Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1166: : Cut the Immortal Gu

"No, that would be too much time."

The wizard shook his head and rejected Ye Xiaohu's proposal: "Master Huaxian Shangxian, you may not know that my cousin is a person who must report flaws. Now that he planted Lu Jun to Lu Jun, it would be a declaration of war. I believe that he has already dispatched a large number of people and is coming to our way to lead the village. If we delay for a while, not only will Lu Jun be in danger, we will all be in danger. "

"But Lu Jun's body can't bear it anymore."

Ye Xiaohu shook his head and pointed at Lv Jundao: "Although I don't know, what method do you use to help Lvjun consolidate the body. But since you say your cousin, the talent is better than you, then I believe you think He should also think of a way. So since he planted the immortal Gu, he will definitely not give you the opportunity to unlock the Gu poison. "

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, the wizard was silent.

Because he judged Ye Xiaohu's analysis, there was no problem.

But for the comfort of the whole village, he had to reject Ye Xiaohu's proposal, so he insisted: "No, I must not delay the good chance of relocation in the village."


Ye Xiaohu thought for a while and said: "If you want to move away, then you will move. But Lu Jun is my benefactor. I must not let him die in front of me, so I want to stay alone and save the body for him. . "


Facing Ye Xiaohu's remarks, the wizard was silent, not knowing how to respond.

"Can't hesitate any longer."

Ye Xiaohu saw that the great wizard did not respond, and he said decisively: "The matter is so settled, you evacuate quickly."


The wizard was hesitant for a while and finally agreed to Ye Xiaohu's decision, so he walked to Xiaoqi and said, "Let's go."

"No, I don't want to go."

Xiao Qi shook his head and said, "My father is in critical condition. How can I abandon him and leave alone?"

"What's the use of staying?"

The majestic wizard said: "Your presence will only delay the lord of China to save your father."


Xiao Qi cried. He knew the big wizard was right, but he couldn't bear to see his father stay in the village.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu said: "Let's go! I believe it won't take long for me to catch up with you."

"Then immortal, Lu Jun will leave it to you."

The wizard nodded, and regardless of whether Xiao Qi agreed or not, he went directly to cut his hand on Xiao Qi's neck and knocked Xiao Qi away on the spot.


After the big wizard gestured, he took Xiao Qi's body and left.

After they left, Ye Xiaohu walked to Lu Jun's side, carefully looked at Lu Jun's body, and couldn't help but spit out a sigh of air: "I haven't come back for thousands of years, the fairy world has become such a cruel, like this fairy Gu , Can be planted in the human body at will. "

If it is replaced by tens of millions of years ago, when the ancient heavens still exist, such a spell that has lost its conscience is not allowed to practice and exist.

Once let the heaven fairy's Shangxian know, then they would all be arrested and punished by Heavenly Tribulation.

But thousands of years have passed and everything has changed. Fortunately, the cultivation of immortal Gu and the methods of checks and balances have not changed.

So after observing Lu Jun's body for a while, Ye Xiaohu had a solution in mind.

I saw Ye Xiaohu take the initiative to walk over and use the big sword to open a mouth for Lu Jun on the spot.

When the mouth was pulled away, a stench came out from inside Lu Jun's wound.

"What a terrible fairy Gu."

Ye Xiaohu grunted for a moment, then took out some medicine from the storage space, and used the mana to extract the liquid medicine.

After seeing Ye Xiaohu mix it briefly, all of these medicines were dripped on Lu Jun's wound.


When the liquid medicine merged with Lu Jun's wound, a small red bug instantly rushed out of Lu Jun's wound and swallowed the liquid medicine directly.

"It really is the bloodthirsty gu."

After seeing this Gu poisonous worm, Ye Xiaohu suddenly counted.

Therefore, when those immortal guts ate the liquid medicine one by one, they lay one by one on Lv Jun's skin and remained motionless.

Ye Xiaohu directly used the big sword to cut them off one by one.

As a result, Ye Xiaohu directly lost their vitality.

"The next step is to repair the damage in Lu Jun's body, so as to achieve the effect of healing him."

Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath and simply arranged a defensive formation. Ye Xiaohu first helped Lu Jun up, then walked behind him, running his mana, and poured into Lu Jun ’s back through Lu Jun ’s back Inside the body, help Lu Jun recover the injury a little bit.

But this process is a slow process and cannot be accomplished overnight.

When Ye Xiaohu worked his mana, about a quarter of an hour, he heard a footstep.

At first, Ye Xiaohu could be a complete voice of the big wizard and others, but when his opponent approached, Ye Xiaohu's face changed greatly.

"Great wizard, there are two more people here."

I only heard people walking outside Ye Xiaohu's gate ~ ~ suddenly made a surprise voice saying: "There are also people who had been injured by the wizard before, also in this place."

"It's good to have living people."

Along with the sound, a man in a black robe walked slowly to the door of the hut where Ye Xiaohu was located. Through the gap between the window and the door, he looked at Ye Xiaohu and said, "I wasted my time, and I was rescued. Gu poisonous people, it seems that you are really not afraid of death! "

The black robe wizard laughed evilly, and then took a step forward.

As a result, he had just taken a step and was blocked by Ye Xiaohu's formation.

"A small formation method can't stop the old man for a long time."

After glancing at the formation around the house, the **** wizard could not help but sneer: "Boy, if you are willing to surrender now, and tell me where my cousin is fleeing, then I can not only forgive your sins, but also I can accept you as my apprentice. "

Ye Xiaohu smiled coldly: "You don't deserve it."

"you wanna die."

The black-robed wizard who was despised by Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but roared angrily: "Give me an attack, break his formation, I want to see how long he can stop me."

Hundreds of people rushed over at the command of the great wizard in black robe.

They have released their spells and used their magic weapons to bombard Ye Xiaohu's defensive formation.

At the beginning, Ye Xiaohu's formation was as steady as Mount Tai.

But the time could not be sustained for a long time, so that when the matter developed to the end, the formation of Ye Xiaohu's formation was already in jeopardy.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but frown, and he even planned to split up and fight the enemy.

At this time, a familiar voice rang out: "Cousin, aren't you just trying to force me out? Now that I'm here, you can let go of these insignificant people!"

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