Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 989: : Proactively greet guests

Chapter 989: Taking the initiative to greet guests

In an independent villa.

Mr. Liang, who had scolded Lei Junshan before, was meditating cross-legged on the sofa.


As a result, the room door was opened at this time, and Lei Junshan and others came in from the outside.

"I'm not asking you to go to Lingyun Hotel for a while. Why did you go back after so long?"

Suddenly hearing the sound, Liang Lao opened his eyes, and then glanced at Lei Junshan, followed by a slight jitter of his nose, and then wondered: "What's going on, why do you have a very spicy body I feel that even the nose of the old man is a little bit uncomfortable? "

"Lao Liang, we didn't do anything else!"

"According to your orders, we went to Yejiacai's Diezhong Lingyun Hotel, and in this hotel, we saw that they were busy and everyone was waiting for their Yejiacai."

"So we also lined up for a while, but unfortunately when it was our turn, Ye Jiacai was sold out."

"So we thought about it and decided to wait for the opportunity at night and went in to find it."

"As a result, we found that the people in the Lingyun Hotel were so disgusting. They didn't even leave us a serious dish, but ..."

With a smug look, Lei Junshan copied it from the back and took out a green onion that he was looking for: "But we found a section of green onions. I believe that we will have a deeper understanding of our research on Yejiacai."

"A section of onions?"

Mr. Liang thought he had heard it wrong, but when he saw Lei Junshan's swearing expression and there was only one onion in his hand, he was furious on the spot.

I saw that Mr. Liang stepped forward and gave Lei Junshan a slap: "Lei Junshan, don't think you are the son of my old friend, you can play tricks on the old man."

"I do not have it!"

Lei Junshan said a little bit of coercion: "Lao Liang, listen to me, I really only found one section of green onions, and everything else was completely eaten by people."

Lei Junshan knew where Lao Liang's rage was, so he quickly explained.


"No lie."

After confirming it repeatedly and making sure that Lei Junshan was not lying, Lao Liang was slightly younger and said with anger: "Give me the slave, I will study it first."


Lei Junshan nodded quickly, and handed over a section of green onions that he secretly stole to Liang Lao.

Mr. Liang took it and smelled it directly: "Yes, the smell I just smelled comes from this section of green onions."

Mr. Liang took a bite directly, ate half of the scallion, and chewed it carefully.

"Is this still green onion?"

At the next moment, Lao Lao felt that the spiritual power that had stopped disappearing in his body actually boiled again, so Lao Lao quickly said to Lei Junshan and others: "Give me the Fa, don't let anyone disturb me."

After the words fell, Liang Lao sat cross-legged and began to practice.

Seeing this scene, Lei Junshan rubbed his beaten cheek.

"Brother, are you okay?"

"Brother, that old man is really ruthless!"

"Brother, will you get an ice pack for you?"

Lei Junshan's younger brother came forward and asked one by one with concern, and cursed Old Liang.


As a result, their concern brought Lei Junshan a slap. I saw Lei Junshan said: "What do you know, Liang Lao hit me that is caring for me, and if it is replaced by other people, it will not kill me, but kill me. . "

He said so, but Lei Junshan was very angry with Liang Lao.

But this anger, Lei Junshan masked it very well.

Because he didn't know if Mr. Liang was really practicing, and even if he reached the level of Mr. Liang, even if he was really practicing, he could still hear the movement inside the house.

So at such a time, as long as Lei Junshan is not a fool, then he will not say bad things about him in front of Liang Lao.

In this way, after about ten minutes, Lao Liang finally completed the cultivation.

"Sure enough, this second generation of Yejiacai has some ways."

Liang Lao has not broken through for a long time, and with the help of a green onion, he successfully completed the breakthrough.

Although there are some coincident ingredients, it also reflects the difference of this green onion. Otherwise, Liang Lao eats other things, why can't he let him break through?

Under such circumstances, Mr. Liang couldn't help but look excited: "Mr. Lei Junshan will give you a task. From now on, you will prepare a table of hearty Yejia dishes for me every day."


Lei Junshan smiled bitterly and said a little embarrassedly: "Lao Liang, we came to Songjiang City this time, that was to conquer and seize Yejia Farm. If you always buy Yejiacai like this, wouldn't it be equal to being an enemy?"


Mr. Liang suddenly remembered something, and then said again: "The last time I let the guards of Yejia Farm be destroyed, what is the reaction of Yejia Farm now?"

"Business as usual."

Lei Junshan shook his head and said: "From the current situation there is no change ~ ~ as if they don't care about that person."

"That's it!"

Mr. Liang took a few steps and thought for a moment: "With Yejiacai like this, if we defeat Yejiacai first and then annex it according to our past ideas, there is obviously no way to do it. . So in order to meet the above requirements as soon as possible, you will go to Yejia Farm tomorrow and talk to them face to face. "


Lei Junshan nodded, and then said, "But if they don't agree, Mr. Liang?"


Old Lao sneered, and then let his eyes penetrate into the murderous way: "I have long been inquired, Ye Xiaohu of Yejia Farm has long disappeared. After Ye Xiaohu disappeared, Yejia Farm is basically headless. Status. And among the people in charge, there are only two or three big and small cats. Huang Taiye has been abolished, and only one Huang Jiaojiao is left. I believe that she alone cannot affect you. So if they dare to block it, then There will be no amnesty, if anything happens, I will help you get rid of it. "


With Mr. Liang's remarks, Lei Junshan's concern in his heart immediately relaxed: "Then I would like to say hello to my brothers, and I will go to Yejia Farm tomorrow."


Obviously, Liang Lao will continue to practice, so after channeling Lei Junshan, he directly waved his hand to signal his departure.

After Lei Junshan turned and left, Liang Lao continued to practice.

Early the next morning, within Yejia Farm, Ye Xiaohu, who was working on a busy farmhouse, suddenly heard Erzongzi say someone came to see him.

So he put his hands down in amazement, and after briefly washing his hands, he hurriedly walked under the barren hill to welcome the guests.


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