Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1073: : Sensational China

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Lu Wan's entire eyes became dull.

He thought about all the possibilities, but he never imagined that Ye Xiaohu actually wanted to help the Sun Family Snake in the East China Sea.


Lu Wan said embarrassedly: "Lu Yi's turn has nothing to do with our Biyue Academy, so would it be too much for you to let us surrender to him in the East China Sea Sun Family?"


Ye Xiaohu snorted coldly, a glimmer of murderous opportunity infiltrated his eyes: "If it weren't for me to come out, then you Bi Yue College would abandon Lu Yi and turn to the door to beg for mercy? Change to a weaker person. Biyue Academy is scumming, not that you took the initiative to come down and admit your mistake. "


Lu Wan knew that Ye Xiaohu was right. If he was replaced by someone else, he would not let go of scrapping his son.

So in the face of Ye Xiaohu's aggressive, he didn't know how to refuse for a while.

At this time, Ye Xiaohu took the initiative to interrupt his words: "Unless you become part of the Sun family in the East China Sea and receive their asylum, so sooner or later I will find an excuse to destroy your entire Biyue Academy."

"I know."

Lu Wan laughed bitterly, then nodded: "But I have to ask my father, I will make a decision later."

"no problem."

Ye Xiaohu made a gesture of asking for pleasure, so Lu Wan took out her cell phone and went directly to find a place to call and ask Lao Shanchang.

This chat lasted ten minutes, and then Lu Wan came back with a hazy look and asked: "After our family meeting, we are willing to accept this proposal. But we have a question, is Mr. Ye you have also joined the Donghai Sun family? "

"Do not."

Ye Xiaohu shook his head and denied, "I don't have much contact with the Sun family in the East China Sea, but I am a friend of Sun Ying, so her business is my business."

"I understand."

Lu Wan sighed and said, "But have you considered Mr. Ye? If you don't sit in the Donghai Sun family, the Donghai sun family would not be a long-term plan to swallow our Biyue Academy. It may even cause a series of unnecessary Trouble. After all, except the Sun Ying in front of you and me, the Sun Family of the East China Sea has no master who can handle it. And even Sun Ying's cultivation behavior is only an intermediate master in this era of mysterious secret cultivation. Forget it, you can't get up to grade. "

"Relax, as long as Sun Ying is in any danger, then Ye Xiaohu and the Yejia Farm behind me will not sit idly by."

Ye Xiaohu knew the purpose of Lu Wan ’s remarks, so he thought about it and gave an affirmative answer: “As for Sun Ying ’s current cultivation position is relatively weak, but you may not know it, she stepped in. It ’s just a year of cultivation. I believe that it wo n’t take long before you are in front of her, I ’m afraid I wo n’t be able to sustain it for a round. ”

"Only one year?"

Hearing Ye Xiaohu ’s words, Lu Wan no longer had any estimate, and knelt directly in front of Sun Ying: “Since that is the case, then we Bi Yue Academy is willing to submit to Sun Ying, but does not submit to the East Sea Sun family.”

"Isn't this good?"

Sun Ying embarrassed: "If you turn to Ye Xiaohu, he is more suitable than you as your master."

"Sun Ying, you don't have to be embarrassed, don't worry, because once they recognize the Lord, they will not break their promise unless they want to be destroyed by me."

Ye Xiaohu shook his head and rejected Sun Ying ’s proposal: “And now it ’s an era of immortal cultivation, and your Donghai Sun family wants to stabilize your position, then you need a force like Biyue Academy to be your Donghai Sun behind you. Home provides resources and masters. "

"I understand."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's persuasion, Sun Ying carefully weighed it and could only accept Ye Xiaohu's arrangement in silence.

I saw that she walked to Lu Wan's side, and helped Lu Wan up: "Since Xiaohu said so, then you must first surrender to my door, and if in the future, after your atonement is completed, you want to leave me completely When it comes, just talk to me and I will let you go. "

"The Lord is merciful."

Lu Wan does not know whether Sun Ying is telling the truth or falsehood.

Therefore, after listening to Sun Ying's words, he expressed gratitude on the spot and said: "In the future, we will respect the Lord for our Biyue Academy."

Sun Ying, who saw this scene, quickly supported Lu Wan: "You don't have to be so polite, we will support each other and fight together."


Lu Wan nodded gratefully, and then discussed with Sun Ying how to accept Bi Yue College.

Sun Ying didn't know much about this, so he asked Ye Xiaohu.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu gave them one idea after another, trying to make both of them feel satisfied.

After confirming the plan, Ye Xiaohu took Sun Ying to Biyue Academy and helped him take over Biyue Academy. At the same time, using his own means to deter the Biyue College, there are still two-hearted people.

In this way, it is finally a matter of ordering Biyue Academy, no need to worry about Biyue Academy's mischief behind it, affecting Sun Ying's safety.

So after he solved the trouble, Ye Xiaohu counted the time, not far from the Spirit Immortal Assembly of Juling Gate, so Ye Xiaohu took Sun Ying to Songshan Shaolin Temple.

However, Ye Xiaohu didn't know at all, after he left, the immortal practitioners in Zhengzhou City, because of the Biyue Academy, had caused much trouble.

Almost every place is talking about Biyue College.

For a time, the annexation of Biyue Academy by the Sun Family of the East China Sea caused a sensation in the entire city and the entire China, becoming the most popular topic of communication nowadays.

"The Sun Family of the East China Sea is just a secular family of immortal cultivation. How can it be able to swallow a mysterious realm of immortal cultivation like Biyue Academy?"

"It can only be said that Biyue Academy has gone down ~ ~ is far from the popularity and status of the past."

"As far as I know, Shan Yuexiu of Biyue Academy is not weak, and at least has not reached the point of decline, so according to what I see this time, the role played by Ye Xiaohu must be very important."

"Just the Songjiang Ye Xiaohu?"

"Besides him, who dares to ignore our cultivation of the fairy realm, and set off a storm of blood and blood."

"That's not surprising."

A group of people are talking about Biyue Academy in a fairy repair hotel.

However, they neglected the man beside him. There was a man with sunglasses, listening to their discussion in silence, and then frowned to leave.

This man is naturally Jeren Su who Ye Xiaohu met on the plane.

(End of this chapter)

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