
Hearing Ye Xiaohu's analysis, James couldn't help but smile slightly and slapped him.

As he slapped, James's partner who had left before rushed in from outside with a group of people.

"One, two, three, four, five ... Does it seem that the Satan group attaches great importance to me?"

Ye Xiaohu smiled slightly and looked at the members of the Satan group around him, with a sad expression on his face: "However, do you think you can leave me this way?"

"If you don't try it, how do you know you can't do it?"

James didn't panic, still sitting opposite Ye Xiaohu, quietly watching Ye Xiaohu said: "And do you think that we have not been prepared for anything?"

Hearing James' words, Ye Xiaohu could not help but use the soul to feel around.

As a result, Ye Xiaohu found that there was no threat around him.

In other words, the people around you are all your own enemies.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu moved his neck and said: "I don't know what you prepared, but unfortunately, you have no possibility of defeating me now."

"I do not think so."

James shook his head, and then said, "Because you eat our dishes, Mr. Ye, you don't have to pay a certain price, and after you come to Great Britain, you consume so much mana. Can escape from our encirclement. "

"You poisoned?"

Ye Xiaohu suddenly heard James' words and couldn't help but immediately covered her stomach.

Running mana is forcing food in the body, which is better if he doesn't run mana. Once he runs mana, he spit out a bit of blood immediately.

There is some black silk in the blood. Black silk can swim like life, seeing this scene Ye Xiaohu can't help but shocked and said: "Thousand silkworms?"

"Mr. Ye is very knowledgeable. Hua Xia, who was born in the distance, actually knows that we are really admirable in the West.

Faced with this scene, James could not help but praise: "I believe that Mr. Ye also knows the terrible of the filariasis. Under such circumstances, Mr. Ye, do you think you can leave alive?"

"Maybe there will be some trouble, but I firmly believe that I can leave alive."

Ye Xiaohu waved out a mana, killing the thousand silkworms on the ground.

Then covering his belly, Ye Xiaohu walked towards James step by step: "But no matter what, you James will die today."

"Not always."

James stood up directly from his chair and said to the others: "Get together, fight fast."


Hearing James' instructions, all the people who came to encircle Ye Xiaohu screamed like wolves.

Along with the sound of wolf calls, these people dressed in suits and leather shoes flashed a cold look in their eyes, and then their bodies collided constantly.

When they swelled to the last moment, the clothes on their bodies had been broken, and long hair and claws were exposed.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but frown, "Worgen?"

"Not bad."

James also turned into a werewolf, only to see him pointing at Ye Xiaohu, said: "Go, kill him."

At the command of James, all werewolves waved their claws and grabbed towards Ye Xiaohu.

Everything that blocked them, no matter what the material was, fell on their claws and was cut directly into countless small pieces.

Bang Bang Bang Bang.

Tables, chairs, and sofas were scattered.

At this time, a werewolf closest to Ye Xiaohu had already arrived in front of Ye Xiaohu, and scratched a paw towards Ye Xiaohu's door.

"Good job."

Ye Xiaohu didn't treat him politely, he directly counterattacked and faced the werewolf head-on.

With the strength of the single body, Ye Xiaohu believes that no one will be his opponent on the earth today.


In fact, as Ye Xiaohu speculated, he punched in the past not only to stop the opponent's attack, but also to blow the opponent's arm and hit his body with a punch.

The first werewolf attacking Ye Xiaohu just hung up.

"Wander away, don't confront him head-on."

"We have so many people together, don't give him the chance to break one by one."

Seeing Ye Xiaohu's one move, he killed a combat power in seconds, which was equivalent to the werewolf of Yingcheng's peak level.

It is important to know that after the werewolf has been transformed, the body strength comes to a level, and the cultivators of the distraction level cannot match their physical body.

But such a powerful body can't bear Ye Xiaohu's thunder blow.

So James immediately adjusted his combat plan, because he knew he could n’t do it all by himself,

When James dropped things, all werewolves changed their strategies.

But in the face of their changes, Ye Xiaohu actually defended the defense, but took the initiative to pursue the enemy.

Bang Bang Bang Bang.

Ye Xiaohu fought wildly and caused terrible damage to the enemy in front of him.

But after all, he was only one person, and he had been poisoned by the filariasis before, so the reaction was a little slower.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu also had a few paws.

Fortunately, Ye Xiaohu's body is tough, so the support column in front of him has not been torn in half on the spot.

"All die to me!"

After hundreds of rounds in the war, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but roar and fought back with a punch.

In this way, James, who had no enlightenment level, blocked himself, and Ye Xiaohu defeated the werewolves in front of him.


As a result, Ye Xiaohu was able to breathe, and then turned back to kill James.

Because Ye Xiaohu knew that only James among these werewolves could kill himself.

As for the other werewolves, even if they hit themselves, they have no effect.

not good.

Seeing this scene, James couldn't help but exclaimed, and quickly turned around and fled.

Obviously James also guessed Ye Xiaohu's destination ~ ~ so he made a response operation.

But unfortunately, his response is far inferior to Ye Xiaohu.


When he was about to escape, Ye Xiaohu had given up the other werewolves and came directly to James' side: "You are running now! I want to see if you can escape from my palm. "


Seeing Ye Xiaohu sealing his way back and forth, James couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Mr. Ye, look at the good communication between you and me. I don't know if I can let me go."

"Do you think I am an idiot?"

Ye Xiaohu directly grabbed a gripper and walked towards James' body on the spot.

James wanted to struggle to resist, but in the face of Ye Xiaohu's sudden attack, James could only catch his hand and was captured by Ye Xiaohu on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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