Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1121: : Changes in the Earth


The starting point of everything is above the square of Ju Ling Gate.

Some cultivation practices were not enough. Those who were masters of the secret realm of immortality and those who stayed at the gate of the spirits had nothing to do when they were idle.

"You have heard that no, some secrets have appeared in the West recently."

"How could I not hear that it is said that this time there was hell, heaven, and the temple of angels ... etc., some legendary, very famous secret realms."

"Yes, each of those secret realms can be comparable to our top secret realm in China. It is estimated that many masters will be born."

"Sure enough, it was a troubled autumn. There were so many secret areas together. But their appearance was too late, not to mention that we have found the Heavenly Court. I believe that it will not take long for our cultivation practice to go further. Unify the earth, but you can unify the monks on the earth. "

Everyone talked about the recent changes in the world. At this time, a person suddenly said: "You say they have been in charge of them. They have been in the heavens for some time. Smell into immortals? "


That was their half-life pursuit, but their cultivation was low, but there was no way to touch heaven.

Especially those who can only log in to the Heavenly Court with a little difference in cultivation, at this time their faces are dull.

However, once the opportunity has passed, it is difficult to appear.

Just when they were upset, beams of light appeared in the sky.

After these beams of light fall on the ground, they will not hurt anyone, but will soon disappear and reveal the humans inside.

"Hey, look at that man, it seems that he is a cultivator of the South China Secret Realm."

"The man has some familiar eyes, how to look at the disciples like Ju Ling Men, but there are many scars on his body, it is estimated that there is some **** battle above the heavenly court!

"There is that person, if I am not mistaken, it should be the head of Changbai Secret Realm, why is there a decadent look at this moment, did not find the opportunity?"

"There is that person, who seems to be a mortal from Songjiang City. He was qualified for ascension, but it made me jealous for a long time."

After looking at another familiar person, after falling from the sky.

Those ordinary cultivators who stood above the Julingmen Square expressed their emotions.

At this time, they found a problem.

Although some acquaintances or acquaintances are back.

But more people did not appear here.

Especially some of their relatives, or the elders of the school?

"What happened?"

"Why did someone not show up?"

"Did it return in batches?"

"Or do you think that these people now appear to be eliminated?"

People don't understand it, but when Ye Xiaohu returned to the earth, the beam of light in the sky disappeared completely, and there was no change anymore, as if everything was over.

In such a situation, they looked at each other dumbfounded.

For a long time, a monk of the Giant Spirit Gate took a step forward carefully and asked a familiar return master: "Elder Chen, may I ask when the head of our Giant Spirit Gate can return?"

"Old Liu ..."

Seeing that he was an acquaintance, the man known as Elder Chen could n’t help but smile bitterly: “The real man of Guimen, in the battle above the heavens, was killed by the enthralled Nanhua Zhenjun united companions Now. "


Hearing the death of his teacher's elders, the ordinary monk known as Old Liu, could not help but look horrified: "So what about our deputy master?"

"Also dead."



"Deacon, guarding the law, and core disciples?"

"All are dead."

"Why is this happening?"

"Because their cultivation level was low and they were attacked by the devil's head again, they couldn't bear it and were eventually killed by the devil's head."

Elder Chen laughed bitterly, because those who were demonized all lost their humane principles and the true meaning of fighting.

For them, only killing is the most real thing.

Therefore, they tend not to confront you hard, but instead kill all those who are low-cultivated, just like looking for happiness.

Because of this, the people who finally survived are basically the pinnacle masters of the major secret realms.

"Heaven's my soul gate!"


Hearing the words of Elder Chen, all the disciples of Ju Ling Men spurted blood.

Don't be afraid of losing the gatekeepers, they have deputy gatekeepers.

But when the deputy masters, elders, deacons, law-enforcers, core disciples ... all died, then there are only three deflated gates left in Julingmen, what qualifications are there to fight against the major schools?

So the disciples of the Giant Spirit Gate sat down directly on the ground, no longer proud of their former colors.

Seeing this scene, Erzong couldn't help but sigh, and then took his men to Ye Xiaohu's side and said, "Brother Xiaohu, what shall we do next?"

"Back to Songjiang City."

Ye Xiaohu did not hesitate, and then said to Erzunzi: "The last time Xiaohong told me that my parents will return soon, I will go back to see if my parents have come back, if not, then I will deal with the matter, and then Go to the west to meet them. "


Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Er Leng Zi also nodded slightly: "I haven't seen my uncle and aunt for a while."


Ye Xiaohu patted Er Lengzi's shoulder, and then took Er Lengzi and others to leave.

But just as they acted, a group of people stepped forward and stopped Ye Xiaohu from their actions: "Please wait, Mr. Ye."

"whats the matter?"

Stopped by someone ~ ~ Ye Xiaohu has some dissatisfied saying: "I will be busy next, so if there is something, say it as soon as possible, don't delay my time."


If Ye Xiaohu dared to speak like this before landing in the heavenly court, then they must be furious.

But after the events of the heaven, they saw the horror of Ye Xiaohu one by one.

It was a terrifying character who defeated the demon heads of Sanxian, and they would never dare to offend them in the face of such a person.

Facing Ye Xiaohu's squinting eyes, they looked at each other and nodded.

Under such circumstances, the person in charge of Shushan Secret Realm took a sip and stood up, and said to Ye Xiaohu seriously: "Now that the real spirit is dead in the corner of the heavenly space, the giant spirit gate has been completely reduced to the ordinary school of repairing immortals. . So our China Xiuxian World is in a state of headless dragons, so we hope that Mr. Ye will stay and serve as the new generation leader of our China Xiuxian Alliance. "

(End of this chapter)

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