Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1032: : 1st place

(Girl Literature) "Man, we are despised."

Hearing Adrian ’s words, Ye Xiaohu could n’t help but smile slightly, and then gently said: “Since he wants to lose so much, then let ’s complete him.”


It seemed that he could hear Ye Xiaohu talking, so Ma Yi under Ye Xiaohu gave an excited roar.

Under its roar, the horse races that followed him immediately panicked.

Or stagnant, or go crazy like crazy, there is even a less timid race horse, and actually turned around and ran.

"Damn, stop, stop."

"Go ahead, don't stop."

"Oh, my old waist."

"It happened, Ma was shocked."

One by one riders, one after another exclaimed.

The people on the stage who saw this scene did not pay much attention to them, because Ma Yi, who was not far away in front of them, after the roar of excitement, just like a wild horse that was off the road Leaving aside his Adrian rushed.

Swish swish.

If we say that the first horse running, the speed is equivalent to a motorcycle.

Then when the horse ran at full strength, it was like a F1 car, running at a super high speed, almost blinking, and caught up with Adrian.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu smiled slightly and said to Adrian: "The next time you talk big, remember to win the ticket, otherwise you will be tragic."


Seeing Ye Xiaohu wink in a blink of an eye, he caught up with himself, which made Adrian incredulously say: "Impossible, how can horse racing be so fast?"

"It's very simple, because the horse under my hip is not a normal horse race."

Ye Xiaohu smiled faintly. After he and his horse racing, he has surpassed the ordinary horse category and reached a level of regeneration.

Moreover, the horse comes from Yejia Farm, has a good gene and foundation, and is far stronger than the average horse.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu said confidently: "I took a step first, and then I will see you again."


I saw Ye Xiaohu took a light drink, and his legs were so tight that he was ready to continue to speed up to complete the last lap.

"What are you doing, Adrian?"

But at this time, Zhou Yuanju in the audience once again made a dissatisfied voice: "Don't let him go over, otherwise you won't come back to see me."

Hearing Zhou Yuanju's words, the bosses around him frowned, apparently feeling disgusted with Zhou Yuanju's decision.

But when they frowned, Adrian, who was still in the game, had no mood to think about Zhou Yuanju's words.

Because at this moment, he was completely irritated by Ye Xiaohu.

Under such circumstances, he was flatly unacceptable and was overtaken by Ye Xiaohu.

"Since you are looking for death, don't blame me for being cruel."

Adrian smiled coldly, while controlling the horse racing to chase Ye Xiaohu, while running his own knight power. Under his operation, the whip in his hand faintly glowed with white light.

As Adrian waved, the white light touched by the whip collapsed.

At the same time, Adrian's other hand, toward the horse racing he sat down, transported into the light of some knights.


After Adrian injected the light of the knight, he sat down and immediately spread his legs, chasing Ye Xiaohu as if flying.

And Adrian's whip hit him without any damage.

"Actually chasing me at the expense of horse racing, this is an unsympathetic person."

Feeling the powerful breath coming from behind him, Ye Xiaohu could not help but glance back at Adrian, and at the same time he thought psychologically: "In the face of such a person, I have to prepare for it."

So Ye Xiaohu concealed an invisible force to hide his body.

Almost at the time Ye Xiaohu was ready, Adrian Racing, who injected the light of the knight, had already chased behind Ye Xiaohu in a hurry.

Under such circumstances, Adrian smiled coldly: "I just gave you back what I said just now."

When Adrian spoke, the whip in his hand waved fiercely towards the front.

Judging from the movements, Adrian is wielding his whip, preparing to hit the racehorse under his crotch.

But Ye Xiaohu, who is running side by side with Adrian, can feel the whip with its strange energy. Before hitting the horse race, he will definitely hit him.

"Want to kill me?"

Ye Xiaohu felt the killing released by Adrian, he could not help but smiled lightly: "But with this kind of energy, it is slightly difficult to kill Ye Xiaohu with this energy."

"Weak mortal, you don't know how terrible our great knight light is."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Adrian responded sarcastically to Ye Xiaohu, followed by the horsewhip in his hand, and continued to wave towards the front.

Under people's attention, Adrian's whip seems to be too hard ~ ~ directly hit Ye Xiaohu.


Without any accident, Adrian's whip hit Ye Xiaohu without any errors.

Under such circumstances, according to the previous situation, Ye Xiaohu's body will definitely be torn apart.

But the result of this time surprised Adrian.

Because Ye Xiaohu's body, instead of being torn apart, he radiated a strange light and bounced Adrian's whip back.

"Damn, you're actually a power person, but you've been playing pigs and eating tigers."

Seeing this scene, Adrian couldn't understand what happened just now, so he quickly took control of his body and wanted to re-stable his whip.

But he underestimated the power released by Ye Xiaohu, and underestimated the anti-shock force of this force.

As a result, Adrian didn't grasp firmly, and let the whip in his hand fly out. After landing in a place not far away, he hit a small pit.


Ye Xiaohu shrugged his shoulders, and then waved a hand.

Adrian felt a terrifying force at once and used it towards his body.

Adrian jumped in the air, avoiding the energy released by Ye Xiaohu.

But the horse race he sat down was not so lucky.

The horse that had been beaten by Adrian, who had been bruised and wounded all over his body, had exhausted his potential. On the spot, Ye Xiaohu wailed and fell to the ground.

"damn it……"

Adrian, who fell on the ground, suddenly screamed badly when he saw this scene.

But at this time Ye Xiaohu left him a back, almost a blink of an eye, and rushed across the last 100 meters to win the first race.

(End of this chapter)

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