Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1076: : Meet again


"Damn, that's actually a giant python."

"How can a giant python appear silently behind our Shaolin Temple?"

"What are the monks in the front yard doing all day, so such a big red python entered Houshan, they didn't give any warning?"

"Still dumbfounded, the Bodhidharma stick is my treasure that Shaolin secretly does not pass on. It must not be taken away by this giant python, otherwise how can we face the sages?

The monks in the Shaolin Temple rose one after another and directly killed the red python.

"Stupid human beings, did they even fight against Dasheng?"

The red python actually uttered a mouthful of words, swept the snake tail directly, and swept the group of Shaolin monks in front of him. Hungry in the lower abdomen. "

"Cultivation is rampant."

Hearing the red python, the abbot Shaolin could no longer hold back.

I saw him slamming and jumped into the sky.

The body cascade emits a yellow light, which sets off the Shaolin abbot very great.


I saw the abbot Shaolin meditated a little while, and then shot the red python in one hand.

"Old monk, you are not my opponent."

The red python was not afraid at all, but he saw his huge snake eyes, and gave a sharp glance to the abbot Shaolin, and then a spit of poison gas came out of his mouth.

The poison gas just spewed out, and the abbot Shaolin immediately made a defensive action.

But the poison gas had just floated in front of him, and had not touched his defense. He flew directly to the countryside and flew to the Shaolin monk on the ground.

"Damn, a treacherous snake demon."

The abbot of Shaolin was taken aback. Those Shaolin monks on the ground were the future of Shaolin Temple.

Now they are low-cultivated, unable to counter the poisonous poison of a snake demon.

Therefore, the abbot of Shaolin gave up fighting against the snake demon and rushed directly down, wanting to rely on his cultivation behavior to resist the huge poisonous gas.

"you lose."

The red python laughed wildly, and then a snake tail swept over.


With only one loud noise, the unprepared abbot of Shaolin Temple was swept by the snake tail of a red python on the spot.

Although his cultivation is not weak, and he tried his best to resist.

However, there were poisonous gas in the front and a snake tail in the back, which caused a lot of holes in his defense, so he was flew by the red giant python on the spot.


"Brother, how are you?"

"Damn python."

"Hurry up and take the healing medicine to treat the abbot."

For a time, the Shaolin Temple became a mess of porridge, and they were all busy, and no one even took care of Ye Xiaohu.

Seeing this scene, Erzongzi standing beside Ye Xiaohu said: "Brother Xiaohu, I am afraid Shaolin Temple will not be able to hold it. Do you think we should use it now?"

"No need to."

Ye Xiaohu shook his head and rejected Er Lengzi's proposal: "Don't underestimate the details of Shaolin Temple unless you want to die."


Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Er Leng Zi still had some disbelief.

But what Ye Xiaohu said was a decree in his eyes, so he would not violate it, so he quietly returned to Ye Xiaohu.

When Erzongzi went back, the red python in the sky saw the people of Shaolin Temple, and they began to rescue the abbot, thinking that his own strategy had succeeded.

So the red python slammed into the big wand with pride, only to see that it opened its big mouth and swallowed the Bodhidharma stick on the spot.

At such a moment, I saw the Dharma stick lost.

In the jungle behind the Shaolin Temple, a high-pitched Buddha's language came, and then a stone Buddha fell from the sky and smashed into the red python.

The red python felt the crisis, so the body took a step back.


The stone Buddha who landed on the ground cracked on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, a Luohan radiating golden light came out of the stone Buddha and carried an iron rod, killing the red python in the sky.

The gold body Luohan's cultivation is not weak, and he confronts the red python in the sky without falling down.

Obviously this is the essence of Shaolin Temple, so it will not be easily used.

Otherwise, this golden arhat will not be hidden inside the stone Buddha.

Bang Bang Bang Bang.

The golden body Lohan and the red python were in the sky, and they played a hundred rounds in a blink of an eye, and all the time there was a mumble.

But one person is half a cat, half a cat and a cat, and he can't be separated in a short time.

"about there."

Ye Xiaohu, who saw this scene, could not help but move his wrist and said: "You should pay attention to it in a moment, don't be affected by our battle."

"Brother Xiaohu, are you going to shoot?"

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Erzongzi and others did not understand.

Ye Xiaohu didn't consider helping out when the red python killed all directions.

Now the red python has been blocked by the golden body Arhat. Obviously the Shaolin crisis has been resolved, but Ye Xiaohu has to help him. "

"If I don't shoot again, then the Dharma sticks of Shaolin Temple will be left elsewhere."

Ye Xiaohu sighed quietly, and then he walked forward step by step: "The red python is just a child. The real killer is actually just about to act."

"Brother Xiaohu, do you mean there are still people going to shoot?"

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Erzongzi and others could not help but startle slightly.

Because of their consciousness, they have been scanning the surroundings, but they have never noticed the figure and breath of any immortal practitioner.

According to their understanding, there should be no enemies around.

"Your cultivation is too weak, and your consciousness is affected by the red python and the cautious Luohan, so you have not found the enemy hidden in the dark."

Ye Xiaohu moved his neck, and then said to them: "It has been here for a long time."


Everyone didn't understand why Ye Xiaohu said that, but they knew that Ye Xiaohu wouldn't have any problems with what he said.

So they moved their eyes to the Bodhidharma while they were watching.

A small black shadow suddenly appeared on the side of the Bodhidharma.

The goal is very small, if you don't look carefully, there is no way to see the shape of the goal.

It was a black bat.

The body is not very big, but there is a black mist in the body. Obviously it is not a very ordinary black bat.

When it was seen, everyone was shocked.

At this time, Ye Xiaohu, who was not far away from the Bodhidharma, after moving his neck, staring at the black bat, said: "Jeren Su, it seems that your prediction came true. See you. "

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