Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1065: : Meet in 1 year

Chapter 1065: Meeting After One Year

The mountain leader of Biyue Academy, could not wait for Ye Xiaohu to leave.

So when he heard Ye Xiaohu say goodbye, he would not stay.

"Finally, the plague **** is sent away, and the old man can breathe a sigh of relief."

Therefore, after Ye Xiaohu left, the mountain of Biyue College spit out a sigh of air: "Hurry and let the people clean up the living room for me. I don't want to get rid of it."

"Shanchang, his subordinates feel that this matter is not over yet."

The person in charge of the front yard who has been attending next to him reminded me cautiously: "Do n’t forget, Mr. Shan, this Mr. Ye is a hot-tempered person who is on fire. And the Hanlin Hotel where he stayed seems to be our closed month again. If there is anything wrong with the site of the academy, I am afraid there will be many problems. "

"Damn, I forgot for a while, Hanlin Hotel was owned by Biyue Academy."

Hearing the warning from his subordinates, the mountain leader of Biyue College tapped his head, and then said again: "Yes, who is in charge of the Hanlin Hotel now?"

"It's Grandpa."

The person in charge of the front yard recalled it, and then said again: "A while ago, my grandfather felt a little bored in the college, so he applied for an external transfer. Later, Mr. Shan, you handed over the control of the Hanlin Hotel to the grandmaster."

"How come you are the boss?"

The mountain leader of Biyue Academy has a little headache because his talent is not good, and there are some dudes, who often make troubles everywhere.

Just the big son, and the deep favor of Bi Yueshushan's wife.

Therefore, since childhood, he has developed an arrogant and dull personality, and often made the mountain leader of Biyue College scorched. Therefore, when the eldest son proposed to manage the hotel, the mountain leader of Biyue College would not hesitate to appoint him. Let him manage.

But now I heard that Ye Xiaohu also went to the Hanlin Hotel, which made the mountain leader of Biyue College have a little panic: "No, I have to remind the boss, don't let him cause any trouble."

Having said that, the mountain leader of Biyue College quickly took out the phone and dialed the number of his elder son.

Doodle doodle.

The phone rang for a long time before being picked up by a lazy person: "My dear father, what is the matter with you calling me so early in the morning?"

"It's three o'clock in the afternoon, is it too early?"

The mountain leader of Biyue College was on the phone on the spot, scolding his elder son, and then said: "Do n’t think that the old man does n’t know what you are doing in the Hanlin Hotel. A positive attitude, otherwise you will have good fruit to eat. "

"Oh, old man, who is chewing on the tongue again in the back, so you will always trouble me?"

Although the words were slightly playful, Lu Yi, the eldest son of the head of the Hanlin Academy, was more afraid of the mountain ’s father, so he crawled directly from the bed and said carefully: "Forget it, anyway, I am Now, if you have any dissatisfaction, or if you are instructed, just say it! "


Hearing his son, calling himself an old man, made the mountain leader of Biyue College a little dissatisfied.

But in educating his son, he is really powerless, so he can only sigh: "That's it. Today, a giant came from the north. He is called Ye Xiaohu. This person is very cruel, just staying under your management. Hotel, so I called to remind you that you must not offend him, otherwise it would be difficult for me even to protect you. "

"Ye Xiaohu?"

Lu Yi, the eldest son of Biyue College, nodded and silently wrote down the name: "I know, if I really met him, then I must go around him, are you always at ease this time?"

"You know how to deal with it yourself."

The mountain leader of Biyue College was relieved, and then said again: "But don't worry too much, because he is passing by our site, and he will go to Songling Giant Spirit Gate later, so you can stick to it for a few days. If you ca n’t help it, go back to the academy to see your mother and stay with her for a few days. ”

"I know, you are too verbose."

Lu Yizhuan was obviously annoyed by the mountain leader of Biyue Academy, so he said directly: "If you have no other business, my father, then I will hang up the phone, and I will go to meet a few secluded secrets in a while friend."


The mountain leader of Biyue Academy just had to teach Lv Yizhuan.

As a result, Lu Yi turned to know what he was going to do, and hung up his phone on the spot.

Immediately after he left the phone aside, he returned to his bed and slapped the beautiful woman on the bed, saying: "Don't pretend to sleep, quickly put on your clothes and get rid of Laozi."

"Yes, son."

The woman on the bed, after hearing Lu Yizhuan's instructions, quickly got up from the bed and dressed well ~ ~ left Lu Yizhuan's apartment.

Almost when the beauty left, Lu Yi's phone rang again.

This time it was not the mountain head of Biyue Academy, but a man with a very young voice. I saw him on the phone and asked Lu Yi to go out and play.

Lu Yi turned his eyes on, and directly agreed to the other party's invitation, so he left his apartment.


On the other hand, Ye Xiaohu, Er Lengzi and others, after bidding farewell to Biyue College, did not move around in the city and went back to Hanlin Hotel directly.

After simply requesting a room card, and after arranging a gathering array and a defensive array in the room, Ye Xiaohu planned to enter the floating island space to watch the alchemy furnace.

But as soon as he had arranged his formation, he heard the door sound.

Ye Xiaohu briefly sensed, and found that the knocker was a shocker. This made Ye Xiaohu slightly surprised and went straight to open the door of the room: "Erze, we just separated, you came to me again, but there is What happened? "

"It's a matter of course, but it's not a big deal."

Er Lengzi smiled thickly, and then in Ye Xiaohu's puzzled eyes, he directly explained to Ye Xiaohu: "When I returned to the room just now, I heard a familiar voice by accident, so I walked over to take a look , Xiaohu, guess who I saw. "

"Who did you see?"

Ye Xiaohu looked at Erlangzi in a puzzled way: "Could we still meet any acquaintances in this place?"

"For me, it's a little strange, because I don't have many encounters with her, but Brother Xiaohu, you used to interact with her a lot."

Erzongzi smiled mysteriously and secretly, and then walked to Ye Xiaohu's side, lying quietly in Ye Xiaohu's ear and said softly: "This person is Sun Ying."


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