Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1037: : Stay with me tonight

"Cooperation becomes the richest man in this world."

Seeing Ye Xiaohu hooked up and asking what he was cooperating with.

So Wang Juan smiled proudly, and then she walked to Ye Xiaohu and snuggled in the arms of Ye Xiaohu, saying: "As long as you are willing to cooperate with me, then the forces behind me can push you and me into a world master, And have an endless life, and still get my body. "

When speaking, Wang Juan made various actions.

Seeing this scene, Huo mainland could not help but swallow a spit, only to see him open his eyes, obviously he was quite moved.


Huo Sizhong naturally saw this scene, so he coughed and awakened Huo mainland: "Mainland, you go out first! You are not needed here for the time being."

"Yes, the baby got it."

Huo Dadao knows Huo Sizhong's thoughts, so after hearing Huo Sizhong's instructions, he left the box a little bit reluctantly.

However, from the beginning to the end, Wang Juan did not look at Huo Continental, but saw her eyes always staring at Ye Xiaohu.

"Can you get up now?"

However, Ye Xiaohu did not accept Wang Juan's intimate move, but instead pushed Wang Juan away in disgust, and then said to Wang Juan: "The cooperation you said has no meaning to me, Ye Xiaohu."

"Whether it's money, longevity, or beauty ... I have no shortage of Ye Xiaohu, and I don't need it, because if I want Ye Xiaohu, those things can be obtained by my ability in minutes, and I don't need to cooperate with you at all. "

Immortals live forever.

Ye Xiaohu, who has a fairy body, although the state has dropped a lot, but his life has not declined, so Ye Xiaohu immediately showed disdain after hearing Wang Juan's words.

"Is that right?"

Wang Juan did not worry, but instead said with a smirk: "Don't you want to get Xiang Qing?"

Ye Xiaohu frowned and asked, "What the **** do you want to say?"

"You have her in your heart, and you in her heart."

Wang Juan laughed a few times: "But her soul is in my body. So if I want, then I can destroy her at any time."

"you dare."

Ye Xiaohu snorted sternly: "If you dare to deal with sister Xiang Qing, then today you don't want to leave this place."

"I am her, she is me."

Wang Juan smiled coldly, not worrying about Ye Xiaohu ’s threat, but calmly said: "Only if I merge with him, then it is a complete individual. So if you kill me, then it is equivalent to killing half of Xiang Qing. . "

"Is this your confidence?"

Seeing Wang Juan take out his territory, Ye Xiaohu shook his head involuntarily: "Do you think I haven't considered this issue when I invited you over?"

"How about it?"

Wang Juan put his jade legs on Ye Xiaohu's thighs, then lay on the sofa boldly, and looked quietly at the roof: "There are some things, after all, you are not alone. You can control. I have been thinking about the layout for so long, how can there be mistakes? "

"what have you done?"

Ye Xiaohu said cautiously: "If you tell me now, then I will at most extract the soul of Sister Xiang Qing from your body, otherwise don't blame me for killing me."

"Want to know?"

Wang Juan did not measure the upper side of Ye Xiaohu's thigh, and then said again: "Unless you accompany me tonight, I will not tell you."

"You are looking for death."

Ye Xiaohu snorted coldly, a light wave directly emitted from his body, flicking Wang Juan on the spot.

But after being blown up, Wang Juan did not have any damage. Instead, he used Ye Xiaohu's elasticity to run towards the outside of the box. Obviously, she had already calculated the escape route.

"In front of me Ye Xiaohu, you actually want to run away, it's really delusional."

Seeing Wang Juan's movements, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but sneered, "Give me back."

Ye Xiaohu directly released a mana, forming an invisible magnetic field, attracting Wang Juan's body, and pulling Wang Juan's body back continuously.

Under the pull of Ye Xiaohu's mana, Wang Juan, who had originally fled, was pulled back a little bit.

"Do not……"

Wang Juan, who had always been calm and calm, and did not even show a fearful expression, finally felt a sense of fear when she was pulled in front of Ye Xiaohu.

Because this was completely different from her previous speculation, she struggled madly and said to Ye Xiaohu at the same time: "Don't, don't kill me, I am your sister Xiang Qing!"

"If you are really my sister Xiang Qing, then you will never talk to me like this."

Ye Xiaohu snorted coldly, and ignored Wang Juan's words, directly put a volley on the palm of Wang Juan's head.

The next moment, Wang Juan fell into a coma.

But Ye Xiaohu did not kill her, because Ye Xiaohu had to take out the soul of Xiang Qing from her mind.

Under such circumstances, if Ye Xiaohu killed Wang Juan, it would damage Sister Xiang Qing's soul.

So after Ye Xiaohu could only control Wang Juan's body and take out the soul of Sister Xiang Qing, he was dealing with the evil Wang Juan.


After finishing Wang Juan, Ye Xiaohu said Wang Juan was still on the sofa: "Lao Huo, please take care of her first. I have other things to do."

"no problem."

Huo Lao nodded, and then asked again: "But what are you going to do?"

"Save Huo Mainland."

Ye Xiaohu moved his neck, then pointed in the door of Huo Sizhong's stunned eyes: "Since you've already arrived, what's the point of hiding outside the door?"

"It's true that Ye Xiaohu, who has defeated many masters of Immortal Cultivation Realm, is really superior to the soul-sensing ability."

I saw a sound of no lack of sound ~ ~ passed in from outside the door.


Immediately following the door of the box, it was violently opened from outside.

At the next moment, the terrified Huo mainland came in from the outside, but there was no way to say anything, because there was a white-skinned arm above his throat.


Huo Dazhong is the only son of Huo Sizhong. Therefore, Huo Zhongzhong must not let Huo Dazhong have any losses. So when Huo Sizhong saw this scene, he quickly exclaimed: "Who are you, why did you kidnap my son Huo mainland. "

"It doesn't matter who I am, as long as you understand, if you don't do what I say, then your son will definitely die today."

I saw Hermes came out from behind Huo mainland, the other pointed at Wang Juan not far away, said: "Now give her to me and let us go, then I will let your son go, otherwise I Let him be buried with us. "

(End of this chapter)

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