Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1164: : Fairy Soul


When Nacheng wanted to hear Ye Xiaohu's words, the wizard actually shook his body directly, and was very shocked.

Because in his memory, the people in the whole village didn't know the kingly body.

The words human kingly body will only be known by the great wizards of their generations, because this is the secret technique of their great wizards.

But now the big wizard has learned from Ye Xiaohu's mouth the secret of human kingship, which has to be surprised.

I saw the shaman shaking his hands and asked seriously, "Who is it, who told you, what we are practicing is the human king's body technique?"


Ye Xiaohu shook his head, and then said cautiously, "In fact, I once learned the human kingly body technique, so I know some secrets and characteristics of this exercise, so I can tell at a glance that you and Cui Dalong are both practicing human kingship. Body surgery. "

"Do you know that human kingly body technique, but still suddenly appeared in our pick-up village?"

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, the shaman could not help revealing a shocked expression in his eyes: "Are you a former Chinese immortal in the past, but now you have returned from the earth?"

"China Fairy?"

Ye Xiaohu recalled it, then smiled bitterly: "I did seem to have such a name."

After all, Ye Xiaohu had become an immortal in the heavenly court, so he would have to be called a fairy.

In addition, Ye Xiaohu missed his hometown, so he used the four characters of Huaxia Shangxian instead of his own name.

But he has been away from heaven for thousands of years, but the great wizard knows his name.

This made Ye Xiaohu more curious. He saw his eyes staring at the wizard so hard: "Who the **** are you, why can you guess my identity?"

"I'm just one of your little juniors."

When Naicheng wanted to hear Ye Xiaohu's words, the wizard could not help but smile bitterly: "Hua Xia Shang Xian, please come in."


Ye Xiaohu is brave now, and naturally he is not afraid of the big wizard's conspiracy against himself.

When Ye Xiaohu walked in, the great wizard ordered Cui Dalong to call the old village chief.

Cui Dalong didn't want to go, but in the face of his master's instructions, he nodded and left.

After he left, the great wizard pointed to Ye Xiaohu: "In fact, the reason why the junior knows the junior is because the junior's mission is to wait for you to return to the fairyland in the lead village."

"wait for me?"

Ye Xiaohu said in amazement: "Why are you waiting for me, and how do you know that I will return to the fairy world?"

"In fact, I don't know if you will return to the fairyland, Senior, but everything is arranged by the ancestors. We are just fulfilling the ancestors' wishes."

The big wizard laughed bitterly, and then said to Ye Xiaohu: "As for the juniors, why should they wait for the seniors to return? That is because the seniors said you are the savior of the fairy world. Only if you return, can you change the fate of the fairy world.

"I am the savior of fairyland, wouldn't it be a joke?"

Ye Xiaohu shook his head, a little unbelievable: "The fairy world is so chaotic now, it should be when the saints are born and save the fairy world, not me as a little fairy."

"If there is a saint, then how can we see our immortal relics suffer?"

The shaman shook his head and rejected Ye Xiaohu's guess: "In fact, we didn't fully count on your seniors, because we know that everything depends on our own strength, and only then can we get what we want. But unfortunately, we Let the ancestors be disappointed, because no matter how hard we try, due to the limitation of physical talent, there is no way to restore the glory of the ancestors. Instead, generation after generation, it has now degraded to the point where it cannot be ranked as a fairy. "

"Are you a descendant of the king?"

"Not bad."

"No wonder, you are a master of physical exercise."

After hearing the words of the wizard, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but understand the chest way: "But why is your human kingly body technique a broken piece?"

"The younger generations are not fighting for their energy. When they fought with the neighboring village once, they lost part of the mystery of the kingly body technique, so now there is only one piece left."

The big wizard laughed bitterly, and then said again: "The juniors are ashamed of their ancestors!"

"Nothing, bring me a pen and paper, I will help you to complete the human body's kingly body technique!"

Since it is a descendant of a friend, Ye Xiaohu will naturally not keep a hand.

So Ye Xiaohu commanded, and the big wizard immediately frowned and prepared a piece of paper.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Xiaohu described the human apostasy and made a simple annotation in some important places.

In this way, when the great wizard and others practice later, they will be much calmer than in the past.

"Thank you senior."

Seeing this scene, the great wizard could not help thanking Ye Xiaohu wholeheartedly, and then said with a serious expression: "However, seeing the seniors today, then our task of staying in the lead village can finally be completed."

"What task?"

Ye Xiaohu frowned, "Is this task related to me?"

"Yes ~ ~ Just as the great wizard was about to reply, the old village chief who had received the news came in.

I saw a box in his hand, and he handed Ye Xiaohu with a look of excitement: "This is our ancestors, let us always guard, and waiting for you to return to the fairyland, let us hand over to you, the ancestor said that as long as You can understand everything after reading it. "

"What did your ancestors give me?"

Ye Xiaohu was curious about the result box and opened it on the spot.

As a result, Ye Xiaohu opened it and found that it was a fairy soul.

He reached out and touched the fairy soul.

Ye Xiaohu immediately got a bunch of memories in his mind.

In these memories, there are immortals who fought outside, some immortals fell unexpectedly, and even some immortals are hidden in the world. In short, it was the change of the immortal world ten million years ago.

When the memory flows to the end, a sentence appears in Ye Xiaohu's mind: "Become a ancestor and become an ancestor.

Ye Xiaohu didn't know what this sentence meant.

But he knew that if he wanted to break the realm, he had to at least reach the realm of the sage.

So Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath and thanked the old village chief and the great wizard: "Thank you for waiting for me in this place."

"Nothing, this is what we should do."

The old village chief shook his head and said: "If you don't come to lead the village, then we will shrink in this place for the rest of our lives, so we should thank you."

Ye Xiaohu shook his head whether he could arrange it, and then they talked to the old village chief about the changes in the lead village.

At this time, the guards in a village ran over and said, "Old village head, please go to the head of the village and take a look. Lu Jun has an accident."


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