Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1168: : Time is up

"You are crazy."

Seeing Li Chongde's performance, Kong Zhiyi stepped back in horror: "For the two people in the house, you have to burn your own blood and try to stop me?"

Although Li Chongde's actions are concealed, there is still no way to escape Kong Zhiyi's observation.

So Kong Zhiyi could see at a glance that Li Chongde didn't leave because of the two people in the room.

You say he is great.

You say he is hypocritical.

In short, at this moment, Li Chongde spared no effort to fight for Ye Xiaohu and Lv Jun in the room, but also guarded their safety.

"Yes, because the people in the room must not be lost."

Li Chongde looked at Kong Zhiyi cautiously, and then condensed the mana of his whole body, holding a broken sword and killing Kong Zhiyi: "So even if I die, I will stop you for a moment."

"I understand."

But Li Chongde's expression made Kong Zhiyi's eyes stare, and the whole person became excited and said, "Is he coming back?"

"Does it have anything to do with you?"

Li Chongde said with a sneered face: "Now you are no longer the person we lead the village."

"It has nothing to do with me."

Although Li Chongde didn't prove that he answered this question, he also acquiesced in the fact from the side, which made Kong Zhiyi shine: "That is the legendary Hua Xia Shang Xian who can change the fate of the fairy world, he must have a way to help me repair the body The scars that helped me become immortals. "

"What do you want to do?"

Realizing that Kong Zhiyi's expression was wrong, Li Chongde frowned, "I warn you, don't shoot at Huaxia Shangxian, otherwise I won't let you go even if I become a ghost."

"That's what you said after you turned into a ghost."

Kong Zhiyi sneered. At this moment, there is only one person in his eyes, that is Ye Xiaohu.

Under such circumstances, Kong Zhiyi jumped directly to Ye Xiaohu.

"Where to run."

How could Li Chongde let Kong Zhiyi delay Ye Xiaohu to save Lv Jun, so in the face of Kong Zhiyi's movement, Li Chongde directly waved his broken sword and flew up to fight.

"Cousin Li Chongde, don't you forget that you weren't my opponent when you were a kid. You have practiced the tactics, and I also practiced when I was young. But you have no tactics that I have practiced, and I have practiced."

In the face of Li Chongde, who was rushing towards himself, Kong Zhiyi did not have any fear, but instead said a little calmly: "Since you do n’t give up, let me teach you what is beyond heaven."

Kong Zhiyi glanced at Ye Xiaohu and saw that Ye Xiaohu could not run for a while.

So Kong Zhiyi turned around and displayed a set of sword tactics.

As soon as this set of swordsmanship came out, he immediately restrained Li Chongde's swordsmanship.

After all, Kong Zhiyi left with a grudge, so he was thinking all the way, how to crack the sword tactics of the leading village, and the Taoism of the leading village.

So every spell that Li Chongde casts, every sword tactic ... He has a method of cracking, the purpose is for revenge today and today.

So when Kong Zhiyi decided to fight back, Li Chongde immediately became helpless, and there was almost no way to resist.

Bang Bang Bang Bang.

Almost a blink of an eye, Li Chongde's sword tactics were thoroughly cracked by Kong Zhiyi, and they were destroyed in a sudden mess.


I saw Li Chongde exclaimed, Kong Zhiyi broke his defense with a sword and penetrated his left shoulder.


Immediately after Kong Zhiyi threw over, Li Chongde was directly kicked.

Li Chongde had no resistance, kicked out by Kong Zhiyi on the spot, and fell right in front of the hands brought by Kong Zhiyi.

"Give me the favor of taking him down."

After Kong Zhiyi gave a simple command, he continued to walk in the direction of Ye Xiaohu: "If he dares to resist, then don't talk about killing."

After the command was completed, Kong Zhiyi, no matter how his men handled it, carried his fairy sword and came to the formation arranged by Ye Xiaohu.

Because of the temporary formation, the material and formation levels are not high and can only be supported for a while.

Later, he was attacked by a group of people, which had already shaken the formation of Ye Xiaohu.

"A defensive array of golden light can't stop the old man from entering me."

I saw Kong Zhiyi shouted, the fairy sword in his hand radiated a hot light, and then a sword split toward the front.


Jin Guang defensive array, after barely supporting for a while, was slashed by Kong Zhiyi on the spot.

This made Kong Zhiyi relieved, and then he walked towards it step by step, while staring at Ye Xiaohu Road: "Hua Xia Shang Xian, the old man has something to ask you."

"Go out."

However, in the face of Kong Zhiyi's words, Ye Xiaohu, who has been helping Lu Jun to heal, burst into anger and shouted: "While I am not angry, hurry up and let me go, otherwise don't blame me for cutting you with a sword."

"shut up."

In the face of Ye Xiaohu ’s reprimand, Kong Zhiyi, who is used to being a good man ~ ~ could not help but look gangster: "If it is not for you to have a little effect, Lao Tzu will be cut off long ago. Polite? "

"You are looking for death."

Faced with the threat of Kong Zhiyi, Ye Xiaohu fell into a cold state.

Obviously since returning to Earth, anyone who talks to Ye Xiaohu in this way has already died in Ye Xiaohu's fists.

Therefore, facing the threat of Kong Zhiyi, Ye Xiaohu snorted directly: "I have dozens of numbers. If you don't kneel down on the ground immediately and apologize to me, then I will wipe you out immediately, so that you can never Ultrasound. "

"It's only ten counts, and still want my life?"

Kong Zhiyi said indifferently: "Don't say ten numbers, even if it's one hundred numbers, one thousand numbers, how can you treat me now?"





Ye Xiaohu ignored him, counting the numbers a little bit with his cold tone.

As the numbers read out one after another, the temperature in the entire room also continued to decrease, which shows how angry Ye Xiaohu is now.


This time it wasn't Ye Xiaohu who spoke, but Kong Zhiyi directly shouted out the numbers, and said with a smug face: "I shouted for you, so what? I am still alive and not killed by you?"

"Time is up."

However, in the face of Kong Zhi's smug face, Ye Xiaohu actually retracted his arm.

When Ye Xiaohu's arm retracted, Kong Zhiyi found that Lu Jun's complexion turned rosy. Apparently the poison of the immortal Gu in the body was already good, which shocked Kong Zhi.

At this time, Ye Xiaohu went straight out of bed and walked towards Kong Zhiyi: "Now I will give you death."

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