Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1096: : Return to Heaven

Chapter 1096: Return to Heaven

"Brother Hu, shall we go?"

Seeing one person after another, they all entered the heavenly palace group.

So Erzong, who was standing next to Ye Xiaohu, asked Ye Xiaohu with a look of expectation: "Brother Xiaohu, we are not going, I am afraid we will miss the time."

"It's time, let's go."

"Remember that everyone must be connected, and the spirits should not be separated, so as not to be able to find the other party, or something is wrong."

In order to reduce the danger, Ye Xiaohu repeatedly commanded Er Lengzi and others, and then they rushed into the gate of the Heavenly Palace one by one.

Perhaps because they were the last group to enter, or for other reasons, in short, Ye Xiaohu and other people, just after entering this space, the palace gate was closed immediately.

After he closed, Ye Xiaohu and others felt their bodies stretched a little bit.

This made Er Lengzi and other people's bodies very uncomfortable, so they wanted to struggle and break free from such a space, but they could never break free.

Because of their power, in this palace, they are like weak chickens, and they have no effect at all.

"No need to struggle, let this force guide you away, no matter what other things."

After Ye Xiaohu gave a command, he let go of his resistance.

Almost at the time when he gave up resistance, his body was immediately taken away by the power of the lead.

Seeing Ye Xiaohu's movements, Erzongzi and others nodded one after another, and followed Ye Xiaohu's instructions, one by one, followed his footsteps and left.

Swish swish.

Soon they and their party came to a strange space.

But this space is full of white clouds everywhere.

"What is this place?"

"Why is it so cloudy?"

"Damn, I can't see through these clouds."

"My spirit power, I don't know what happened, it seems to be bound by what kind of power, there is no way to break free from this place, and even more unable to use."

"there is a problem."

Obviously, the real person still left some means, such as restricting the use of the power of the soul within the space of this corner of heaven.

But now everything is too late, because Ye Xiaohu and others have already landed.

So they can only listen to the sound to judge the situation around.

Fortunately, the palace does not seem to be particularly large, so people close to them can hear the sound of the next door leaning on their ears, so they gather together in twos and threes.

Obviously they deeply remember what Ye Xiaohu said to them, and they must definitely unite.

"Unfortunately, there is no way to find Mr. Ye."

"If Mr. Ye is here, we can relax a lot."

"Master, do you think we should go next?"


The people of the Kunlun sacred church looked at their main heart.

Erlenzi frowned and thought, "This time we have gathered seven or eight people, but we have lost contact with a dozen others including Ye Xiaohu, so we must follow the instructions given by Brother Xiaohu. Forces cooperate, otherwise we will be swallowed by them and no bone residue will be left. "

Everyone nodded, obviously Erzongzi analyzed a lot.

They do n’t cultivate enough, and there are not many people. They can only be used by others, and there is no way to get the fruits of victory.

"But how should we walk?"

"Can't you always brag in this place?"

But everyone still has all kinds of problems. Obviously, in such a strange place and losing the power of the soul, they feel very uneasy one by one.

Hearing what they said, Erzhuang thought again, and then said: "In this place, I always feel something is wrong, so we can't continue to spend in this place, we must find a way to see a clear vision, and A defensive position. "

I saw Erzhonzi glance around for four weeks, and then pointed to the left: "Now our only solution is to rush in one direction, so that we can certainly find a direction to get rid of the clouds in this place."

Er Lengzi determined the direction, so he led everyone step by step.

After walking for more than an hour, I finally met a group of people.

This group of people claimed to be the immortal gate of Nanhua, and it was not a small secret area for the cultivation of immortals, and it gathered 30 or 40 people.

Therefore, when they saw Er Leng Zi, they naturally wanted to draw Er Leng Zi to gather more people.

However, Er Leng Zi directly rejected him, and did not join him, which made the master of Nanhua Xianmen feel very uncomfortable.

If you change to another place, or an unfamiliar environment, then he will definitely get rid of Erzongzi.

But in such an unfamiliar position, for the sake of safety, he did not dare to offend people unscrupulously, so the master of Nanhua Xianmen finally suppressed his dissatisfaction secretly, and then led the people who were willing to follow him away, Walk in the opposite direction of Er Leng Zi.

After seeing this scene, Erzong ~ ~ was relieved, because he was really afraid of direct short-handed combat, so that seven or eight of them could survive.

Fortunately, Erzunzi, who fled the day he was born, continued to go out in a daze.

Along the way, I saw the masters who gathered together in large and small waves. Obviously they all knew that it was dangerous to act alone, so they gathered together to warm each other.

Adopting the same method as Nanhua Immortal Gate, Erzunzi successfully avoided everyone and passed through the layers of clouds and mist, and came to an empty place with good vision.

I saw Er Lengzi judged the situation around him, and then he brought out the humane: "That place seems to be a good place. After a while, we will go directly to seize the place and arrange a defense according to the instructions of Brother Xiaohu Array method, quietly observe the changes around, and always prepare for the way to return to the earth after the practice is completed. "


With Er Lengzi's instructions, the masters of Kunlun Holy Church nodded and followed away.

As the first people who escaped, Erzunzi and others immediately established a defensive position to protect their own safety.

Ye Xiaohu, on the other side, wouldn't be as lucky as Erzongzi and others.

When Erzunzi woke up, he glanced around, and found that there was no familiar voice around him.

But Ye Xiaohu also has some differences, because Ye Xiaohu's soul is intact within the corner of the heaven, and he can still explore the surroundings, but the scope of exploration is much smaller than in the past.

I saw Ye Xiaohu probed the surroundings, and then mumbled: "Although the building has not been seen, I feel that there seems to be something familiar in this place."


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