Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1159: : In a blink of an eye

"My name is Ye Xiaohu."

When meeting Lu Jun, Ye Xiaohu was relatively happy.

After all, this is a living person. Although there are some problems in the realm, Ye Xiaohu is still very excited.

I saw Ye Xiaohu's charming smile, and then asked, "Is it because you saved me and brought me back?"


Lu Jun nodded, and then said with a serious expression: "Excuse me, which village is your back, why should you come to us to lead the village?"

"I am from Yejia Village."

Ye Xiaohu looked at Lu Jun with a serious expression and said, "Just soared from the world to heaven."

"Fly, soar?"

Suddenly hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Lu Jun's whole person was stunned.

Because Feisheng is an ancient vocabulary, at least he has never seen anyone soar since he grew up.

In addition to some of the soaring stories in the records of some classics, he could not find any person who soared.

So when he heard Ye Xiaohu's words, he could not help but stunned: "Little brother, have you broken your head, so there is a hallucination fantasy?"

"Relax, although this lightning can have a big impact on me, but if you want to kill me, it still can't do it."

Ye Xiaohu shook his head, and then said affirmatively: "And I am sober now, so every sentence I just said, I have a count in my heart."

"Since that is the case, why do you ask me about Soaring?"

Lv Jun looked at Ye Xiaohu in a puzzled way: "Don't you tell you in the classics of Yejia Village that no one has risen to become an immortal since the fairy world was separated from the world?"

Ye Xiaohu said with astonishment: "Is there no one?"


Lu Jun shook his head and said: "I remember a ancestor's travel note was there. He had been to the core area of ​​Immortal Realm at that time, and there was a rumor in that place. In that rumor, there was indeed a person who soared up in the ancient heaven. It's just that he later left, and never appeared again. "

"Soaring and leaving?"

Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but think of himself, so he smiled bitterly: "But that person's surname Ye?"

"I don't know if the last name is Ye, but after so many years, it is estimated that he has turned into a pile of loess."

Lu Jun sighed, and the whole person missed and said, "And the former heaven has completely disappeared."


Ye Xiaohu sat up suddenly and looked at Lv Jundao in shock: "You just said that the former heaven has disappeared?"


Lu Jun nodded conscientiously and said casually: "Now the time has changed, the heavens that have been wiped out in the long river of history are already ancient history, then we naturally call him the ancient heaven."

"The heaven has become history?"

Ye Xiaohu looked at Lv Jun in disbelief, only to see him seriously ask: "How could this be possible, how powerful and so majestic, so many masters, how could it disappear?"

"In the powerful martial arts, in the powerful ancient dynasty, in the masters of the powerful, there will also be a day of life."

Lv Jun sighed: "Although we cultivators can live for a hundred years and live forever after they enter cultivation. But they can't stand the time, they flow a little bit. When the ancient heavens decline, people just want to eat and drink. When playing, they were already destined to fall. Therefore, in the face of the invasion of the Devil Realm, Gu Tianting was helpless and could only be beaten by the Demon Realm, and finally gave up most of the ancient Tianting site, sadly. "

Although Ye Xiaohu has a prediction in mind.

But when Lu Jun told this matter completely, Ye Xiaohu still felt that there was something unbelievable.

After all, it is the ancient heavenly court, which has countless immortals, countless magic weapons, and countless supreme books ... How can it be said that if it declines, it will decline?

So in the face of Lu Jun's emotions, Ye Xiaohu asked cautiously: "Excuse me, how was the ancient heaven court destroyed by the Devil Realm?"

"Everything is civil unrest."

Lv Jun sighed and saw him shaking his head: "In the face of the invasion of the Devil Realm, the ruler of the ancient Tianting, Jade Emperor, confirmed that his own mountains and rivers were stable, so he did not worry about being destroyed and assigned a team of Heavenly Soldiers to encircle and suppress, The result can be imagined. When the Jade Emperor discovered that the matter was already very serious, and when the troops were encircled and suppressed, there was a rebellion inside. A fairy who had seen the Jade Emperor for a long time, and the master of the Demon Realm, invaded the ancient heaven. After the Fan War, Jade Emperor would rather die, and eventually he would hold the demon masters together and dissipate between heaven and earth together. "

"Jade Emperor was the ruler of the ancient heavenly court, he immediately fell apart, and then dispersed into many shares. Check and balance each other, hostility between each other, fighting broke out between each other, which gave the demon masters the opportunity to join forces. , So that they can break through one by one. When the ancient heaven court reappears, the demon world has become a climate, and it has occupied a part of the territory of the immortal world, becoming an unshakable force ~ ~ Lv Jun sighed Obviously, I feel very lost for this period of history.

But after listening to his description, Ye Xiaohu didn't believe it: "No, there are so many masters in Tianting, Jade Emperor is not a top master. Even in the case of war, shouldn't he stand out?"

"There are a lot of masters in the ancient heaven, but those masters are either fighting on their own or conquering abroad."

Lu Jun shook his head and said: "So when the Devil Realm invaded the ancient heavenly court, there were only some old, weak and sick in the ancient heavenly court, and there was no way to fight."

Only some old, weak and sick?

Ye Xiaohu didn't believe it, because he had been in the ancient heaven and knew that it was really a hidden dragon lying in the ancient heaven.

So Ye Xiaohu stared at Lv Jundao: "Others don't say that Sun Dasheng travels 100,000 miles. If there is a problem with Gu Tianting, can't he come back?"

"Sun Dasheng hurried back, but was stopped in Penglai on the way. After a war, he fell into the abyss and there was no way out."

"The true speed of Erlang is also dissatisfied, and his magical powers are so vast, maybe someone can stop him?"

"Erlang Zhenjun is very powerful, but he fights forward and fights with the demon masters constantly. After the Jade Emperor's soul flew away, Erlang Zhenjun killed the demon world and disappeared since then."

"What about the Great Buddha in Lingshan?"

"Buddha cultivation is earth-shattering, but it's a pity that he was blocked on the Lingshan Mountain and couldn't come over at all."

Ye Xiaohu asked several people with a single face. As a result, there were different accidents without exception. Eventually, he lost track, or he did not appear in the world.

So Ye Xiaohu frowned, "So how long has it been from the ancient heaven?"

"Ten thousand years."

After Lu Jun pinched it, he gave a number that shocked Ye Xiaohu.


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