Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1161: : Secrets of the Village

Inside the village chief ’s house.

The village chief, the great wizard, Lu Jun ... and many other leaders in the village gathered together.

"Lv Jun, please talk about the situation!"

After everyone was silent for a while, as the head of the lead village, the old head of the village said leisurely: "What is that man's way, why did he appear on the site of our lead village."

"The specific identity of that person, I didn't find out clearly, because I didn't hear what he said."

Lv Jun laughed bitterly, and then briefly described the content of his conversation with Ye Xiaohu today, and concluded: "From my dialogue with this person named Ye Xiaohu, this person should come from a paradise, so I do n’t know anything about the development and changes of the fairyland. "

After thinking for a while, Lu Jun added one more point: "And from his words, he should have some relationship with Gu Tianting, so he wholeheartedly wants to find Gu Tianting."

"It has something to do with the ancient heavenly court?"

Hearing Lv Jun ’s words, the old village head stood up in shock and said, “Could it be that the survivors of the ancient heaven have begun to return?”

"This is impossible."

Lv Jun had n’t answered yet, and the great wizard had already refuted the first step: “The remnants of the ancient heavenly court have long since died, and they have been distributed. The people born have also been conquered by the Great Five.

"Then what's the matter with you?"

The old village head didn't understand: "If he is not a person of ancient heaven, why should he look for a depraved ancient heaven building? What's the point?"

"I don't know, but I know he is definitely not from the ancient heaven."

The sorcerer's tone was strong, giving an undoubted expression.

I saw that after thinking for a while, he said to the old village head and Lu Jun, "This person must never let him stay in the village too much, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble."

"I know."

The old village head turned to Lu Jundao: "What happened to his injury?"

"It has been restored."

Lu Jun responded immediately: "If you let him go now, I don't think there is any problem."

"That's good."

The head of the old village nodded, then frowned, "In this way, after giving him a buffer time, Lu Jun, you personally led the team to send him away."


Lu Jun did not refuse to say: "After all, he was brought back by me, so I should have solved him."

"Well, you can do it, I can rest assured."

The old village chief nodded in recognition, and then asked Lu Jundao: "How many remaining ways are there in the monster meat in the village?"

"Running out."

Lv Jun smiled bitterly: "Now most parts of Immortal Realm are controlled by the Great Emperor Wufang. There are only some leftovers and occasionally traces of some monsters. But if we go on for a long time, then one day, we will be killed. At that time, we have to think about changing a place to survive. "

"You can't leave until you have a last resort."

However, Lu Jun's words came with a serious expression on the head of the old village: "You must remember that the reason why these people are in this place is called Jieyin Village, because it was left by us by the ancient heaven. Commanded. They hope that those of us can wait in this place until his return. "

"Is that him again?"

Obviously, the old village chief often talked about this topic, so Lu Jun said nonchalantly: "Who is he, why do we have to wait for him in this place?"

"Who is he, and I am not very clear. But our ancestors, the prophecies passed down from generation to generation, foreshadowed that he will be the savior of our fairyland. Only with his appearance can our fairyland return to its former peace , To the point where there is no dispute in the world. "

The old village chief laughed bitterly and then said to Lu Jun and others: "As long as you remember, we must wait until he returns."

"I know."

Lu Jun nodded his head, then stood up from his chair and said, "If there is nothing else, then I will go back and prepare first. I will go hunting in the mountains tomorrow."


The old village chief did not reject Lu Jun ’s proposal, but instead commanded: “If you encounter other villages, try to avoid them, and do not take the initiative to conflict with them.”

"The old village head, you can rest assured that I have never let you down since I was the captain of the hunting team."

After Lu Jun agreed, he led his men to leave.

After they all left, the old village chief walked alone to the window and looked out at the starry sky.

Under such circumstances, the great wizard walked over to the old village chief and said, "Do you really believe that he will return to heaven?"

"I used to believe it, but after such a long time, I still haven't seen him ~ ~ and I haven't heard his name. I can't believe he will return."

The old village chief smiled bitterly, but asked: "So big wizard, do you still believe he will return?"

"I don't believe it either."

The great wizard said firmly: "Because he is a man predicted by God, but he is not coming back, I am worried that he has a problem. And the Five Great Emperors have been strengthening, and the Devil Realm is constantly adapting to the atmosphere of life in the fairy world. Worried that he returned too late to change the present and future of Immortal World. "

"A person's power will eventually be limited."

The old village chief clenched the inside of the wood fiercely, and then the old village chief said angrily: "Hate those traitors, for their own benefit, they abandoned the original agreement, let those demon heads in, and danced with the wolf, really Sin should die. "

"Heaven is unfair, everything is a ruminant dog."

In the eyes of the great wizard, an angry expression also came out: "But they will not be arrogant for long, I believe that the gods will eventually return, and the saints will sweep the Liuhe and create a new era."

"I hope so."

The head of the old village nodded, then returned to the room, and said to the great wizard on the side: "I let you choose the excellent seedlings, how are you choosing now?"

"It has been selected."

The great wizard nodded and said, "But our future generations are not as good as the next generation. Nowadays, in this generation, only the seventh of Lu Jun's family can still be nurtured."

"One by one is better than nothing. Don't let anyone else pull down, even if it can't be a big job, it can be cultivated as a cannon fodder."

After thinking about it for a long time, the old village chief immediately commanded: "If you examine, if Xiao Qi has a firm heart, he will bring him to the ancestral land. Then I will personally take him to the ancestral land to practice, and help him grow up as soon as possible. . "

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