Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 991: : Quickly call your owner out

991 Quickly Call Your Owner Out

"I understand."

Ye Xiaohu thought for a while, and then said, "Then Brother Wang, do you think I need Ye Xiaohu to help me?"

If someone else asked, then Ye Xiaohu might think about it for a moment.

But Wang Yalou came to request, Ye Xiaohu will not refuse.

"Now the country is in a mess, and there are all kinds of forces, so you don't need to deal with it before you figure it out."

Wang Yalou heard Ye Xiaohu agreed to his request, relieved a little, then immediately said: "But recently a group of people who claimed to be Baishanmen, entered the boundary of my Songjiang City, so I hope you can represent us Songjiang , Talk to them, let them abide by the rules of our country, and do n’t make trouble.

"Baishan Gate?"

Ye Xiaohu slightly stunned: "Is this also a sudden school?"


Wang Yalou affirmed: "The information we obtained shows that there was a shock near Changbai Mountain in the past, and Baishan Gate was born there. It is said that the leader of this organization is a very strong man, and he is very Will do business. "

"Doing business?"

Ye Xiaohu buckled his ears, and there were some unbelievable words: "If you want to come, they should be immortals, why do you say he is good at doing business?"

"My information can't be wrong, the people below really say so."

Wang Yalou smiled bitterly and then explained to Ye Xiaohu: "According to intelligence, they immediately formed a group after the appearance of Baishan Gate, and they sell vegetables as their main industry."

"Wait a minute."

Ye Xiaohu heard Wang Yalou's words and reminisced about what happened in Yejia Farm in the past. He couldn't help but cautiously asked: "You said they are operating vegetables, so if their people enter Songjiang City, are they running similar businesses ? "


Wang Yalou nodded: "And from the intelligence point of view, they are contacting various businesses."

"I understand."

Ye Xiaohu sneered. He can basically conclude that the person who injured Huang Taiye and followed their Yejia distributor must be the so-called Baishanmen.

I saw Ye Xiaohu sneered: "I'm afraid they came to Songjiang City this time, they were directed at Ye Xiaohu and at Yejia Farm."

"You mean, they want to take your Yejia farm?"

Wang Yalou frowned, "Shouldn't they be so rampant?"

"Huh, the captain of our farm guards was injured by them not long ago."

Ye Xiaohu smiled coldly, and then said again: "So if they dare to show their heads, then I will let them know that they offend me Ye Xiaohu's end."

"Xiaohu, don't take the initiative to do things, but if they really take the initiative to trouble you, then no matter what happens, I can help you."

Wang Yalou patted his chest and assured Ye Xiaohu: "For this, you can rest assured."

"With your brother's words, I can run wild."

Ye Xiaohu smiled slightly, then stood up and said: "Now the food is almost done. Brother Wang, let's eat and talk."

"Alright, I happened to be greedy recently."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Wang Yalou also stood up.

So he followed Ye Xiaohu and went directly to the canteen of Yejia Farm.

"Hello Mr. Wang."

"Mr. Wang, this time our chef has learned a new dish and it tastes particularly good. You may try it later."

"Mr. Wang, will you stay here for a while?"

"Mr. Wang, Xiaoruier is over there."

Wang Yalou came in a private capacity, so every time Wang Yalou came to Yejia Farm, the employees of Yejia Farm did not call him his job title, but called him Mr. Wang.

After everyone's greetings and instructions, Ye Xiaohu and Wang Yalou quickly found Wang Rui'er.

At this moment Wang Rui'er followed Erzongzi, Xiang Qing and others ... eating food in the large dining hall.

"Father, you are finally here."

At this moment, Wang Rui'er had a big chicken leg in his hand, and his mouth was full of oil, said: "Today's uncle chef, I made a chicken leg, the taste is delicious."

"Your child is all set."

Seeing Wang Rui'er's expression, Wang Yalou's worry in his heart was directly abandoned by him.

I saw Wang Yalou hurried forward, took out a pack of wipes, and helped Xiaorui Er wipe the oil stains on his lips.

"But this chicken leg is so delicious!"

Facing Wang Yalou's concern, Wang Rui'er rolled his eyes, apparently still not thinking about the oil stains all over his body.

"Delicious, eat more."

Seeing Wang Rui'er's expression, Ye Xiaohu also walked over, and stroked Wang Rui'er's little head and said: "When I go back, I will ask you to put some chicken legs on you so that you can enjoy it at home."

"Uncle Xiaohu, you are so kind to me."

Wang Rui'er immediately said with pleasure: "But my aunt said to eat more meat, our girls tend to gain weight ~ ~ Haha, you're thinking about your stature when you grow up?"

Ye Xiaohu vomited, and then said: "But you can rest assured, one day you feel that you are fat, you can come to me, then I will give you a dose of weight loss soup, no matter how many pounds you are fat, then It can be reduced painlessly. "


Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Wang Rui'er's heart was completely relieved, so she picked up another chicken leg.

Seeing this scene, Wang Yalou shook his head without saying anything.

So he sat next to Wang Rui'er, while helping Wang Rui'er wipe his mouth, while eating Yejiacai, and praised Yejiacai's second generation.

Hearing Wang Yalou's praise, Ye Xiaohu was very happy.

After such a sumptuous dish, Ye Xiaohu accompanied Wang Yalou to visit the new changes of Yejia Farm.

It wasn't until night that Wang Yalou shook hands with Ye Xiaohu, and took Wang Rui'er to turn around and left Yejia Farm.

"Let's go back too."

When I could n’t see Wang Yalou ’s car, Ye Xiaohu turned to Sister Xiang Qing and said to others: "I will explain to you the work. Tomorrow I will go to Songjiang City to meet Brother Li Longrui and take a look at other companies. . "


Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, nodded to Sister Qing.

However, when they turned around, suddenly a loud noise came.

So Ye Xiaohu and others quickly turned around and saw that in their sight, a car was parked in front of Yejia Farm.

Immediately afterwards, a young man in the air, with the attention of Ye Xiaohu and others, directly grabbed the gate of Yejia Farm and pulled it down, throwing it aside: "Go and call your landlord to see my brother, Otherwise, the young man will tear down this place. "


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