Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1001: : Move on the wind

A mountain, a secret realm.

Above the Baishan, from the mist, there is a Baishan secret realm that was born with the change of heaven and earth.

This is the first secret area that Ye Xiaohu came into contact with after returning to earth.

At this moment, in the mysterious realm of Baishan, next to the old buildings, one by one wearing modern clothes, but there are some unsightly young men and women who are communicating together.

"This modern city is really interesting, there are all kinds of fun. I knew that the modern city is so good, then I should get out of the gate early."

"Did you go to the Internet cafe? I told you that I went to the Internet cafe and played a lot of games, which was particularly enjoyable. A team was formed a while ago and won the first place in the game competition. The next five kills. "

"It's better to go out and play with a club or a bar than a girl. I tell you that those girls are more beautiful than one, and they are very fashionable."

"Bah, you stupid rogue, you know to go out and find a girl."

"It's still good for us. One of the clothes I saw when I went out looks better than the other. There are also special underwear and underwear. It's really comfortable to wear."

"If it wasn't for Zongmen's call, then I should watch a movie in a cinema under the mountain now."

Young men and women tell their own experiences.

Although they are very powerful one by one, they are derailed from the times, so they are very interested in the modern city. Under such circumstances, they are naturally very happy to play.

Just as they were discussing, a majestic man came from a distance.


"The doorkeeper is safe."

Young men and women saluted one after another, and obviously this man was the master of Baishan Gate.

I saw the master of Baishan Gate, after glaring at the young disciples, stepped into his office.

As soon as he came in, he saw a man kneeling on the ground.

And beside him, there are elders of Baishan Gate, and they saw that their faces were more ugly than others.

"what happened?"

Bai Zhongmen, the master of the Baishan Gate, translated it and glanced at the humane kneeling on the ground: "Elder Liang, why are you back?"

"The master, the old men are not good at doing things."

Liang Lao, who was scrapped by Ye Xiaohu in Songjiang City, suddenly heard Bai Zhongyi ’s voice, so he wept directly and said, “Master, you gave me such an important matter to deal with, but in the end I broke him, woo ... "


An old antique that has lived for hundreds of years actually tears at this moment.

Seeing this scene, Bai Chongyi walked to his place and sat down, frowning: "What is the situation, why are you so panic. What about you and your body?"

"It's such a master. Didn't you let me take Lei Junshan and others to Songjiang City and want to conquer Yejia Farm in Songjiang City?"

"Is there such a thing? Isn't it going smoothly? And you called me the other day and told me that I'm sure I won the Yejia Farm?"

"It was like this at first, but it changed a little while ago. Ye Xiaohu, the owner of Yejia Farm, actually returned to Songjiang City and found me through the traitor from Lei Junshan."

"Ye Xiaohu?"

Although the secret realm of Baishan Gate has just been unsealed, he has also obtained some inside information, knowing the current situation of the earth.

Among them, Ye Xiaohu is undoubtedly his most concerned point. After all, Ye Xiaohu was the most powerful person in China before their return.

But Ye Xiaohu has been gone for a year, and they tried many times at Baishan Gate, but Ye Xiaohu did not show up. Then Ye Xiaohu must have had an accident, so he would let Liang Lao take action.

What's more, he is confident of taking Liang Lao's cultivation practice, not to mention that he can stabilize Ye Xiaohu, but he shouldn't be so embarrassed?

Reminiscent of this, Bai Zhongyi thought about it: "How did Ye Xiaohu injure you."

"One move, he only used one. I didn't even see how he did it. I was already injured."

"How can this be?"

Bai Zhongyi jumped up directly and said with a surprised face: "Elder Liang, your cultivation behavior is at least the pinnacle of Taoism. Under your precautions, one stroke will injure you, so his cultivation practice is at least infancy. Above the horizon. "


Old Lao said with a wry smile: "On the way back, I also thought about it for a while, so I estimate his cultivation behavior, and even reached a higher level."


When Naicheng wanted to say this to Mr. Liang, he didn't wait for Bai Zhongyi to speak. An elder at Baishan Gate jumped out and said, "I don't believe that an indigenous person living in China has no secret practice, no one gives instructions. , If you do n’t have a complete book of cultivating immortals, can cultivating be beyond the realm of infancy? "

"But that's how it is."

Old Liang looked pale and said firmly: "The old man will never make fun of Zongmen."

"I think you are frightened."

The elder obviously did not deal with Mr. Liang, so when Mr. Liang refuted him, he immediately jumped out and continued: "As far as I know, the man named Ye Xiaohu is in his twenties. And from From the intelligence point of view, he should have strayed into a secret realm for five years, so he would step into cultivation and become the first master of China. But I do n’t believe that he can break through again within a year. Several levels. "

Facing a reasonable and rebuttal, Liang Lao didn't know how to rebut it for a time, so obviously in silence ~ ~ At this time, Bai Zhongyi, who was sitting opposite, couldn't help but stood up and walked back and forth for a few steps. Seriously asked Lao Liang: "In your opinion, what kind of mentality and magical techniques does he perform, and may find the source from many secret realms?"

"The source could not be found."

Mr. Liang shook his head and continued to add: "I have also thought about it, and compared one by one with the fairy law I know, but there is still no way to find out what secret method the leaf-leaf tiger is practicing, so I ca n’t be sure he is What a secret person. "

Being able to determine the secret realm, the school, and the family that Ye Xiaohu came from, then Bai Zhongyi can handle it.

But now nothing can be determined, Ye Xiaohu seems to be an unknown person, then he also has some troubles.

Under such circumstances, Bai Chongyi took a serious breath before taking a breath, and said to Liang Lao: "You go to rest first, then I will let someone give you a Fuyuan Dan to assist you Resume cultivation, and then you will stay in the secret realm and rest assured. "

(End of this chapter)

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