Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1083: : Family love extinguishes, friendship comes out


Seven seven.


Worship time after time and remember parents again and again.

Until Ye Xiaohu felt his body, he was exhausted, and even some were unsustainable.

So Ye Xiaohu once again came to his parents' grave and burned some yellow paper for his parents, then said to the grave: "Although you are not my real parents, but you can spend so many years with you, it is better than a loved one. "

"Now my body can't be dragged down anymore, so you will return to the dust, the soil will return to the earth!"

Enlightenment is like a demon.

If you are trapped in this world forever, then you will never be able to comprehend this essence, and may even fall asleep for it.

So when Ye Xiaohu felt that the timing was almost the same, he chose to actively disconnect this martial art.

I saw Ye Xiaohu stand up, take the initiative to wake up and destroy everything in front of him.

Under the destruction of Ye Xiaohu, time reversed a little bit.

When everything returned to its original point, Ye Xiaohu also stepped past his family and returned to the beginning of the world.

This made Ye Xiaohu's heart slightly relieved, when he thought everything had passed.

Suddenly heard Er Lengzi's shouting in his ear, which made Ye Xiaohu slightly stunned, so he turned around and asked, "Erlen, you have also learned the Tao."


Er Lengzi's voice, remembered in Ye Xiaohu's ear, said: "Brother Xiaohu, have you realized that Taoism is over?"


Ye Xiaohu smiled slightly, and then said to Erzongzi: "Strange, you and my enlightenment are over, why is Sun Ying's enlightenment still not over?"

"Sun Ying?"

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Er Leng Zi was also slightly surprised.

So he took the initiative to walk to Sun Ying's side, and observed Sun Yingdao: "No, Brother Tiger's Sun Ying's condition seems to be a little weird!"

"there is a problem?"

Ye Xiaohu froze for a moment, and quickly walked over to see Sun Ying.

This does not matter, but Ye Xiaohu finds that Sun Ying's body is already cold.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu could not be more familiar.

Because Ye Xiaohu had experienced such a situation twice before when he realized the family relationship.


Sun Ying actually died.

And from the form point of view, Sun Ying was very peaceful when he died, and apparently had no problems.

That is to say, when she realized the truth, there were some problems, so she died directly.

Although this probability is very low, it is not impossible.

So Ye Xiaohu could only shake his head, and said to Er Leng Zi: "You go out, call the people of the Sun family, and cook for her future generations."

"it is good."

Er Leng Zi nodded, so he ran out quickly.

After a while, all the Sun family rushed to Ye Xiaohu.

As soon as they appeared, they saw Sun Ying's cold body.

So they wept, telling the injustice of heaven.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu could only sigh helplessly: "Okay, now is not the time to discuss this, but when dealing with the aftermath, you quickly call Donghai."

This was a very common language of concern, but it fell into the ears of those who belonged to the Sun family in the East China Sea, but something different happened.

I saw them stand up one by one, and in Ye Xiaohu's frowning eyes, he stepped toward Ye Xiaohu step by step.

"It's you, you must have killed our lady."

"There is nothing wrong, otherwise how could the mistress of our elder family die in a small enlightenment."

"You murderer, I'm going to kill you to avenge our young lady."

"Yes, kill him as a murderer."

Swish swish.

People from the Sun family in the East China Sea rushed to Ye Xiaohu.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but stunned. Obviously, it felt a little inexplicable, so Ye Xiaohu defended himself: "You said, what reason do I have to kill Sun Ying, know that Sun Ying and I are friends ! "

"It's very simple, because you want to swallow the Taoist bodhi and the relics alone."

I saw the leader of the Sun family in the East China Sea, and one of them looked very black and stinky: "You, a little man who sees fortune and forgets justice, trusts you so much as our young lady, and you end up with such ungrateful things.

People from the Sun family in the East China Sea seem to have found an excuse.

So they stopped taking care of Ye Xiaohu and shot Ye Xiaohu one after another.

"you guys……"

Ye Xiaohu took a step back and just had to defend himself.

But at this time, Erzong, who had been standing beside Ye Xiaohu, seemed to become another person. When he rushed out in anger, he raised a hand and killed a master of the East China Sun family, then attacked step by step. While going away, he roared and said: "My little brother Hu is so kind, and he has offended Shaolin Temple for your young lady Sun Ying. You are not satisfied, and my brother Xiao Hu killed your big lady Sun Ying?"

"Even if my little tiger killed her, what's the big deal?"


Erzongzi retaliated against them while shooting with hatred.

The masters of the Sun family in the East China Sea are all people who jumped from the mortal world into the world of immortality.

Although in front of mortals, they may be a master.

But in front of Er Leng Zi, they are weak chickens.

Therefore, they did not have any advantage against Er Leng Zi, let alone Er Leng Zi's full shot, and they definitely did not give them a chance to live.

Bang Bang Bang Bang.

It was a few breathing exercises. Erzong squeezed the head of the last enemy in front of him, and then walked to Ye Xiaohu covered with blood, said: "Brother Xiaohu, how are you, did you receive any damage?"

"I'm fine."

Ye Xiaohu shook his head and asked rhetorically: "But you ..."

"It's the blood of the enemy ~ ~ I'm not hurt at all."

Er Lengzi shook his head, then said with a smug face: "Brother Xiaohu, do you think I've grown a lot since I cultivated?"


Ye Xiaohu nodded and recognized Er Leng Zi's words, followed by a curious expression: "But Er Leng Zi, you were not like this in the past, and you will not kill the innocent indiscriminately."

"The man's big husband should be decisive at the time, not his mother, otherwise how to become a big weapon?"

Faced with Ye Xiaohu's doubts, Erzeng didn't care at all, but found a good excuse for himself, so that he could handle the affairs of the East China Sea family with peace of mind.

I saw him talk with Ye Xiaohu for a while, and then said to Ye Xiaohu: "Brother Xiao Hu, it will be the Songshan Xiuxian Conference immediately. See if we will set off immediately and go to the Giant Spirit Gate to let those immortal Xiuxian schools , Know how powerful Yejiazhuang is? "

(End of this chapter)

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