye Xiaohu's voice.

After all, the two of them have a close relationship in the past.

So when she heard Ye Xiaohu's voice, she immediately stretched out her hand with joy, stroking Ye Xiaohu's face, and then said kindly: "I know, Xiaohu, you will be fine.

Seeing the intimate movements of Wang Fangfang and Ye Xiaohu, the Er Leng Zi on the side was slightly surprised.

Obviously Erzengzi knew Wang Fangfang, but he did not expect that Wang Fangfang and Ye Xiaohu had such a close relationship, which made Erzengzi a little embarrassed.

Because in Er Lengzi's heart, he believed that Sister Xiang Qing was Ye Xiaohu's future wife.

But Ye Xiaohu's future, he can't intervene at will, so he can only stand aside and smile bitterly.

As for Long Yi next to Er Leng Zi, he did not care about the close relationship between Ye Xiaohu and Wang Fangfang. I saw him looking at the left and right: "Is this the earth? I feel not as good as expected!"

"Yes, this is the earth."

Ye Xiaohu responded briefly to Long Yi, then put Wang Fangfang on his side and said, "Okay, let me deal with the next thing."

"it is good."

Wang Fangfang trusted Ye Xiaohu unconditionally.

What's more, after she got along with Ye Xiaohu for a period of time, she gained such a superhuman first-class ability. So how could Ye Xiaohu not make any progress after so long?

So Wang Fangfang looked at Zheng Shiguo's gaze, and gradually there was a hint of mocking surprise.

Sensing Wang Fangfang ’s gaze, Zheng Shiguo could n’t help but sneered: “I do n’t care who you are and where you come from. If you walk away now, then I can spare you, otherwise do n’t blame me for killing me , Let you go to the local government to report. "

"Leaving the earth for a while, it seems that many people don't know me anymore."

Ye Xiaohu smiled, didn't worry about Zheng Shiguo, only to see him turn around to the dragon: "I don't want to see him again."


The meaning of Ye Xiaohu's words in Long Yi's natural way, so it sneered, step by step toward Zheng Shiguo Road: "Your Grandpa Dragon first arrived, just use your head to tell the world's prestige."


Seeing Ye Xiaohu and Long Yi didn't take him at all, Zheng Shiguo was a little furious. He saw him coldly and said with a smile: "If I am not wrong, should you a few be Chinese immortals?"

"How is it?"

Ye Xiaohu smiled faintly: "Why not?"

"Whether you are a Chinese immortal or not, but I hope you understand one thing before you start."

Zheng Shiguo smiled lightly and stared at Ye Xiaohu, saying: "Now the world has changed, and the people of our power world have begun to invade the whole world and occupy the earth's cultivation circle. So if you don't want to die, then it is best to trust us differently. If you can be a circle and be willing to be our stooges, then you can get a first-line life. "

"running dog?"

Hearing Zheng Shiguo's words, Ye Xiaohu's face gangstered: "I don't want to hear him say something."

"I understand."

The dragon nodded, and his body disappeared directly.

Seeing the disappearance of the dragon, Zheng Shiguo felt that something was wrong.

So he quickly gave up stimulating Ye Xiaohu, while using his powers to suppress the Quartet's void.

But he has just arranged the power and has not waited for him to be ready.

I saw Long Yi, who disappeared from Ye Xiaohu's side, had already come to him and smiled cruelly: "Now you can die."

Zheng Shiguo was taken aback, and quickly extended his arm to stop.

But his movement is obviously not as fast as that of Long Yi.


Without any accident, Zheng Shiguo's chest was pierced by Long Yi on the spot.

Immediately after the dragon shook his arm, Zheng Shiguo turned into a blood mist on the spot and dissipated directly between the heavens and the earth, even a complete bone did not stay.

After completing these, Long Yi looked at Zhou Piao and others said: "Master, what do these people need to do?"


Ye Xiaohu froze for a moment, then asked Wang Fangfang: "They will leave it to you."


Wang Fangfang froze for a moment, then smiled bitterly: "Forget it, let them go! Anyway, I have to leave this place, so they will not have any contact with me in the future."


Ye Xiaohu nodded, so he pointed at the dragon: "Just throw them away."


Long Yi will not disobey Ye Xiaohu's order, so he directly picked up Zhou Pride and others, and threw them one by one like a stone.

After solving this, as soon as Long returned to Ye Xiaohu's side, he became an ordinary child again, without the sharpness just now.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu asked Wang Fangfang with great satisfaction: "How are you doing, do you have any health problems?"

"I have no problem ~ ~ Wang Fangfang shook his head, and explained to Ye Xiaohu:" Since you left, I do n’t know why, I always feel more hungry, and I ’m particularly rushed into doing anything. , The power has become greater. So it ’s not that Zheng Shiguo ’s words, such as Zhou Pride ’s rubbish, waiting for more than a dozen people ca n’t get close to me. "

"Come, let me check your body."

Ye Xiaohu stretched out his hand and put it on Wang Fangfang's body, carefully inspected Wang Fangfang's body, and then nodded slightly: "It is because after the change of heaven and earth, you have absorbed a lot of heaven and earth spirits because of your outstanding body. With such a terrifying power. "

When Ye Xiaohu left, the earth's changes began.

In particular, Huaxia's enchantment had just broken, so Ye Xiaohu didn't get any benefits.

But after Ye Xiaohu left, Wang Fangfang and others have been on the earth, and the greater the changes naturally sensed, so it will have the extraordinary performance of Yingwu just now.

After confirming the reason why Wang Fangfang became stronger, without worrying about the aftereffects, Ye Xiaohu continued to ask: "What is the origin of Zheng Shiguo and others, why do they bother you?"

"Zheng Shiguo is from Han Island. In his words, he is a power man."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu ’s inquiry, Wang Fangfang summed up what he knew and explained to Ye Xiaohu: "Soon after you leave, this world has changed, and generations of masters have appeared. They are fighting, fighting, In robbing the site ... some of the more outstanding places have been occupied by some powerful people and forces, but some small places, such as our Tianda property, are a world of spirits, so there are always some criminals who try to occupy alone. , Not for ordinary people. "


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