Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1114: : Devil and Devil

Chapter 1114 Demon Devil


I saw Yuan Hong Yang Tian laughed loudly, and immediately followed the fairy energy on the original itself. At this moment, there was nothing left, but instead a black scent came out.

This breath contains negative human emotions, such as anger, hate, evil, sorrow, etc., which can be described as everything.

It is just a little closer, which can make many of the immortal practitioners present feel their emotional instability.

You have to know that they are immortal practitioners. They have experienced too many things on the long road of immortality cultivation, and basically have cut off the mortal's seven emotions and six desires, otherwise they will not have the status and cultivation behavior they have today.

But at this moment, they were supposed to have an inner heart, but some complicated and eccentric low emotions were born, which shows how much their heart is affected.

Under such circumstances, Yuan Hong, who had already become a demon, gave a sneer, and stared at Ye Xiaohu with his eyes: "Ji Jie, the old man thinks that the preparation is very proper. It should be reasonable that there should be no flaws. And you ’ve just arrived, I ’m curious, how did you see my flaws? "

"A flaw?"

Ye Xiaohu shook his head, and then smiled slightly: "Actually, I didn't find any flaws in you at all. I just cheated you."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, the real people of Juling felt that they were speechless. It turned out that Ye Xiaohu was so determined, and it was all his speculation.

Even Yuan Hong, who turned into a demon, couldn't help but stunned slightly.

However, there are some words that Ye Xiaohu has no way to tell them.

For example, Ye Xiaohu went to the heavenly court and opened his eyes. He had also seen Yuan Hong and knew what kind of fairy Yuan Hong was.

It was an immortal who dared to fight against Erzongzi. Although he was ascended to heaven after being sealed, he was still a fiery immortal.

Faced with such a fairy, you opened the door of his cave palace. Not only did he not punish you, but instead he rewarded you with a pill of elixir. How could this be possible?

Not to mention the magic medicine like Shengxiandan, which is not as magical as Yuan Hong said at all.

And Yuan Hong is good at killing and fighting, not at all alchemy.

But this time, he can emit so many immortals in one breath, obviously there are some problems in it.

So after Ye Xiaohu probed so much information, he decided that Yuan Hong was a liar.

Sure enough, under Ye Xiaohu's operation, Yuan Hong did not have any struggle and directly showed himself.

Although it still looks like a human being, he cannot be Yuan Hong at all.

"You are very smart."

Yuan Hong, who was transformed into a demon, laughed three times, and then said to Ye Xiaohu: "I appreciate you. If you are willing to kneel and surrender on the ground, then I can take you as my left arm and right arm, and even reward you as a devil. Let you go out, you can call the wind and the rain, whatever you want. "


Ye Xiaohu didn't know that this was an identity.

But Ye Xiaohu didn't care, I saw Ye Xiaohu sneered, then said to Yuan Hong: "I don't need that identity because you Yuan Hong will die in my hands in a moment."

"There are many people who want to kill me, but they are all dead, but I survived."

Yuan Hong, who turned into a demon, looked at Ye Xiaohu with disdain: "Do you think you can kill me?"

"I can't kill you alone, but with so many of us, I don't believe I won't kill you."

Ye Xiaohu pointed at the giant spirits and said: "And you appear here alone, I believe it is not in plain sight, I believe there are certain mysteries?"

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Yuan Hong, who was transformed into a demon, could not help but tremble.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu knew that his guess must have been a guess.

I met the heart of stone before and saw other Meishan demon.

Ye Xiaohu knew something was wrong, but at that time Ye Xiaohu hadn't guessed what was going on.

But when Ye Xiaohu saw Yuan Hong, after a few words of trial and error, Ye Xiaohu could basically judge.

It must be that the demon world invaded the heaven, so a **** battle broke out in this place.

Ye Xiaohu could not guess what the process was like, because there are not many pictures given by the Heart of Stone.

However, from the beginning, Yuan Hong didn't do anything, but instead attracted Ye Xiaohu to see.

Yuan Hong, who was transformed into a demon, should have been injured by many big demon in Meishan, and even suppressed in this hall.

However, because of the appearance of Ye Xiaohu and others, the seals of Meishan's great demon were opened, so Yuan Hong, who was transformed into a demon, appeared in front of Ye Xiaohu and others, and confuses Ye Xiaohu and others with his voice.

Although this was Ye Xiaohu ’s guess, Ye Xiaohu estimated that eight or nine would not be separated, so Ye Xiaohu said directly: "All the friends of Taoism shot together ~ ~ This devil must have been injured, It is not our opponent in a short time. Once the time is long, then he may have recovered, and then you and I will be dead. "

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, the real spirits of the giants shone in front of them.

Although they did not know the truth of Ye Xiaohu's words, they felt that this was indeed an opportunity and they could indeed try it.

After all, it was a monstrous troll. If they were one-on-one, they would not be opponents of this devil.

"You are clever, but do you think that the devil is stupid?"

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Yuan Hong, who became a demon, could not help but sigh slightly.

He knew that there was not much time left for him to recover, and I was afraid there was no way to recover to the peak of his cultivation, but he was still reluctant to admit defeat in front of Ye Xiaohu, so Yuan Hong, who turned into a demon, shouted: "Come on! My devil and grandchildren, do n’t hide your dark heart, do n’t need to continue to disguise, let us work together to kill all the human monks in front of us! "

Hearing the words of Yuan Hong, who turned into a demon, the giants and real people had some coercion, and they were alert all around.

As a result, they watched for a long time, and found no enemies.

Just when they thought it was a lie that turned into a demon Yuan Hong, but it was just a temptation, Ye Xiaohu issued a reminder and said: "Be careful around you."

But Ye Xiaohu's cry was obviously slightly late.

And Ye Xiaohu is not close to them, and they don't believe Ye Xiaohu's words.

Therefore, some people responded a little slower. As a result, his comrades-in-arms, brothers and sisters of his classmates, took up their magic weapon directly and waved directly forward, harvesting his soul on the spot.


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