"what's the situation?"

"The quality of this building is too bad. A deep hole appeared in the living room?"

Ye Xiaohu who saw this scene also had some coercion. This was the first time he encountered such a situation.

So Ye Xiaohu carefully observed the surrounding area and found that the ground around it was relatively stable.

While Ye Xiaohu was observing, there was a whispered voice in the deep pit of the living room: "Oh, what is this place?"

"Sister Xiang Qing ..."

Suddenly seeing this deep hole, Ye Xiaohu forgot Sister Xiang Qing for a moment.

Fortunately, Sister Xiang Qing shouted, so that Ye Xiaohu heard the location of Sister Xiang Qing.

So Ye Xiaohu took the initiative to lean in and said, "Sister Xiang Qing, are you below?"


Sister Xiang Qing shouted below: "Pull me up quickly, this place is too dark."

"Here comes."

Ye Xiaohu directly shone and appeared in the deep pit.

As a result, Ye Xiaohu saw that Xiang Qing was lying on her back, and the whole person was embedded in the ground.

Such a situation is obviously not a collapse, but something like Sister Xiang Qing smashed it out.

"What else to watch?"

Realizing that Ye Xiaohu was not moving by her side now, she made a dissatisfied voice to Sister Qing.

So Ye Xiaohu put away the speculation in his heart, and took the initiative to reach out to sister Qing and took it back to the ground.

Go back to face Sister Qing and sort out your clothes immediately.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu took the initiative to ask: "Sister Xiang Qing, what happened just now, why did you fall into the pit."

"What did I drop into the pit?"

Sister Xiang Qing said dissatisfiedly: "Briefly, Brother Hongshun cut corners and didn't lay the foundation well, so I accidentally fell down and smashed the ground out of a deep hole.

The guess in Ye Xiaohu's heart verified a few more points, so he continued to ask: "Are you sure you fell into the pit after the card fell?"


Sister Xiang Qing said dissatisfiedly: "I won't lie on this again."

"Wait a moment."

Ye Xiaohu returned to the deep pit, took a few glances and surveyed carefully.

As a result, Ye Xiaohu found that the foundation was very solid and did not cut corners at all.

So Ye Xiaohu returned to Sister Xiang Qing and said: "You check your body to see if there is any damage."

"Don't look at it, I have a lot of life and no damage. Instead, I feel energetic."

Sister Xiang Qing waved her arm and smiled: "Even if there is a tiger in front of me, I dare to kill it."

Is Mao a tiger?

In the heart, Sister Xiang Qing shouted, and then Ye Xiaohu settled down and said: "Sister Xiang Qing, this time it was not Brother Hongshun's fault."

Sister Xiang Qing said dissatisfiedly: "It's not his fault, is it my own problem?"

"Sister Xiang Qing, you recall carefully, after this house is built, have you seen problems with the house for so long?"

Ye Xiaohu shook his head and said: "But you have a problem when you get stuck, don't you feel there are some problems?"

Sister Xiang Qing frowned: "What the **** do you want to say?"

"I want to say that you don't understand your body at all, nor how to use your energy."

Ye Xiaohu said cautiously: "Before the soul was melted, you didn't have this problem. That's because you were an ordinary person at that time. But after the soul is melted, you may not be an ordinary person."

"I don't feel anything changed about me?"

Sister Xiang Qing puzzled: "Except for a part of my lost memories coming back, I feel that I am still the past me."

Ye Xiaohu shook his head and said: "Sister Xiang Qing, you can stamp your feet and see."


Sister Xiang Qing didn't know why Ye Xiaohu said that, but she did as Ye Xiaohu had ordered.


I saw her stomping her feet and a pit appeared on the ground immediately.

Seeing this scene, Sister Qing forced her: "What the **** is going on?"

"Because of that soul."

Ye Xiaohu thought for a while and said: "If I am not wrong, that Wang Juan should be an ordinary person. But Sister Xiang Qing, your soul, but has a good talent, so Wang Juan became a power. Before I will Sister Xiang Qing, you have to deprive your soul and bring it back to melt the soul. That Wang Juan became an ordinary person, and Sister Xiang Qing, you inherited the power of the soul and became a power. "

"I am a power man?"

Sister Xiang Qing was a little dumbfounded, and felt it was a little bit trivial, so she asked curiously: "Can I fly like you do?"

Ye Xiaohu shook his head: "Not yet?"

Sister Xiang Qing's eyes stared at Ye Xiaohu, said: "How is it possible?"

"Needs practice."

Ye Xiaohu thought for a moment and said, "Now this force is in your body, so you can't control some problems at any time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ For example, you just fell flat. But if you practice, you can always Take control of your own strength and you wo n’t have the problem just now. "

"it is good."

Sister Xiang Qing expected: "I want to practice now."


Now the Satan group has attacked, although with the aid of the Kunlun demon.

But that is an outside force after all, it is impossible to protect no one.

Therefore, under such circumstances, it would be better to let Xiang Qing as soon as possible to start their cultivation and possess the ability to protect themselves.

After all, Sister Xiang Qing, they drink spirit water every day and eat Ye Jiacai. Their bodies have long been not ordinary people's bodies, but they don't know how to use their physical talents.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but cautiously said: "In the past year, the farmhouse was taken care of by sister Qing Qing. I believe you know the people in the farmhouse well, so you can choose some more loyal people. I will teach you the knowledge of cultivation. "

"I know."

Sister Xiang Qing nodded, she understood Ye Xiaohu's thoughts, so she nodded in comprehension.

Next, Ye Xiaohu helped Sister Xiang Qing to sort out her body, so as not to let Sister Xiang Qing continue to fall flat, and then fell out of a big pit.

Then Ye Xiaohu returned to his home and began to plan exercises suitable for Sister Qing.

As for Xiang Qing, she went to the farm and began to screen people who were loyal to the farm and would not betray Yejia Farm.

After just a day or two, sister Xiang Qing came to Ye Xiaohu's office and took the initiative to report to Ye Xiaohu: "Xiaohu, everyone has been summoned, do you think we can guide cultivation now?"


Ye Xiaohu nodded, so he took the initiative to stand up and followed sister Xiang Qing to the place where employees waited for him.

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