Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1102: : Encircle and suppress Songjiang City


"Broken. Mobile phone side"

"Ling Jinzi's contact with us was cut off, I'm afraid something unexpected happened."

"Normal, after all, this place is a corner of the heavenly court. If you can jump out of a great power, you can kill their lives. Not to mention that you and I walked all the way, and it was not all the way down. It is also justifiable. "

"Although you are right, but this time a dozen people were lost in one breath, which is still a big loss for us."

"What's the big deal? You only lose us, don't the other schools and families lose?"

Along the way, the people of Xianmen in South China experienced very ups and downs.

What demon tree, boulder, ghost, devil qi ... not broken.

Fortunately, they finally passed through the terrible illusion and came to a relatively safe place.

It is also because of safety that some problems have arisen internally.

Especially the masters and friends of Ling Zhenzi ... I feel the loss and regret of Ling Jinzi's death, so when I hear someone talking about Ling Zhenzi, I naturally have to refute it all at once.

"Enough, what is the noise?"

However, their quarrel made the Nanhua Xianmen teach real people feel very uncomfortable.

I saw the head of Nanhua Xianmen. The true monarch of South China now said seriously: "What is this place now, is it where you get together and quarrel?"

Hearing the words of the true prince of Nanhua, all the people of Nanhua Xianmen closed their mouths and dared not make any noise.

"If you continue to talk nonsense and let other schools joke about me at South China Fairy Gate, don't blame me for being rude."


After scolding his brothers and disciples, Nanhua Zhenjun turned around seriously, and asked his Taoist companion, "Is the person at Ju Ling Gate contacted now?"

"got engaged."

The princes of Nanhua Zhenjun are very mature, and they are very charming and modern.

I saw that she smiled at Nanhua Zhenjun: "The Juling Gate has just come out of the illusion, and is in the whole man, and will lead us to the hall later, but ..."

"But what?"

Seeing the way his own companions were vomiting, Nan Hua Zhenjun said slightly dissatisfiedly: "If you have anything, just say it."

"It's actually nothing, but I'm thinking about whether I should say it."

Seeing that her husband was angry, she knew the character of Nanhua Zhenjun naturally, she would not continue to conceal her, so she lighted her lips and said: "The people of Ju Ling Gate want to borrow our hands to eradicate some hostile forces. "


Hearing this, Zhenhua Zhenjun was really dissatisfied and said: "Damn, do they want to borrow a knife to kill?"

"It's not that, because the other party is also our opponent."

Qingfeng Fairy, a companion of Nanhua Zhenjun, said helplessly: "Because they don't let us take action, we also need to take action when we find opportunities."


Nanhua Zhenjun frowned, his expression cautiously saying: "We have a lot of opponents, but can make us have to do it, unless it is the **** from Songjiang."

"Yes, they are."

When I saw my husband, I guessed the enemy ’s identity all at once. There was nothing unexpected about Qingfeng Fairy, but rather calmly said: "Although this is not harmful to us, but at this critical moment in heaven, let us There is always some loss in dealing with Songjiang. "

There can be no loss in the battle of heaven, because this is the gathering place of the gods.

If you are successful, you may touch immortals.

If you are not successful, you can also get some benefits.

But if at this time, there are some problems, it is easy to affect the future of their southern China immortal gate.

Therefore, after hearing the introduction of his own companion, Nanhua Zhenjun's expression said cautiously: "If you don't die when you hit a snake, you will definitely be bitten back. At that time, there will be no loss from Julingmen, but we will have to lose a lot. Ju Ling Gate is definitely not worth the gains, unless they also cooperate with us, so that one blow will kill, so that Songjiang Ye Xiaohu can't run. "

"I also asked about this."

Hearing the words of Nanhua Zhenjun, Qingfeng Fairy said cautiously: "The people of Ju Ling Gate said that they would not shoot, because they are the leaders of Immortal Dao, but they will arrange other schools and families to cooperate with us. . "

"It's an old bastard, and now they are still considering the river clams fighting for fishermen's gain."

Hearing the words of his own companions, Nanhua Zhenjun roared with a roar: "However, the matter of Songjiang City will have to be resolved sooner or later. Since they can order others to assist us in destroying Songjiang City, then this opportunity is not enough."

"I know, then I will tell them."

Qingfeng Fairy knew the meaning of her husband, so she went directly to the people of the Giant Spirit Gate through a special method ~ ~ This communication is an hour of effort.

After Qingfeng Fairy returned, he said with a happy face: "The people of Juling Gate said, as long as Ye Xiaohu is solved, they can give us a chance to go advanced."

"Fortunately, he is reasonable."

The energy used by Nan Hua Zhenjun's heart passed away, and the whole person became calmer.

What's more, Ju Lingmen's promise made him feel very satisfied.

So Nanhua Zhenjun could not help but nod, and then asked: "They have said where are the people in Songjiang City?"


Qingfeng Fairy knew very well that the true prince of South China was a man, and once he decided what he would, he would never give up.

So when she promised Julingmen, Qingfeng Fairy also asked Julingmen about Songjiang City.

So after hearing the inquiry from the true prince of South China, Qingfeng Fairy said: "Juling Gate gave me a way to find the location of people in Songjiang City."

"Since this is the case, determine the location immediately."

Nan Hua Zhenjun snorted, and saw his expression, which contained a hint of murderousness. The whole person had some strangers who said: "I have seen him a long time ago, just solved him this time, and just returned to Songjiang City. In the future, he would have annexed his Yejia Farm. "

"Relax, it will be done soon."

Qingfeng Fairy promised, and then went busy.

A few minutes later, the expression of Qingfeng Fairy's expression revealed a trace of joy, and then raised his head and said: "I found, the people in Songjiang City are not very far from us."

Hearing his own way, the true prince of South China could not help but sneer, and mobilized everyone to act: "Start, this time we are going to kill the Ye Family of Songjiang City completely."

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