Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1093: : Preparation before entering


"Kill him?"

"Why kill him?"

Hearing the words of his disciples, Juling could not help but be disappointed and said: "You said you are a fool, now he hits me under a large crowd and is killed after returning home, and it is still killed in the territory of my Juling Gate Isn't it equal to telling the whole world that we killed Ye Xiaohu and his party? "


The true disciple of Ju Ling Men said with a reconciled face: "But the master, he despised you so much and provoked my Ju Ling Men. The disciple really couldn't see it."

"You can't look at the past, but also bear with it."

Ju Ling lively snorted and reprimanded his disciples: "If you can't bear it, you will make a mess. Especially at such a critical moment, we must be careful."


Although the true disciples of Juling real people, they still have a look of unwillingness.

But their masters don't care, so they naturally will not continue to worry about it.


But at this time, Juling Real added another sentence, his face contained a special expressive way: "But after entering the corner of the heavenly court, it was not within the sphere of influence of my Juling Gate. Then he died inexplicably. In the corner of heaven, doesn't it have anything to do with us? "

Hearing the real people of Ju Ling, everyone is bright, they never imagined that there is such an operation.

But they were just happy for a while, and then worried again.

"But to teach real people, the corner of heaven is so big, this time we have to go to so many people, so many masters of hostile forces, we kill Ye Xiaohu in that place, isn't it easy to be found?"

"Master's analysis is correct, we have to think of a perfect solution."

"It is absolutely impossible for a little grudge to affect the majesty of the real person in charge."

"Yes, you have to think about it, how to manipulate it, and make sure there is no problem before you act."

A disciple of Julingmen frowned and thought.

But what they said just now fell into the ears of Juling Real Man, but they made the Ju Ling Real Man very happy.

This means that everyone is united and obeyed his arrangement.

"How can there be so many good things in this world? Once they enter the corner of heaven, they have to accept our arrangements and control."

I saw the corners of Ju Ling's mouth slightly raised, and said with pride: "When we let them do what they have to do, if I let them kill Ye Xiaohu, it's not impossible to do."

A juling disciple worriedly said: "But what if they don't obey?"

"Then let them die."

Ju Ling said with a disdainful face: "Don't forget that in the corner of the heavenly space, there is a terrible sacred object. Without our guidance, they will face those creatures and they will definitely die in nine lives."

"Teach the wise."

All the disciples at Julingmen arched their hands towards Juling live and sent a loud ass.

This ridiculous giant was very comfortable, so he laughed loudly: "Okay, you must hurry up and prepare, this time we must open the main entrance of the hall and get the treasures inside."


In order to hold this conference, Juling Gate has cleared out a part of the area to provide rest for visitors.

At this moment, in a huge house, Park Yu, known as the land fairy, sat quietly in the room.

In his next position, is the leader of some other forces.

But looking at them, it is clear that one by one is Park Yuma.

"Boss Park, why don't you talk?"

"Aren't we going?"

"I always feel that there are some problems in that corner of the heavenly court, otherwise we shall leave this place first and wait for the return to call for the horses to come again."

"I think so, after all, we don't know anything about that space, and once we go, we will definitely be blind."

When there was a lot of discussion, a person under Park Yu walked in and muttered in Park Yu's ear for a while.

After listening to his own words, Park Yu cautiously said: "No, we can't leave."


A dead family member of the Park family asked inexplicably: "Can't we rush to death in such a risky way?"


Park Yu smiled bitterly, and then said to everyone: "My spy just sent me a top secret message. The Juling Gate has already explored the space in the corner of the heavens, and the only thing in the space in the corner of the heavens. The main hall cannot enter. So he will let out the wind and summon all of us to enter the space of the heavenly court together, the purpose is to open the door of this main hall. If we leave now ~ ~ Would n’t it be watching Ju Ling Gate, get the secret space in the corner of this heaven and the treasure inside? "


Hearing Park Yu's words, everyone was choking because they knew the seriousness of the matter.

If the place is full of fairy artifacts, then the giant spirit gate that obtains a lot of fairy artifacts will be more domineering and powerful. At that time, Park Family, who is against Julingmen, and these confidant families, it is estimated that they will encounter Julingmen's targeting, which is unacceptable to them.

One person worried about the proposal: "But you can't die in vain, always think of a perfect solution?"

"Relax, Juling is not a waste, so he also predicted a variety of things, so he made preparations in advance. If you look closely, you will find many masters of small families, small secrets, small schools ... also came Juling Gate. If they were to change to the past, they would definitely not be eligible to participate in such a major meeting. "

Park Yu snorted coldly and said with a smug look: "So why do the real spirits give them this opportunity? The purpose is to let them die, and only if they die, will we have a crisis."

"No wonder, the sender Ye Xiaohu offended him so much, with the fiery temper of the giant spirit, he did not directly kill him, but let him laugh."

Hearing Park Yu ’s analysis, a small sect ’s head suddenly lit up, and then smugly said, “This time, as long as Ye Xiaohu dared to enter the corner of the heavenly court, then I can also talk to him about Songjiang City Thing. "

"Not bad."

Obviously, Ye Xiaohu has many enemies. Some of those who have participated in the Songjiang City Conference are looking for opportunities to retaliate against Ye Xiaohu all the time.

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