Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 977: : New changes in Yejia Village

Get out of the airport.

Ye Xiaohu said to the dragon: "You change the body, we take advantage of the night to fly back to Yejia Village."


Long Yi just promised Ye Xiaohu, ready to change his own body.

"Wait a minute."

But Wang Fangfang on the side interrupted the arrangements of Ye Xiaohu and Long Yi.

Although she didn't know what Ye Xiaohu meant, what she meant, but she knew it would be shocking because they had to fly back.

This is absolutely impossible, so Wang Fangfang said to Ye Xiaohu: "If you don't want to cause some trouble to Yejia Village, then it is better to wait for me to call the car, let's go back by car directly.

"That's it!"

Hearing Wang Fangfang's words, Ye Xiaohu had to suppress the excitement in his heart, so he listened to Wang Fangfang's arrangement.

Under such circumstances, Wang Fangfang simply dialed a number.

Then took Ye Xiaohu and others to the airport coffee shop and had a coffee.

About an hour or so, just when Ye Xiaohu was impatient, Wang Fangfang's cell phone rang again, and then Wang Fangfang stood up and said: "The car is coming, let's go!"


Hearing Wang Fangfang's words, Ye Xiaohu and others quickly followed.

So the group walked to the airport parking plaza and quickly found a professional attire, but there was a handsome driver.

The driver's eyes glanced around Ye Xiaohu and others, and finally fell on Wang Fangfang, so he quickly walked over and said: "Miss Wang, why don't you call me in advance, then I will take a step early Pick you up! "

"We also made temporary intent."

Wang Fangfang smiled slightly, and then said to the handsome driver: "So when the plane arrived, I remembered to call you."

"So this is ah!"

The handsome driver put Wang Fangfang's salute in the trunk, and then greeted Wang Fangfang and others on the driveway: "Go, shall we go to Songjiang City or Yejia Village?"

"Go to Yejia Village."

Wang Fangfang knew that Ye Xiaohu was eager to go home, so he said directly: "Remember to rush to the Yejia Mansion in Yejia Village as quickly as possible while ensuring safety."

"Miss Wang, don't worry, don't you know my car skills?"

The handsome driver smiled slightly. After Ye Xiaohu and others got on the bus, he directly started the car and went straight to Yejia Village.

Two hours later, the car passed through Songjiang City, through Lanhe County, through Pingling Town, and came to Yejia Village.

However, Ye Xiaohu just arrived at Ye Xiaocun, Ye Xiaohu could not help but stunned slightly: "This is not Ye Jiacun? How do I feel, all around the building, there is no hut?"

In Ye Xiaohu's plan, there are still a lot of cottages, so seeing the changes in Yejia Village in front of him, Ye Xiaohu was a little curious.

And they had just driven out of Pingling Town, still some distance away from Yejia Village, but this place has marked the stele of Yejia Village.

All these changes made Ye Xiaohu slightly surprised.

"This gentleman, have you estimated that you have not returned to Yejia Village in a few years?"

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's inquiry, the handsome driver said with a smug face: "It is estimated that in your memory, our Yejia Village is still the backward broken village?"


Although Ye Xiaohu wanted to deny it, it was like this when he left.

So when asked by the driver, he could only smile bitterly: "Yes."

"That's right."

The handsome driver proudly said: "I tell you, you are all old emperors. Since our honorary chairman Ye Xiaohu from Yejia Village returned from the field, he immediately led us to Yejia Village and made earth-shaking changes. Now Two years later, although our Yejia Village is still a village-level administrative unit, the scale of expansion, the construction of houses, and the development of the village are far beyond ordinary towns, and they can even be comparable to county towns. "

"Honorary village head?"

Ye Xiaohu said in amazement: "When did I become the honorary village head?"

"Not you."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu ’s words, the handsome driver said dissatisfiedly: “I ’m talking about our chairman Mr. Ye Xiaohu.”


Ye Xiaohu asked: "I am Ye Xiaohu in Yejia Village!"



Hearing Ye Xiaohu ’s words, the car was parked on the side of the road, and the handsome driver said, “Miss Wang, this person you brought back is so rude. If he apologizes to our honorary village chief, Forgive me not to take you into the village. "

"Little Sun, don't be angry."

Hearing the handsome driver's words, Wang Fangfang smiled and pulled him: "You have been studying in the city, just returned to the village for half a year, so it's normal not to know him."


Wang Fangfang paused and said: "But what he said just now was correct, because he was Ye Xiaohu. It was just that when he left, the honorary village chief's virtual title had not been awarded to him, so he didn't know.


If Ye Xiaohu speaks, handsome driver Xiao Sun still has some doubts.

Then when Wang Fangfang spoke, the handsome driver suddenly believed a bit, so he said cautiously: "Is he really our chairman?"

"If you don't believe it, you can search your company's brochure, I believe there should be a photo of him on it."

Wang Fangfang reluctantly spread his hands and motioned to the driver Xiaosun to look at the phone.

Xiaosun quickly took out his mobile phone and took a closer look. He could not help but stunned: "Are you really our boss Mr. Ye Xiaohu?"

"If it's fake replacement."

Ye Xiaohu said helplessly: "I believe no one should have impersonated me?"

"That's true."

The driver Xiaosun said embarrassingly: "Boss, I was just eye-catching and did not recognize you."

"It's okay, you and I haven't seen it, and I can't recognize it and it's normal."

Ye Xiaohu wouldn't be angry with everyone, so he continued: "Okay, it's not too early, let's continue driving."


Seeing that Ye Xiaohu was as good as talking in the rumors, the driver Xiao Sun was nervous and relaxed a little, so he continued to drive forward.

While opening, I will introduce Ye Xiaohu to the development and changes of the last year ~ ~ Especially the expansion and reconstruction of Yejia Village.

Hearing his introduction and Erzong nodded from time to time, Ye Xiaohu and his party finally came to a mansion, Ye Xiaohu said with surprise: "Is this my home?"

"If it's fake replacement."

Wang Fangfang said: "Why can't you even recognize your own home?"


Ye Xiaohu vomited, because the original Yejia Yanglou had been demolished, and a more gorgeous mansion was newly built.

However, after Tucao finished, Ye Xiaohu was surrounded by lanes: "Don't tell me, these cars were also bought by my family?"

"That's not true."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu ’s words, the driver Xiaosun added: “If I remember correctly, today should be the company ’s reporting day every month. This is the special car for the company ’s responsible persons.”

(End of this chapter)

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