Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1086: : Seeing through

My wedding?

Ye Xiaohu could hardly believe that he was married.

The previous series of dreams have caused some confusion in Ye Xiaohu's memory.

Fortunately, he was calmer, so he shook his head and discarded the unimportant memories in his mind.

Immediately after, Ye Xiaohu followed his dad and found the pastor to talk about the details of marriage.

After a brief chat, it was confirmed that there was no problem, so the wedding was held as scheduled.

At the call of the priest, Ye Xiaohu's bride walked in.

From the outside and body type, Ye Xiaohu can see at a glance that the other party is actually Xiang Qing sister, which makes Ye Xiaohu's heart slightly fluctuate.

Fortunately, Ye Xiaohu calmed down quickly, so Ye Xiaohu quietly observed Sister Xiang Qing while doing other things along her own heart.

The priest said: Ye Xiaohu, are you willing to marry this (beautiful, gentle, virtuous, ice-smart) girl by your side as your wife, love her, comfort her, respect her, protect him, just like you love yourself. In the days to come, whether she is poor or rich, sick or healthy, she will remain loyal to her and fall in love with each other until she leaves this world?

"I wish ..."

Ye Xiaohu was about to speak, but a person rushed in outside the church.

Ye Xiaohu took a closer look, and the man was Sun Ying.

I saw Sun Ying rushed in and ran to Ye Xiaohu's side, and took Ye Xiaohu's arm and said: "I object, I don't allow you to marry her as a wife."


Hearing Sun Ying's words, Ye Xiaohu couldn't understand: "What qualifications do you have to oppose me to join Xiang Qing?"

"Because I am your woman."

Sun Ying hugged Ye Xiaohu's shoulder, and then snuggled in Ye Xiaohu's arms in the shocked eyes of Sister Xiang Qing and others and said, "And I'm pregnant with your child. Do you want our children to live since childhood The life of a single parent? "


Hearing Sun Ying's words, after looking at Sun Ying's bulging belly, Sister Xiang Qing was completely disappointed with Ye Xiaohu, so she turned around and left.

Relatives saw this scene and shook their heads.

Faced with this situation, Ye Xiaohu's mother stepped forward and gave Ye Xiaohu a slap: "From now on, I don't have a son like you."

"It's really losing my old Ye's face."

Ye Xiaohu ’s dad directly waved his sleeves and said: "From now on, I will sever the father-son relationship with you, and you will no longer be my old Ye family."

My parents also left, the pastor also left, and the guests went home ... Ye Xiaohu and Sun Ying left the whole church, so Ye Xiaohu turned and asked Sun Ying, "What the **** do you want to do?"

"I want you."

Sun Ying shook her head, and then said calmly: "Because I love you, I can't allow you to marry another woman, and you can only marry me Sun Ying."

"Why bother?"

Ye Xiaohu shook his head and said, "Hong Chen's past, in just a few decades, what's wrong with doing something?"

"Good day, I am willing to be with you."

Sun Ying looked at Ye Xiaohu wholeheartedly and hugged Ye Xiaohu in a hug: "So don't you want to leave me?"


Losing today, how did Ye Xiaohu not know that he is still in the world of demons, and there is no end to it together.

So Ye Xiaohu chose to go with the flow, so he took Sun Ying out of the church.

The two used the remaining capital and rented a place to live.

At the beginning, the two had a very solid life because of love.

But after a year passed, Sun Ying, who faced the oil, salt, sauce and vinegar tea every day, could not survive any longer, so she proposed to go home and would find the Sun family in Donghai to help.

Ye Xiaohu did not object, so he returned to the East China Sea together.

But after saying the East China Sea, Ye Xiaohu met with the cynicism of the Sun family in East China Sea, which made Ye Xiaohu leave in anger and live alone on the streets of the East China Sea.

At the beginning, Sun Ying kept looking for Ye Xiaohu and persuaded Ye Xiaohu to go back with her.

But it was two or three years in a blink of an eye. In this issue, I saw Ye Xiaohu and Sun Ying constantly arguing about this matter, and finally the feelings became more and more dull.

Ye Xiaohu also lost his initial vigorous posture due to environmental reasons, which was disgusted by Sun Ying.

After another year finally, Ye Xiaohu was abandoned by Sun Ying.

After the introduction of his family, Sun Ying met a child of a large family in Zhongdu, and the two reached a marriage and joined Zhongdu.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu realized that his days in the East China Sea were over.

So Ye Xiaohu, who had been standing in his dreams for thirty years, left the East China Sea and returned to Songjiang City, wanting to see his parents who had been missing for many years.

But when he returned home, he saw two piles of bones.

It turned out that my parents had serious problems long ago and died shortly after Ye Xiaohu left.

Before his death, parents always took care of sister Xiang Qing, which moved Ye Xiaohu very much.

So Ye Xiaohu decided to reinvent himself and pursue Xiang Xiang violently.

As a result, Sister Xiang Qing replied shyly to Ye Xiaohu's chase. Immediately following the witness of her family, Ye Xiaohu finally married Sister Xiang Qing.

A year later, Xiang Qing was pregnant.

Seeing that the baby was about to be born, he fell into the hospital in an accident and was waiting for delivery. In the end, the child was not saved, and there were some complications in Sister Xiang Qing's body.

Although the doctor tried his best to rescue, there was still no way to save Xiang Qing's life.

In such a situation, Xiang Qing ’s life was lost a little bit. Before she died, she said to Ye Xiaohu, who was with her by the bed: "I know, your heart is very wild. Place, so after I die, you go after what you yearn for. "

"Sister Xiang Qing ..."

Ye Xiaohu wants to say ~ ~ I don't want to find a bigger world, I just want Xiangqing alive.

But Sister Xiang Qing didn't wait for Ye Xiaohu's words, and let go.

After Sister Xiang Qing's death, Ye Xiaohu buried the body of Sister Qing.

Immediately after, a man came alone to the highest mountain outside Songjiang City and shouted towards the sky: "I am fed up, **** enlightenment, **** heart demon, when will you torture me? "

"Torture until you collapse."

When Ye Xiaohu spoke, a crack appeared in the sky, and then a liquid figure came out.

After seeing its body twisted a bit, it finally settled on and formed Ye Xiaohu's appearance: "Only in this way can I take the place of you and return to the flesh for you to become the real Ye Xiaohu, not the demon."

(End of this chapter)

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