Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1028: : There are spies

"Are you sure it is?"

"But it has just grown up and it hasn't been tamed yet!"

"During the growth of this horse, the speed has not been very fast, it is estimated that it is difficult to win the race?"

"Would you like to change a batch of BMWs?"

The staff of the horse farm raised their opinions one after another. Obviously, they did not think that Ye Xiaohu would get any actual benefit from such a move.

But for their persuasion, Ye Xiaohu did not care at all: "A good horse, it doesn't matter how old it is, it doesn't matter how domesticated, as long as it runs on its instinct, then it can win."


Hearing Ye Xiaohu ’s words, the head of the horse farm could n’t help but shook his head, and then he looked at Huo Sizhong, saying: “Boss, please persuade him, this horse is a thousand miles horse, but it ’s easy to go on the field before it ’s tamed Something unexpected happened. "

Huo Sizhong looked at Ye Xiaohu, but in the end he had not spoken, and Ye Xiaohu flatly refused: "If Mr. Huo believes me, then I will give this horse to me."

"OK then!"

Of course, Huo Sizhong is very confident in Ye Xiaohu, so after hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Huo Sizhong immediately said: "This time the horse race, please give it to you."

"Relax, I won't let you down."

Ye Xiaohu smiled lightly, and then said to Huo Sizhong: "But before that, I hope that Huo Lao will prepare a quiet place for me. I will retreat to tame this BMW myself."

"no problem."

Huo Sizhong turned to greet the head of the horse farm and arranged a place for Ye Xiaohu himself.

After the arrangement was made, Huo Sizhong let other people take a holiday. In this way, only Ye Xiaohu was the only one in the horse farm. So Huo Sizhong asked Ye Xiaohu, "Do you think I can arrange this?"


Ye Xiaohu nodded and said, "If there is nothing else, I'm going to train the horse now."

Ye Xiaohu patted the BMW of his choice and turned and walked towards the depths of the horse farm.

Seeing Ye Xiaohu's movements, he always followed the Huo mainland who came here, and could not help turning around to ask Huo Sizhong: "Father, although Mr. Yeh's medical skills are amazing, is horse riding so good?"

"do not know."

Huo Sizhong shook his head, and then said indifferently: "But do you feel that we have other ways besides believing in Ye Xiaohu?"


Facing the questioning by Huo Sizhong, Huo Continental could not help but smiled bitterly: "The child knows what to do."

"Know how to do it, then prepare."

After Huo Sizhong instructed Huo Mainland, he instructed his driver to take himself back to his wife's private mountain. As for Huo Mainland, he went to the Huo Family Group and personally took charge of preparing for the horse betting.

Because these things should be put on the real surface when racing.

Originally, when his mother was cured, the Huo family could refuse to participate in the horse betting this time.

But in the face of Ye Xiaohu's request, their Huo family must cooperate, because Ye Xiaohu is their Huo family benefactor.

However, when Huo Si and his father were all busy.

A rider who had left Huo's horse farm before went to the opposite side of the horse farm and hid quietly.

When he saw that Huo Sizhong and his son and a rod rider left the horse farm, leaving Ye Xiaohu alone, he immediately took out his phone and dialed a number: "Hello, please help me find Zhou Yuanqi Zhou boss . "

The phone was silent for a while, but the rider was not in a hurry, because he knew that it was across the phone to find Zhou Yuanqi.

As expected, after about two or three minutes, a person's footsteps sounded, followed by a thick, majestic voice from the phone: "Who are you?"

"It's me!"

The rider of Huo Family Stallion said quickly: "I am Xiao Liu of Huo Family Stallion. Did n’t you invite me to the last time?"

"It is you!"

Zhou Yuanju froze for a moment, to tell the truth he didn't ring at all, who was the person across the phone.

But when he heard the word Huo, he immediately started fighting and said, "Mr. Liu, are you thinking about this and plan to overstep?"


Xiao Liu of the Huo Family Breeding Farm immediately nodded and said, "When Boss Zhou invited me to shift gears before, I had no effective capital. But this time, I got a great deal of information and wanted to use it as a career change. To the capital of your Zhou family's horse farm. "

Xiao Liu from Huo's horse breeding farm knows his capital well. If he jumps flat, he is basically an ordinary rider in the past. But if he takes the job of Huo's horse farm, he will definitely get Zhou Yuanju's importance after the shift.

So after knowing the destination of Ye Xiaohu's arrival and various preparations, Xiao Liu of Huojia's horse farm immediately called Zhou Yuanji's phone.


"What kind of information is it?"

Zhou Yuanju heard Xiao Liu's words and couldn't help but ask curiously: "If your information is useful, then I can sign a ten-year agreement with you, and increase your salary by 10% every year, and stay in our Zhou Group's horse farm , The basic salary will also be twice that of the Huo family. "

"Thank you Boss Zhou for your appreciation."

Facing such an opportunity, Zhou Yuanju is very generous.

So when Zhou Yuanju promised, Xiao Liu of Huo Family's horse farm immediately laughed and said: "It is such a boss Zhou. Just now, Huo's father and son came to Huo Family's horse farm with a strange young man."

"Unfamiliar youth?"

"Yes, from the situation they introduced, it should be a good rider, the purpose is to win the next horse betting."

Horse betting?

Lying trough?

Isn't that the one you want to bet on with the Huo family?

Zhou Yuanju was keenly aware of it, so he asked carefully: "How is that man's riding?"

"I do n’t know how to ride ~ ~ Xiao Liu of Huo Family Horse Farm shook his head and said:" Because I did n’t see him riding, but judging from the performance of Huo family father and son on this person, I want to come to this person Riding should be unusual, otherwise Huo's father and son will not be respected, almost obeyed. "

"I know."

After listening to the introduction of Huo's horse farm, Zhou Yuanju had a count in his heart.

Obviously, the Huo family found an excellent rider, so Zhou Yuanju frowned for a while and said, "I will handle the rest, and you will come to work at the Zhou Group ’s horse farm tomorrow. Hello. "

After the command was finished, Zhou Yuanju hung up his phone and tossed the phone aside, then said in front of himself: "Did you hear the call I just heard?"


ps: Thank you brothers and sisters who have been rewarded in the past two days. I have seen your support in my eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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