Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1023: : You are hurting her


How could the body of a person who was hit by Ye Xiaohu get a punch?

The side disciple of the Dragon family was pierced by Ye Xiaohu's chest on the spot.

"Damn, he actually killed Hu Xueshan."

"Fuck, actually dare to take action against our Nanhai Dragon family."

"Fuck him."

"Don't be polite to him."

Apparently Ye Xiaohu's actions completely angered the people of the Nanhai Dragon family.

But they are very ignorant, they don't know Ye Xiaohu's power and horror at all.

So when they rushed, Ye Xiaohu immediately let them see what was truly desperate.

"It's just right, then let me fall down one by one."

I saw Ye Xiaohu shouted, followed by a punch.

Bang Bang Bang Bang.

The disciples of the Nanhai Dragon family fell to the ground one by one. Basically, those who died basically could not die anymore. Only a few people escaped the past and survived.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu didn't immediately go up to make up a foot for them, but said to the dark corner not far away: "You have watched for a long time, is it time to come out and see?"

Anyone else?

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Huo Sizhong's father and son woke up, and turned to look at it.


"What a fierce rising star."

Seeing his hidden whereabouts has been exposed by Ye Xiaohu.

Under such circumstances, I was instructed to go down the mountain to contact Xiaowu at the headquarters instead of concealing my body, so I walked out of the dark corner and said: "If you immediately obediently grab your hand and swear, and swear to surrender to our Nanhai Dragon family, then I might Forgive you for the crime of killing my disciples next to the Nanhai Dragon family, otherwise do n’t blame me for being a hot hand, and letting you die at a young age. "

"I really don't know where you pride people are, where are you getting pride, where are you getting arrogant ... Jumping out one by one, you think you are a **** above you and can dominate everything?"

Faced with the complacency and threat of Xiaowu, Ye Xiaohu shook his head helplessly: "Forget it, it just doesn't make sense to you guys, let's take you down for questioning first."

Ye Xiaohu glanced at Xiaowu, and instead of talking to him nonsense, he rushed away like Xiaowu.

"Wait a minute."

Xiaowu had seen Ye Xiaohu's methods before, so he knew he was not Ye Xiaohu's opponent.

Because Xiaowu knows his cultivation behavior, it is not much higher than those of the tribes.

Originally he wanted to use his identity as a core tribe of the Nanhai Dragon family to threaten Ye Xiaohu's surrender.

However, he found that the identity of the Nanhai Dragon family wherever he went was just like waste paper in front of Ye Xiaohu. It had no meaning at all.

Ye Xiaohu is talking about hands-on, then hands-on, without any hesitation and hesitation.

Therefore, in the face of active attacking Ye Xiaohu, Xiao Wu can only escape while smiling bitterly: "Boy, you know that once you offend our Nanhai Dragon family, then there is no place for you in the sky and underground. "


Seeing Xiaowu in such a situation, he still wanted to influence Ye Xiaohu's heart in such words, which made Ye Xiaohu slightly boring: "To tell you the truth, people like you, when I was in Songjiang City, It used to kill several in one go. "

Matsue Castle?

When I first heard about this place, Xiaowu was not surprised.

But after he carefully reviewed it, he suddenly thought of a news they had heard while looking for his cousin. So Xiaowu was shocked: "Are you Songjiang Ye Xiaohu?"

"Good, but something you noticed is a little late."

Ye Xiaohu returned with a punch, directly hitting Xiaowu's abdomen.


Xiao Wu flew out on the spot, but this time Ye Xiaohu controlled his strength, because he needed a live mouth, so he did not hurt the killer.

So after flying into the air and landing on the ground, Xiaowu survived, so he used his strength to beckon and begged for mercy: "Mr. Ye, all this is a misunderstanding. I don't know you are here. "

Seeing the changes in Xiaowu, Huo Sizhong and his son were staggered. Obviously they did not know how Ye Xiaohu did it.

Just when they were shocked, Ye Xiaohu also took up his offensive, and then pointed at Huo Sizhong, saying: "You can also let me let you go, but this requires you to answer his question later. If you answer him, let him Satisfied, then I can let you go. On the other hand, if you answer, let him be dissatisfied, then you wait for death. "

"No problem, I must know everything, and endlessly."

What a joke?

That's Ye Xiaohu.

A person, faced with several, dozens, or even more than one hundred masters of Immortal Cultivation Realm, his face still changed color, and he killed so many people on the spot, but those who were away.

In front of such a person, how dare he lie.

"This old gentleman, do you have any questions, so just ask me."

Primary Five at this moment is very responsible.

Seeing this scene, Huo Sizhong looked at Ye Xiaohu's eyes, and then stepped forward: "Is all your men killed by you?"

"Kill some of the diehards."

Xiao Wu hesitated and glanced at Ye Xiaohu, and said cautiously: "But there are still some watching in the back hill."

Huo Sizhong nodded, but did not get entangled in this topic, only to see him immediately said: "Why do you appear in my private place, and hands on my people."

"Private place?"

Xiaowu looked at Huo Sizhong's gaze, and added an inquiring expression, and then faithfully said: "We are here to find my cousin, but they will not let us, so we will be forced to do something with them."

"Your cousin?"

Huo Sizhong slightly stunned: "Isn't it Longyue?"

"Yes, it's him."

Xiaowu quickly nodded and said: "Long Yue is my cousin ~ ~ But she is now suffering from the Western alchemy poison and is currently receiving treatment from the people we invited.

Xiaowu guessed the identity of Huo Sizhong, and a trace of joy suddenly appeared on his face, because he realized his hope of living, that is, to keep the thigh of this cousin who had never met.

Seeing this scene, Huo Sizhong looked at Ye Xiaohu.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu frowned: "How did the people you invited come to treat Mrs. Huo?"

"Using Chinese medicine."

Primary Five briefly introduced the situation, and originally thought that it could get a certain favor.


What did Cheng Cheng want to say about him? In the end, Ye Xiaohu retorted: "You are harming him, using the means of Eastern Immortality to treat a virus made by Western alchemy. Is it possible that the patient will live a long time? ?"

(End of this chapter)

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