Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1151: : The advent of gods

"Be careful, the time and space of Eternal God has changed."

Standing at the outside and paying attention to the changes in the world, Bainlie and Qiu Weier suddenly found some distortions in the surrounding space and time.

Obviously no such thing happened before, so they paid attention to the distorted time and space.

Under such circumstances, they saw Ye Xiaohu stepping out of the void, and could not help but grow their mouths one after another.

In their view, the enhanced Eternal God should be invincible.

However, Eternal God did not come out, but let Ye Xiaohu come out alone, and the results were conspicuous without words, you can understand.

"How can this be?"

Qiu Weier roared and rushed to Ye Xiaohu in a crazy way: "Eternal God is invincible, he cannot fail."

"In this world, no one is invincible."

Ye Xiaohu shook his head, completely ignoring Qiu Wei'er's attack on himself: "Eternal God can't do it, nor can I, so he died in my hands without any loss, but a little bit of relief and happiness."

"No, those are all your rumors. You must have taken advantage of Huaxia's tricks, so you killed my dear."

Qiu Weier shouted: "Today, my Qiu Weier is going to avenge my dear, Ye Xiaohu, let me die!"

Infinite light.

I saw that at this moment Qiu Weier turned into a human-shaped sun and slammed towards Ye Xiaohu straight.

This is a singularity of the Light Church, and it is also an instant killing trick.

Under the shroud of this kind of killing tricks, the members of the Satan group all showed their terrified colors, obviously they could not resist.

"Dark sky."

Seeing his subordinates so unbearable one by one, the Bain class naturally stood up to help them resist.

After Bainlie released his killing trick, he barely helped his men to resist the light envelope.

But when he raised his head again, he suddenly found that Ye Xiaohu had already stopped Qiu Weier's killing move when he had no idea.

"Damn, is he so powerful?"

Originally, Bain Lie thought that Ye Xiaohu was not much stronger than him, so the three of them combined could definitely defeat Ye Xiaohu.

But Baine Lewan did not expect that Ye Xiaohu was so powerful.

Almost a breathing effort, Qiu Weier, who had already killed, was defeated.

If this is the case, then Baine's column is acceptable.

But Ye Xiaohu not only killed Qiu Weier, but also released a terrible light and came towards him.

At this moment, Bain Li really wanted to give up the tasks he had taken before, but it was a pity that he was in danger because of his greed.

So Bain Lie looked at Ye Xiaohu in distress. The whole person bit his teeth and secretly said cruelly: "Since you don't want us to live, don't blame me."

Bainlie roared, releasing a terrible aura.

I saw him tear his clothes apart and shouted: "Great Satan, your maid calls you to come."

Along with the sound of Baine's voice, a strange formation appeared at his feet, covering Baine's entire body inside.


Almost at this time, a vortex appeared in the sky.

"Huh, actually summoned divine power."

The last time Ye Xiaohu saw this, he was still in Sun Island.

At that time, the ninjas joined forces to summon the nine-tailed fox, which caused a great threat to Ye Xiaohu.

But now Ye Xiaohu's cultivation has improved a lot, and has reached the level of Sanxian.

Under such circumstances, it is natural not to be afraid of such things.

So Ye Xiaohu confronted Qiu Weier, while watching the power of the gods descending from the sky: "Let me see, what kind of skill do you have as a god."

Ye Xiaohu directly released a seal and sealed Qiu Weier on the spot.

"Do not……"

Qiu Weier roared, but there was no way to resist.

Because her power is completely vulnerable to Ye Xiaohu, not at a level.

So no matter how Qiu Weier resisted, he was still sealed by Ye Xiaohu.

Immediately after, Ye Xiaohu kicked Qiu Weier's seal ball away just like playing a ball.

Without Qiu Weier's entanglement, Ye Xiaohu became relaxed.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu hurried toward Bain Li impatiently.

"Come, let me take a look at what your great **** has achieved."

I saw Ye Xiaohu walked forward, and said to Bain Lie: "Wait out your experience!"

"Hua Xia, you are looking for death."

However, when I heard Ye Xiaohu's voice, it wasn't Baine's Western language, but a crappy, but very fluent Chinese language.

I saw the person who spoke, said in a high position and invincible attitude: "It is not the time when you are invincible in China ~ ~ The era of common respect for all ethnic groups, a small mortal monk in your area , Dare to run wild in front of this god? "

Age of common respect for all races?

Hearing the words of the Satanic group of gods, Ye Xiaohu could not help but frown, because he was also hearing this news for the first time.

However, in the face of the anger of the Satan group of gods, Ye Xiaohu sighed quietly: "I don't know what kind of peak we have reached in the past. But I know that although I am currently only a mortal monk, if it appears By the side of a god, you will definitely die. But since you appeared to the present, but you have not killed me, you can prove that you are only a sub-god, or that your deity cannot cross the enchantment, only Part of the consciousness can land. "

Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath, but he had seen the gods.

But those gods have supernatural powers, even more powerful than ordinary gods.

Ye Xiaohu did not know how powerful the gods believed by the Satan group.

But a person who can claim to be a deity is not weak in cultivation, otherwise he will not be able to squeeze into the circle.

"Stupid Chinese monk, you do n’t know the greatness of the gods, even if I only have a dive to dive, you can reap your lives."

On Baine's forehead, a black flame pattern was first selected.

I saw him flashing brightly and suddenly for a while, followed by Bain's move to the sky.

A black scepter, not knowing where it appeared, flew directly into Baine's hands.

While holding the scepter, Bain Lie could not help but take a deep breath, and then recite: "Since you have insulted our gods, as a great god, I, the Satan God, gave you death."

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